Learning Six Sigma approaches can have an effect on your future job. Having Six Sigma Certification on your resume demonstrates your dedication to developing your business knowledge and analytical abilities as well as the company where you work.

Lean Six Sigma: What Is It?

Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that combines Six Sigma and Lean, two well-known business philosophies. This team-centered managerial strategy strives to enhance organizational performance and get rid of processes that waste time, money, effort, and talent. Lean Six Sigma hence promotes the premise that any resource use that does not result in value for the end user is a waste and needs to be stopped.

Lean Six Sigma acknowledges the role of stakeholders in every project's success. Consequently, it realizes the importance of compiling and analyzing data to foster a keen understanding of the effectiveness/ ineffectiveness of the workflow for stakeholders.  

Six Sigma vs Lean Six Sigma

Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma are closely related strategies that strive to solve process problems. They help companies make substantial improvements in efficiency, quality, and time use by examining their function processes. Employing the DMAIC phases, both methodologies help create a problem-solving workplace culture.

While Six Sigma is focused on minimizing defects and process variability for the improvement of the process output and quality, Lean Six Sigma concentrates on reducing/eliminating defects and the wasteful use of resources to enhance workflow and produce more value for customers.

Therefore, Lean Six Sigma is ideal for companies aspiring to simplify their processes and deliver ultimate value for the customer. The DMAIC method provides a clear roadmap, while phased thinking serves as a valuable tool. Contrastingly, the traditional Six Sigma methodology focuses just on defect prevention.  

What is the Six Sigma Certification?

Six Sigma is a certification program aimed at educating individuals in the process of analyzing processes and outcomes in the pursuit of reducing waste and reducing defects. The certification process involves several levels, ranging from a primary end user to a master Six Sigma user.

Six Sigma is a set of tools and techniques used by companies to improve production processes, eliminate defects, and guarantee quality.

What is the Concept of Six Sigma?

The Lean Six Sigma training helps in validating professionals who are skilled in identifying risks, errors, or defects in a business process and removing them. Getting a Six Sigma course & certification usually requires individuals to have a certain level of experience and testify their proficiency. The certification can help you become a specialist in process improvement and will enhance your credibility.

Various Six Sigma Certification Levels

There are various six sigma certification levels, including, White Belt, Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt, and Master Black Belt.

Six Sigma White Belt

It is the basic six sigma certification level that deals with the basic Six Sigma concepts. White belts support change management in an organization and engage with local problem-solving teams that assist projects.  

Six Sigma Yellow Belt

At this level, you know the specifics of Six Sigma, how and where to apply it. You will support project teams on problem-solving tasks.

Six Sigma Green Belt

At this level, you understand advanced analysis and can resolve problems that affect quality. Green belts lead projects and assist black belts with data collection and analysis.

Six Sigma Black Belt

Black belts are experts and agents of change. They provide training in addition to leading projects.

Six Sigma Master Black Belt

This is the highest level of Six Sigma achievement. At this level, you will shape strategy, develop key metrics, act as a consultant, and coach black and green belts.

Requirements For Six Sigma Certification

Per IASSC, to achieve the professional designation of IASSC Certified Green Belt (IASSC-CGB™) from the International Association for Six Sigma Certification, you must attempt the IASSC Six Sigma Green Belt Exam and achieve a minimum score of 70%. However, there are no prerequisites required in order to attempt the IASSC Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Exam

How Long Does It Take to Get Six Sigma Certification?

Each certification consumes a different amount of time. The White Belt certification takes up to 4 hours, while it takes up to 10 weeks to complete the Six Sigma Green Belt Online Certification course and 8 weeks for the Lean Principles course.  

The Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification requires up to three weeks, whereas the Black Belt course takes one to three months or 16 weeks (maximum). The exact period of the certification will depend on the project requirements as well as the certification provider.

Top Reasons to Get Six Sigma Certification

Here are a few reasons why you should get a six sigma certification:

Help Your Organization Reduce Risk and Eliminate Errors and Defects

Acquiring a Six Sigma Certification and Project Management Software like Celoxis enables an individual to become crucial to an organization’s ability to identify and eliminate errors. For example, the Six Sigma process helped General Electric allocate $350 million in savings in 1998, and Motorola to allocate their highest savings of $17 billion in 2005. GE’s savings increased above $1 billion later that decade.

Improve Business Processes and Sustain Quality Improvement

Upon completion of green belt certification, you will be able to analyze a company’s manufacturing and business processes and take steps to improve them. You will also be able to conduct a complete review of current practices and understand how they impact quality performance. More so, certification shows that you can achieve the level of sustained quality improvement that organizations require—monitoring processes closely to ensure there is little to no deviation from the mean and taking corrective measures to reel in a project that may be straying from the path.

Increase Your Value Across Industries

This is definitely one of the most prominent advantages of gaining a six sigma certification. As an industry-agnostic methodology, Six Sigma techniques are applied in aerospace, telecom, banking and financial services, IT, HR, marketing, and many more industries. Individuals having six sigma certification are knowledgeable in dozens of different methods that can be applied to streamline business processes, improve employee acceptance, reduce costs, and increase revenue—all of which lead to a better bottom line, no matter the industry.

Ensure Compliance

Six Sigma demands very high-quality standards. For this reason, a significant number of vendors, procurers, and oversight organizations apply Six Sigma standards when evaluating products or accounts. Professionals with Green Belt Certification can assist their organization in maintaining profitable contracts and complying with international standards.

Rise to Managerial Positions

Once you complete your Six Sigma certification, you will have a clear understanding of measuring and quantifying financial benefits from executing any Six Sigma project. You will acquire risk assessment and financial management skills which are highly valued by middle and top-level management for senior managerial positions

Excellent Salary

Earning a six sigma certification is no small feat. The studies are involving. The exams are not easy to pass. More so, rising from one belt level to the next requires putting in years of actual work. It is therefore not surprising that professionals with six sigma certification are well paid. Professionals with six sigma certification earn over $107,000 and are among the highest-paid professionals globally.

  1. In India, a six sigma certified professional earns over Rs. 20 Lakhs per year
  1. In France, a professional with six sigma certification earns over 62K EUR every year
  1. In Singapore, a professional with six sigma certification earns over SG$53,000 and SG$220,000 every year based on location and experience
  1. In the UK, a professional with six sigma certification earns around £60,000 per year
  1. A professional with six sigma certification earns around €58K annually in Spain
  1. In Canada, a professional with six sigma training earns around C$78K per year

Gain Hands-On Experience in Quality Management

The Six Sigma training process includes hands-on work on industry projects and the implementation of theoretical principles to real-life scenarios. Beginning a Six Sigma course helps you gain appreciated experience even before joining the workforce.

The Importance of Six Sigma Training

Strategic preparation is the key to passing the Six Sigma Certification exam. Designed to align with the course structure of your certification partner, the Six Sigma Training offers a complete introduction to Six Sigma, DMAIC methodology, and the best practices to measure company performance, determine issues, and offer solutions.  

The training process helps you master the following skills:

  • Data Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Lean Principles
  • Measurement System Analysis
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Process Analysis
  • DFSS tools

Some of the best Six Sigma Training options grant you access to several simulation test papers in addition to providing hands-on experience with real-life projects to perfect the skills learnt.

Benefits For Organizations To Have Six Sigma Certified Professionals

Improved Productivity

Pressed for space to manufacture new products, Allen medical employed DMAIC methodology and lean tools to improve the production rate of Arm boards. With their new approach, they saved 45 seconds on average, per arm board, and increased the number of arm boards produced each hour from 5.3 to slightly over 6.

Reduced Costs

Defect reduction minimizes waste, hence results in a low cost of production and higher profits. Failure to create a quality product can be costly. Creating a substandard product or service can significantly reduce its cost. This is the true “cost of quality”

Boosts Clients Confidence in Your Business

Implementing Six Sigma can help to streamline processes and reduce customer satisfaction. For instance, by applying the cross-functional process mapping (CFPM) methodology, Citibank was able to identify wasteful steps in their processes and correct them, with great results in customer satisfaction levels.

Gain Credibility and Stakeholder Trust

Customers and stakeholders trust a company whose employees hold relevant qualifications. If a significant number of your employees are Six Sigma certified, it means that their number one priority will be quality. A company that is driven by quality is competitive and thus instills confidence in investors and partners.  

Reduce Employee Turnover and Training Costs

The DMAIC methodology can also be applied in HR management, as noted in a publication on the research gate. Contained within the article is a case study of a multinational company that was losing millions of dollars due to employee turnover of 35% per year. They wanted to reduce this number to 25%. After implementing Six Sigma, they identified several contributing factors, key among them: poor career prospects and low compensation. To remedy the situation, they introduced new hiring processes and training for new employees, with great results: employee turnover reduced by 10% and resulted in savings of $1.1 million.

Ace Six Sigma Certification

As you can see, the importance of Six Sigma certification cannot be overstated. For individuals, remaining competitive and employable in a world with dwindling job prospects is vital. As an employer, you will have peace of mind knowing that your production lines are run by professionals whose primary focus is quality.

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Jan 19, 2023

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