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Economic Cycle: Definition and Four Stages of the Business Cycle

An economic cycle, also referred to as a business cycle, describes the swings in the economy between expansion and contraction.

Economic Conditions

Economic conditions describe the state of the economy currently in a nation or region.

Econometrics: Definition and Methods

Utilizing statistical and mathematical models, econometrics helps economists create new theories, test old ones, and predict future trends based on historical data.

Definition and Examples of Economic Efficiency

The definition of economic efficiency is the distribution or allocation of all goods and factors of production in an economy to their most valuable uses while minimizing or eliminating waste.

What Is EdTech? Definition, Example, Pros & Cons

EdTech, which stands for "education and technology," is the name given to hardware and software that are intended to enhance teacher-led learning in classrooms and raise student achievement levels.

Quality Management: Definition and Examples

In order to maintain a desired level of excellence, all necessary activities and tasks must be managed for quality.

Quality Control: Definition, Process, and Careers

A company's efforts to maintain or raise product quality are achieved through the quality control (QC) process.

Financial System: Types, Definitions, and Market Components

A group of organizations that allow for the exchange of money includes banks, insurance companies, and stock exchanges.