The phrase "HR" is frequently used in offices and other settings. Actually, a lot of individuals don't fully understand how an HR or human resources department works and undervalue the tasks and obligations that they have. Its obligations and significance must be acknowledged and are not seen as urgent needs. However, a startup company or a firm will undoubtedly benefit from having a successful HR department. It is not advisable to ignore this important division of any organization or corporation. In general, a human resource department will deliver excellent outcomes and assist an institution in creating a fantastic work atmosphere and a wonderful overall development.

The Vital Roles of the Human Resources Department

This HR department is the assisting arm of the main department and will help the firm to execute its work in a much efficient and simplified manner. There are many responsibilities and tasks that are undertaken by this department.

Strengthen the employer-employee relationship

A major role of HR is to improve, establish and strengthen the employer-employee relationship. By this, it is meant that an HR acts as a mediator or a ‘middleman’ between the two parties and also acts as a means by which an employer can get his thoughts and ongoings both workplace/personal across people who sit at the apex.

Workforce Management

An HR looks in matters of tracking employee leave, absenteeism and also overlooks the working and demand patterns of employees. The same is conveyed to those high brow company founders and leaders. The appointment of annual and individual leaves, along with due consideration of the issues employees face on a personal level is just the peak of the iceberg. There are so many matters that an HR has to keep in focus (both personal and professional) and then take decisions appropriately.

Manage Employee Benefits

Additionally, it is the accountability of the Human Resource (HR) Department to manage all the employee schedules, benefits, salaries, bonuses, and perks. Among the numerous tasks that are called HR roles are to monitor and make sure that the new employees are able to adjust to the new work culture and ongoing processes by understanding it. To present a much clearer picture of the work scenario many organizations and institutions have formal training imparted through legit official onboarding programs. It is equally necessary to acquaint new employees to the workplace (orientation) or culture than it is to train them for the work they will be performing. HR is entrusted with the responsibility of the onboarding process. Making this operation much captivating and engrossing is a job in itself too.

Talent Acquisition for Company Growth

Majorly the task of shortlisting, interviewing and selecting potential employees also falls in HR's lap. A diligent HR extension will look for only the best interest of the company and supply only the most suitable and qualified individuals, who are well aware of the job that is bestowed upon them. Doing this is easier said than done. So many factors are to be kept in consideration when strategically hiring. A careful background check along with perfectly matching a potential employee’s qualification with the vacant job position is hectic too. By going through the end number of applications and scrutinizing every single one of them can lead to quality talent hiring, which in turn will benefit the company in many ways. Quality people give quality output. And it’s one of the most important affairs that an HR role is to implement.

Advocate for Employees

It is the HR role in the HR department that jumps in to resolve inter-institutional and managerial disputes. The HR occupies a seat where he is able to have a birdseye view of the entire workplace. What’s more important is to hunt for places and takedown ethics which are not in accordance with labor and employment laws. HR handles cases and complaints of harassment and discrimination above all this.

Human Resource Planning and Development for Organization

In the modern workplace culture, HR executives align their work units with the business growth culture and requirements. The HR role is to make a human resource plan that can show sustainable development. The HR team involves themselves in identifying the right workflows that are pushing the corporate objectives to the end goals. It directly creates a better work culture and peaceful workplaces. This Planning not only comprises of business growth but carters the needs like

  1. Employee engagement planning
  2. Event planning
  3. Company rewards and recognition
  4. Training the workforce for creating happy workplaces

And many more other add-on significances which establish trust with employees to give their best contribution towards business growth.

What is the Significance of the Human Resource Department?

By looking at the above elaborate details on the tasks that an HR has to attentively carry out, many may think that they are pretty basic. Some of the organizations also don’t have an HR department, to begin with, and a few others don’t bother to research its need. The CEO of a company cannot execute his own tasks and that of an HR simultaneously. The HR person specializes in that personal touch. This human stroke goes missing when things and chores are being undertaken just for the sake of it.

Over the years, the HR department isn’t just restricted to conventional ‘hire and fire’ cases. It has evolved greatly and undergone a total revamp with the above key commitments that are necessarily enforced by it. When a very competent and effective Human Resource Department is in place, it has a very sound positive influence on the entirety of the workplace.

If an HR department does its job of administering every employee’s needs at every possible level, without intruding into their personal space; an active and dynamic work environment is enforced. Not only this, the first and foremost priority of an HR department is to mingle into the company’s human workforce and optimize the targets and goals of the company, both long term, and short term.


All in all, it can be said that a slick operational Human Resource Department which is able to pull off its role aptly is the glue that keeps the entire organization or institute together. To put the whole paraphernalia of the workplace in a functioning manner, by keeping into due consideration all the factors and components at the employee and the foundation level both, are the fundamental and vital roles that an HR has to undertake.

Oct 6, 2022

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