You must continually apply and update your knowledge of search engine optimization’s best practices and concepts if you want your website to rank highly on Google or other search engines. Your knowledge of SEO from yesterday might not be sufficient today. Digital marketing is quickly evolving into a highly complex field that makes it even more challenging to rank a website with poor optimization. Additionally, Google continuously updates its policies, so the technical SEO side requires regular attention. Surprisingly, 90.63% of pages on Google receive no organic search traffic. Be at ease, though! All you need to do is update your strategies using the best SEO learning resources, the majority of which are totally free..

Best Resources to Learn SEO

Below you will find a variety of SEO resources – blog posts (beginner guides to advanced case studies), YouTube channels, forums, and SEO 101 courses. So gear up!

Top Blogs to Learn SEO

Search Engine Journal (SEJ) – Existing since 2003, this industry blog covers everything about SEO and more (PPC, content, etc.). You will find the latest SEO news, what algorithm Google is updating and more. It continues with its weekly column that started in 2016 – Ask an SEO. Here you will find detailed articles resolving commonly asked queries on every aspect of SEO – link building, marketing analytics, local search, content marketing, and so on. All perspectives are contributed by the top online marketing gurus who provide in-depth insights on creating content that internet users value.

SEO Book – Another useful SEO resource since 2003, this blog is Aaron Wall’s brainchild, who has years of experience in the field. The site is dedicated to offering DIY tips to improve your ranking and they are updated time and again.

Yoast SEO Blog – Commonly known as an important WordPress SEO plugin, the creators also have a dedicated SEO tips-and-tricks blog. It has an impressive catalogue that is categorised into SEO Basics and Top SEO Guides. The step-by-step guides here cover keyword research, local search, e-commerce, blogging and more. It features a now-discontinued section – Ask Yoast featuring around 73 SEO-related queries that you do not want to miss out on.

Search Engine Roundtable – This news-like site covers not just about Google but also how other search engines including Yahoo, Bing, are upgrading their search algorithms. Founded in 2004, it packs a bunch of SEO resources including dated interviews, latest news, etc.

SEO Theory – Written mostly by marketing expert, Michael Martinez, SEO Theory must be bookmarked by all. Blogs are regularly published here and all centre around core SEO topics. You will get to know how certain website changes affect ranking and best is, you can apply them to your own approach. It has a dedicated SEO Glossary that will come in handy when you utilise technical SEO.

While these sites are the go-to reads for SEO professionals, other essential SEO blogs, news and updates can be found on Neil Patel’s website, Moz, SEMrush, Path Interactive, Ahrefs, Search Engine Watch and Search Engine Land

.…And When There Is SEO, There Will Always Be Google

Google has plenty of its own SEO-related resources that you should not ignore. Google Search Central (once known as Google Webmasters) is an interactive website that offers SEO professionals, developers, or business owners sound advice through a bunch of articles.

Let’s say, you click on SEO Professional, you will have two options to choose whether your website uses only one programming language like JavaScript or uses multiple. After selecting, you can scroll down to see Google’s recommendations including JavaScript SEO basics, find out many other advanced SEO tactics, page experience signals, etc.

Pro Tip: Bookmark/download the following Google’s important SEO resources by doing a Google search.

· Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide

· Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

Top Forums to Learn SEO

Reddit – Big SEO, r/bigseo, and Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News, r/SEO, are two active communities on Reddit that you can join.

WebmasterWorld – One of the oldest running SEO forums till date, discussion threads centre around improving website experience and Google updates, among others.

Top YouTube Channels to Learn SEO

Some of the above-mentioned blog sites such as Neil Patel, Moz and Ahrefs also have their dedicated YouTube channels. A few other YouTube channels for learning SEO are listed below.

· Craig Campbell SEO

· Chase Reiner

· HubSpot


So which SEO resource do you think will help you more? Or will they be enough to advance your SEO skills in 2022?

Oct 4, 2022

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