


What Is a Brand's Personality? Examples and How It Operates

The term brand personality refers to a set of human characteristics that are attributed to a brand name.

What Is Direct Marketing and How Does It Work?

Any form of marketing that communicates or distributes with consumers directly, as opposed to indirectly through a third party like the media, is considered direct marketing.

The Rise of Holistic Marketing: Everything Matters

As marketing continues to evolve in the 21st century, one of the most successful concepts has been holistic marketing, a strategy to move marketing beyond the marketing department to an enterprise-wide role in strategy for all business functions.

How to Get Market Segmentation Right

The goal of market segmentation—the process of dividing a target market into smaller, defined subgroups of customers with shared characteristics—is to identify the subgroups with the highest potential for profit or growth.

How Do Marketing and Brand Image Impact Market Share?

Sales and market share are directly impacted by a company's marketing initiatives, but these are not the only elements that affect overall performance.

Why B2B Marketing is Important: A Guide for Marketers

Find out what B2B marketing entails, how it differs from B2C marketing, and what marketing best practices marketers should be aware of.

Three Top Priorities for Your B2B Marketing Strategy in 2023

By concentrating on data-informed insights, creator marketing, and cultivating brand advocates, you can position your brand for long-term success.

How Can Marketing Automation Benefit B2B Marketers?

Platforms for marketing automation share some basic functions, but vendors are working to set their products apart with a variety of more sophisticated features.