If you want to take use of all of Facebook's advertising capabilities, the Facebook Blueprint certification is the way to go. Because it is difficult to keep up with the rapid advancement of Facebook's vast array of technologies, Facebook created the Facebook Blueprint courses and assessments.  

As a result of these seminars, the social media behemoth introduces marketers to every tool in its digital advertising arsenal.

You can find a valuable Facebook Blueprint course regardless of whether you are a business owner, campaign manager, sales and marketing professional, or a data analytics expert.

In this blog, you will learn about the content of the different Facebook Blueprint courses, exam pattern, and even tips on how the Facebook Blueprint certification courses can help you get one step closer to your goal.

What exactly is Facebook Blueprint Certification?

Facebook Blueprint courses

Facebook Blueprint online courses are a collection of 90 digital marketing certification courses that focus on the various tools available on this gigantic social media platform. These courses train professionals to utilize Facebook’s advertising platform to its full potential.

Once you are conversant with certain aspects of this platform, you can take up the relevant Facebook Blueprint test. On successful completion, Facebook awards you with a Facebook certification in the form of an embeddable badge.

For professionals, these courses offer a competitive edge over other media buyers. Moreover, for clients, it means hiring a professional whose digital marketing expertise is validated by Facebook, which indicates proven capabilities.

Each of these courses requires approximately 15 to 50 minutes to complete and it should be chosen based on the Facebook Blueprint exam that you intend to answer.

Each of these 90 courses is laser-focused on specific Facebook advertising tools or capabilities like Audience Insights or Meta Pixel. These are powerful tools that Facebook developed to empower businesses to get the most out of their ad budgets. Even if you fancy yourself to be an expert, there is still so much that a tool developer can introduce you to.

Now, this is what the developers at Facebook do through the Blueprint courses.

They bring you face-to-face with the many capabilities of each tool, equipping you to get the most out of your ad spend.

Facebook Blueprint exams

Facebook Blueprint exams include a total of eight tests that you can take. Six of them have no prerequisites, while the remaining two are a continuation of the Facebook Certified marketing developer exam. So, to pass any of these exams, you must score 700 or more out of 1000. It is only then that Facebook would certify you for a period of one year.

These exams do not necessarily require you to answer in the English language. Instead, you can pick languages like Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, French, etc. Although linguistically flexible, these exams are anything but easy.

Even though they are conducted online, these are proctored exams that you need to answer based on your knowledge. Yes, these aren’t one of those open-book exams that you can glide through.

Let us now discuss each of the eight exams conducted under the Facebook Blueprint. Planning exams and scheduling them will be discussed later on.

100 -101: Facebook Certified digital marketing associate

This is the most basic Facebook digital marketing course. It covers key advertising concepts and lays the foundation for you to start with Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger by running you through the basics and evaluating your proficiency.

You must complete this exam within 90 minutes. It is a stepping-stone for those who wish to start with Facebook digital marketing.

200 -101: Facebook Certified marketing science professional

If you are conversant with the basics and have already put in three years or more in data analytics and profitability measurement, then this one’s for you. This is an advanced Facebook Blueprint exam that evaluates your ability to interpret data and make decisions based on those insights. It is therefore ideal for consultants, data scientists, or those concerned with data analytics and quantification.

You must complete this Facebook Blueprint exam within a maximum of 105 minutes. You can also go through other resources which include study material and a 30-minute Facebook Blueprint practice test, which is a mock test that can help build your confidence.

300 -101: Facebook Certified creative strategy professional

This is yet another advanced Facebook Blueprint exam. It is designed for professionals involved in the strategic planning and implementation of promotional strategies on Messenger, Facebook, and Instagram.

This 90-minute test evaluates the examinee's knowledge of advertising jargon, ad formats, ad placements, targeting, mobile ad fundamentals, data analytics, and several other aspects related to formulating creative strategies.

400 -101: Facebook Certified media planning professional

This 105-minute Facebook Blueprint examination is ideal for those responsible for planning the entire Facebook campaign. That is since it evaluates their ability to align business goals with the promotional plan.

Now, this requires them to have a fair understanding of all the promotional tools available on the Facebook platform and evaluates their ability to use those tools to get the most out of their ad spend.

410 -101: Facebook Certified media buying professional

This Facebook Blueprint exam is all about confirming the media buyer’s understanding of Facebook’s advertising policies and the best practices one should follow while buying ads on Facebook Messenger and Instagram.

This is a 105-minute examination that is ideal for media executives, who engage in social media management, branding, etc.

500 -101: Facebook Certified ads product developer I

As the name implies, this exam is for software developers, engineers, and IT folks at a very basic level. It measures how well they can make use of technical marketing solutions like Meta Pixel, standard Pixel events, etc.

This is a 90-minute Facebook Blueprint exam that includes multiple-choice questions and an hour of technical assessment.

510 -101: Facebook Certified ads product developer II

This is a more advanced Facebook Blueprint examination that evaluates advanced technical competencies such as the individual’s ability to use App Events, offline conversions, etc. This exam best suits full-stack developers and other professionals who are into mobile apps and web development.

This is a 90-minute Facebook Blueprint examination. Later, you'll get a 2-hour technical exercise, which basically involves coding. At the moment, this Facebook Blueprint exam is only available in English.

520 -101: Facebook Certified ads product developer III

This exam goes deeper into the technical aspects such as configuration and troubleshooting of APIs. It is a 90-minute Facebook Blueprint Examination. After the exam, you need to solve a two-hour coding exercise.

This exam is designed for experienced web developers, database managers, and solution architects. Currently, you can only answer this Facebook Blueprint exam in English.

Now that we know what the Facebook Blueprint exams and courses are all about, let’s dig in further.

How can a Facebook Blueprint certification help you?

If your business or profession is in any way concerned with digital marketing, then you might have already used Facebook ads.

This ever-evolving digital platform has a plethora of tools that you may not have explored. Now, that isn’t the reason why Facebook came up with those tools in the first place. Therefore, to help advertisers get the most out of this platform, Facebook introduced its Blueprint online courses.

Facebook Blueprint certified professionals are a class apart — ones that wear the honorable badge that identifies them as experts in the Facebook digital marketing landscape. Now, this comes with a wide range of benefits that we shall discuss.

For businesses

Overseeing business operations can be overwhelming, especially when you are in a target-based role or are running a startup. In that case, your goal would be to hire the best digital marketing professionals and cascade your workload onto them.

But when it comes to operational costs of a business, one of the overheads that consumes a larger part of the budget is inevitably advertising and promotional costs. Therefore, you don’t want to hire professionals who might not be conversant with the Facebook platform, which is undeniably the largest social media platform along with its subsidiary Instagram.

In this case, the Facebook Blueprint offers you two options: to hone your own Facebook skills or to identify professionals with proven Facebook advertising skills. Moreover, for current business models like drop shipping and eCommerce, it only makes sense to be able to manage ad campaigns in-house.

Since these are low-investment business models, it is something that anyone can do on their own.

For digital marketing professionals

Proving how many sales you can crack or might have cracked isn’t easy. More so, when you have a non-disclosure agreement with your clients, compelling you to keep things concealed.

Then, how do you prove your mettle and convince potential clients about your superpowers?

The easiest way to do this is by displaying a credential they can trust.

Upon successful completion of the Facebook Blueprint exam, you get a badge that you can show off on your Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media profiles.

You can even embed this badge on your official website and in your email signatures. So, your clients will know that they are dealing with a Pro.

How much does Facebook Blueprint certification cost?

Now that we have discussed the various exams, you are probably wondering how much the Facebook blueprint exam costs.

The costs vary depending on the country you are living in but to give you a ballpark, these exams cost around $150 each.

You will get to know the exact Facebook Blueprint exam fee only during the checkout process. So, you need to register for the exam and schedule it.

If you fail in the first attempt, you will need to wait for a period of five days, and then you can retake the test.

How to prepare yourself best for the Facebook Blueprint exam?

Before you start preparing for your Blueprint Facebook exam, you should choose the right course and take up the practice exam. This would tell you exactly where you stand in terms of technical skills. You can then pick the relevant Facebook Blueprint courses and start your training.

A point to note is that if your language is not listed under a particular course, then do not enroll for it. The reason is that Facebook does not allow the use of online translation services through external resources. Hence, forget about using Google Translate, dictionaries, or anything else.

Although Facebook Blueprint exams are conducted online, these are proctored and therefore the examinee is closely monitored.

So that’s not just for the translation. In fact, you cannot use resources such as notes, books, or other electronic devices to look up answers either.

Facebook is pretty strict in this regard and if you are keen on getting the prestigious Facebook Blueprint certifications, you need to work hard for it.

Check your device

Before you take the Facebook Blueprint test, you need to have a few things in place. That includes a compatible device, a stable internet connection, and a professional-looking quiet corner with adequate lighting.

Once you have all of that in place, you need to check that everything works. You can do that by confirming your technical configuration through the device pre-check.

Finally, you would have to keep your webcam turned on so that you can be monitored throughout the test. So, make it a point that there are no other devices in the place you choose to take the test.

Even a PC with a dual monitor won’t be tolerated. In this case, you will be asked to unplug one of the monitors and show the unplugged cable. Any violations will not be allowed, and you might even be asked to reschedule the test.


If you want to become a better Facebook marketer and enjoy all the benefits this platform has to offer, the Blueprint certification is the right choice for you. Furthermore, if you’re looking for an online marketing or a media-buying job, the Blueprint certification enables you to distinguish yourself from other Facebook marketers. In addition, if you run a business and wish to hire expert media buyers, candidates who have this certification are a great choice. Moreover, if you already have a marketing team managing your Facebook ads, they should get the Facebook Blueprint certification.

With certifications that remain valid for only a year or two, Facebook ensures that Businesses hire digital marketing professionals with highly updated skills. On the other hand, it compels professionals to learn new skills in tune with the latest trends. So, in conclusion, now you know exactly why the Facebook Blueprint certification is good for you.


Jan 4, 2023

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