Digital marketing is crucial to an organization’s ability to grow its business in the information and internet age. Over the years, we have observed how digital marketing has developed and turned into a crucial component of almost every organization’s marketing strategy. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the key components of digital marketing and is given significant weight because, in comparison to other aspects of digital marketing, it requires very little investment. One compelling argument in favor of enrolling in an SEO certification program.

There are hundreds of small, medium, and large businesses operating in the same market in every industry. However, you will only find some of them if you use Google or another search engine to look for a specific product.

What is SEO?

SEO is a set of activities and methods that are used to increase a website’s position on search engine results pages (SERPs) on some of the top search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. SEO professionals usually have a good knowledge of how search engines work and tweak the websites accordingly to rank the websites higher on the search engines.

There are a lot of factors that contribute to the ranking of websites in a search engine. This is done by crawling the sites and analyzing the information present which can be read by the search engines. This is where SEO experts come into play to provide the required boost to the website visibility on search engines, which in turn leads to better business growth.

What are the advantages of SEO?

You will find numerous reports that state that 75% or more of the web users usually do not go beyond the first page of any search result. Since all of these cannot be wrong and if you consider your own web behavior, it is evident that the first page of the search result is the most important one. Apart from that, there are various other advantages of SEO, like:

· Low investment budget – To start SEO marketing activities, organizations do not need a huge budget. They can start with a team of knowledgeable people who have a good understanding of websites and search engines.

· High ROI – SEO provides the highest ROI as compared to traditional and other forms of paid marketing activities. Most of the people who come to a site by clicking on a search engine result are highly likely to get converted as they are looking for the products available on it.

· Build credibility – Websites which are shown on the first page not only gets higher traffic, they are also considered to have more credibility than those which appear on later pages.

· Results are permanent – Unlike other marketing efforts, the effect of SEO is usually permanent. However, you will need to maintain the activities to keep up the top position.

Why should you get a certification in SEO?

The demand for SEO is growing in the online marketing industry and you should grab the opportunity to have a successful career in it. The best way to start is to enroll in an online certification course in SEO. Some of the major reasons why getting a certification will help you are:

· Most organizations nowadays do not want to spend extra money to train new hires before they can be good resources in maintaining their SEO activities. They want to hire people who already have the knowledge and skills. Therefore, getting a certification will improve your chances of getting a job.

· Based on a Naukri Survey, 67% of the recruiters mentioned that they prefer certified candidates and are also willing to pay higher. This again shows how important it is to get a certification if you want to move into SEO or looking for better job opportunities.

· There are a lot of new start-ups which are getting tremendous investment from various venture capitalists. These start-ups look for skilled SEO professionals who can grow their business and are willing to pay above the industry average to get the best ones. You can have a chance of landing such a job with a certification.

· A reputed certification is always a recognition of your skills and is accepted globally, which increases your chance of getting a job anywhere you want.

Oct 3, 2022

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