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Basics of SEO

Although search engine optimization (SEO) has grown in popularity recently, its significance has unquestionably increased as a result of the pandemic's increasing online competitiveness. Despite all the recent changes in our world, there are some things we can always count on: building a strong online brand presence for your company is now more critical than ever, and website rankings are now essential to commercial success.


Search engine optimization and search engine marketing are two of the many talents that make up digital marketing. What do you mean by SEO vs. SEM then? Which one do you want to learn more about? Read this blog to find out why you should learn both to succeed in the digital industry.

How to Build the Best SEO URL Structures

Large websites can quickly become unorganized. The secret to keeping your sanity as an SEO is to have a consistent URL structure. What you should know is as follows.

Performing an SEO Audit

Are you aware of the effectiveness of your website? Any brand that wants to increase traffic and leads must perform an SEO audit. Learn more about performing an SEO audit using the newest tools and advice.

Organic Search: What is it?

Learn more about organic search, how to implement it successfully in your organization, and the value of this channel for your enterprise.

On-page and Off-page SEO Best Practices

On-page SEO is the process of enhancing a website's content and code to raise its placement on search engine results pages (SERPs). Title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and pictures should all be optimized. On the other hand, off-page SEO refers to the enhancement of a website's link profile. This covers the practice of gaining links from websites, or link building.

How to Perform a Search Engine Optimization Audit

Learn how to perform a search engine optimization audit on Simullo

The Best SEO Resources for Competing and Ranking

Here are some of the best resources to learn SEO For ranking & competing, be number one on search engines.