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Six Sigma


Six Sigma: Methodology and Belt Rankings

A scientist at Motorola created a set of methods and instruments known as Six Sigma in the 1980s.

Poka Yoke in Six Sigma: What is it?

Learn about poka yoke and how this error-proofing method is essential for identifying and eliminating waste and flaws.

What Exactly is Six Sigma and How Does it Operate?

Learn more about the Six Sigma business methodology for quality improvement, which methodically eliminates flaws in an existing process.

Green Belt vs. Black Belt Certification in Six Sigma

This blog contrasts the Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt certifications. Read on!

Levels and Motivators for Six Sigma Certification

Learn about the six sigma certification process and the several certification levels, including black, yellow, green, and white belts. Why should you become certified?

Definition, Guiding Principles, and Advantages of Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma is a managerial strategy with a team focus that aims to enhance performance by removing waste and flaws.

How Do Six Sigma and ISO 9001 Differ?

Learn about Six Sigma and ISO 9001 and how these two quality management standards differ in this blog about Sis Sigma versus ISO 9001.

How Should You Get Ready for Six Sigma Green Belt Certification?

Advice on how to improve your business's productivity and delivery timeliness while preparing for your Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification.