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Exam Science

Exam Science

The Benefits of Exam Preparation

Students benefit from exam preparation not only in terms of topic knowledge, but also in terms of life qualities like responsibility, work ethic, and the capacity to function under pressure.
Exam Science

How Individuals Can Benefit from Standardized Exams

Through standardized exams, exam takers' comprehension of important academic concepts that are essential for their performance as learners, workers, and citizens is assessed.
Exam Science

5 Effective Ways to Maximize Practice Exams

One of the most successful learning strategies has been demonstrated to be practice testing. The most recent study on how to employ this strategy in the classroom is summarized here.
Exam Science

3 Ways Online Practice Can Aid Your Exam Prep Plan

Without taking up all of your time and energy, the correct internet resources can be a tremendous help in creating a challenging and successful test preparation program for your school or classroom.
Exam Science

How the Development of EdTech Platforms Has Made It Possible for Students to Study Independently for Exams

One industry that has significantly changed because of its digital paradigm is education. Read this blog to know more.
Exam Science

4 Fascinating Standardized Exam Statistics and What They Teach Us About Learning

Learn more about standardized exam's realities and how it affects both kids and teachers.
Exam Science

Creating Exams

How do you create fair, yet difficult, exams that accurately assess student learning? Here are some general guidelines.
Exam Science

7 Essential Qualities of a Good Educational Test in 10 Minutes

It can be difficult for teachers to adhere to as many good test qualities as they can. You'll receive a brief on all generally accepted qualities, useful strategies to apply them to make your test trustworthy, and top colleges that use them in less than 10 minutes!