Digital marketing certification is essential. A professional digital marketing certification has numerous benefits for anyone who is considering a career in the field.

Digital marketing is soon becoming a choice of profession for many. This is because there is a high demand for trained and certified digital marketing professionals.

Many big, and small businesses are working on building websites, social media profiles and other ways of possessing a digital imprint. They have started seeing the advantages of digital promotion. Advantages like high reach, high ROI, easy to monitor, easy to analyze and manipulate in real-time.

Digital marketing has had a lot of benefits for businesses. They can easily communicate with their target customers via social media. Through social media, they can know the preferences of their target market and the best and worst features of different products or services to improve their product.

They can get free traffic to their websites via organic search results. Blog posts are a way to get listed on search engine results. These posts can help get leads for the business. The best part is that to acquire these leads, businesses had to do no advertising. This saved them so much money they would have spent on advertising on traditional media.

But digital marketing is also a great advantage for marketing professionals. There are many certifications like Google, Facebook Ads, HubSpot, and certifications from many digital marketing courses.

The benefits for professionals are many. They can work from home while earning a high income. Certification can help them earn part-time while studying, traveling or working a full-time job. They can also work as a freelancer.

They can find work online, work as per their convenience and submit work when done and get paid. This can mean many things for the professional like financial independence, income security, less work more pay and the possibility of being your boss.

Let us learn in detail, the various benefits of digital marketing.

Digital marketing skills

The foremost advantage of having a digital marketing certification is learning all the skills without missing anything. A digital marketing course ensures that all the skills related to digital marketing like SEO, SEM, social media, web design and many more are taught to you.

In a digital marketing course, you can learn everything related to the subject. Then you can start working on any one of the areas you feel more comfortable in. Some people prefer wiring SEO content while some prefer social media and others prefer website development and design work.

In a digital marketing course, you will also learn how to promote your content through free and paid marketing tools, if you are publishing your work.

Some people do not want to work for other businesses but work on their blog or want to become social media influencers. Certification in digital marketing will help them learn everything from posting viral content, content in demand, and promoting that content to gain followers and subscribers.

Good digital marketing skills also ensure that a person can achieve the same marketing goals in much less budget since they know turnarounds to save money while creating campaigns.


Certification in digital marketing will give credibility to your skills, especially when you are beginning your career. To get your first few jobs the employer will feel much safer they give you the work if they can know somehow that you have the necessary skills to complete the job properly.

in your first few jobs, you have minimum experience, and your portfolio lacks actual work. Employers always look at the previous works of any professional before offering them a job. Most of the digital marketing work is online and portfolio and certification are the only ways of knowing that the candidate has the necessary digital marketing skills.

There is a huge demand for digital marketers in 2020 but there are not enough trained and certified professionals. If you learn digital marketing, you will be one of the most preferred professionals when it comes to hiring.

Many studies indicate that there is a growing demand for certified digital marketing professionals. Although many people claim to be digital marketing professionals, many of them are not certified or trained and this makes it important to have certification. Now is the best time to take advantage of this rising trend.

More work

Digital marketing certification will allow you to get more work since many employers would require someone with proven skills. by getting certified you have proven that your skills are true and tested.

Big companies always require certified digital marketing professionals. You can find these companies on LinkedIn. All of them would require someone with a basic level of skill.

These days, even small businesses have started to look for certified professionals. When many candidates have applied for the same job, and they have the same experience, the job will likely go to someone who is certified, rather than to someone who has had no training.

You can also have more offers than others who are not trained. This way you can choose between companies based on your preferences. You can have a say in who you want to work with.

More income

You can negotiate a higher charge for your work if you have a digital marketing certification. This again comes to credibility. A professional with a certificate will always deliver a higher quality of work than someone who is not trained.

This is because certified professionals have had training and have learned the standard practices of the industry. They know the correct procedure of acquiring, performing, and delivering the work in a way that is common in the business. There are no unpleasant surprises.

This also makes their conduct more professional which businesses love. professionalism is a quality that certified individuals learn before working itself while someone who is not trained will take a long time to learn it.

As you gain more experience, your pay will also rise faster with professional certification. Digital marketing helps your career advance much faster. In just a few years, your pay will skyrocket. You will have much more negotiating power during pitching work.


There is a tendency for untrained professionals that they think more and do less. As they wait for their first work, someone who was doing a course for digital marketing has already got job offers right after finishing the course.

Someone who has done a course in digital marketing will surely have plenty of internship opportunities. Some institutes offer internships to their students so that they can learn and implement whatever they learned in the course.

There is no need to wait to start working and building your portfolio. This small investment works wonders for their career. With a certificate and an internship already in their bag, it becomes very easy to find digital marketing work for beginners.

You can easily start a blog or open a social media account and try to publish works. If they are good, you can promote it and get a regular audience for your work.

Certification also ensures that your digital marketing skills are current and updated as per the latest standard practices. This is especially true with SEO where Google keeps changing its page ranking algorithm every few months and we can only speculate what those changes have been.

A digital marketing certification from Google is valid for only one year. This ensures that a valid certificate means that the person is adept in the latest digital marketing practices and their digital marketing knowledge is relevant.

There is already a lot of free courses online that claim to teach digital marketing but all they do is tell people techniques that do not work anymore. When you are working in a competitive space, you need the best skills to beat your competition.

If they are working at a digital marketing company, they can also learn the latest marketing techniques that the company uses to deliver high-quality work to their clients.

There are many other intangible benefits of digital marketing. Among other things, it increases your authority.

Certification in digital marketing will also show your employers that you motivated and committed to your work and not doing it merely for easy money. It is proof of your devotion to being the best in your profession.

A digital marketing certification ensures the employer that you are skilled at all of this work:

  • Search Engine Optimization, where you can search and implement the right keywords that are in demand among users.
  • Using different digital marketing tools for the best quality content on websites
  • Bringing users on the business website both organically and through paid advertising
  • Producing social media content that generates engagement among the target audience
  • Using social media advertising platforms for marketing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms
  • Designing websites according to the various designing principles for a smooth user experience
  • Writing and mailing newsletters to subscribers and new users according to their buyer profiles
  • Good at making strategy for pay-per-click advertising to beat the competitors in the lowest possible investment
  • Generating leads through websites and converting them to customers by writing effective promotional content
  • Managing the whole digital marketing campaign of a business to meet the marketing KPIs, like creating brand awareness, generating leads or increasing the conversion rate.
  • Tracking, testing and reporting the performance of the marketing campaign and manipulating it constantly to achieve better results.
  • 16-hour theory and 60-hour practice sessions
  • Online classes can be done at home
  • Lessons from expert trainers
  • Certification of digital marketing that will help you get digital marketing work from home
  • Skills for digital marketing certification from Google, Facebook, and Hubspot.
  • Assistance for finding freelance work
  • Internship

By doing this course you can have complete knowledge of digital marketing. You get internships and help to find freelance work so that you can start earning from home as soon as you complete the course.

Why digital marketing certification is essential?

Digital marketing certification is of paramount importance. This is one of the most trending jobs in the world. Digital marketing is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. The digital marketing budget of companies is soon going to overtake the traditional marketing budget.

Many small and big businesses are going online and need professionals to create websites for business, social media accounts to interact with the target market and create a marketing strategy to achieve business goals. This is because many businesses have realized that digital marketing cannot be taken lightly since the market has changed a lot in recent times.

20 years ago, when people needed a solution to any problem, they usually asked their family members or friends. If that did not work, they looked for businesses in the yellow pages. There were fewer options and they had to make do with whatever they got.

But today, the way people search for answers has completely changed. Today, when people need a solution, they first make a Google search.

Digital marketing is one of the hottest trends in all industries. It is going to become the first choice of the marketing channel for almost all businesses sooner or later.

This huge task of building an online presence demands many skilled and certified experts. But as of now, there is a huge demand for skilled professionals. Learners can quickly fill this requirement by getting digital marketing certification. It is also a great work for people who need part-time working opportunities since you can earn a great sum by working for just a few hours every day.

Let us learn why digital marketing for students, and industry professionals is great, whether done full-time or part-time.

The chief mode of marketing

Digital marketing is growing to be the chief form of marketing for many companies. These companies especially the ones that target youth, like fast food, eateries, fashion, cars and bikes, smartphones, etc. This is because the audience age 15-26 hardly reads newspapers or watches TV. Most of their time is spent on their mobile phones.

Smart technology is present everywhere. Smartphones, Smart TVs, tablets, laptops, etc. that are connected to the internet. All sorts of personalities have started spending a big portion of their daily time connected to the internet.

There are all forms of entertainment and utility apps on smartphones like the web series apps, as well as news and other informative apps. There is no need to consume any other form of media for many people. This is why marketers have to reach them on their smartphones.

Therefore digital marketing is going to be the main method of marketing for all kinds of businesses and organizations to target customers. A digital marketing certification can guarantee you a high-paying job.

Huge demand

Most companies, big and small, have recognized the value of having a digital presence. It could be in the form of blogs, websites, social media content or others. And to build this digital presence they need certified digital marketing professionals. All industries like fashion, food, electronics, travel, hospitality, etc. have acknowledged the importance of online marketing.

There are many jobs available from home in the digital marketing role on job portals like, and others. Many of them are internships or part-time jobs that can be done by beginners from home itself.

Work from home

Students would not prefer to forgo their studies or other activities while doing part-time work. Similarly, housewives cannot leave their responsibilities and working professionals cannot dedicate a lot of time on part-time work. They’d prefer to do a job where they do not have to report to an office every day by commute and they can work according to their convenience, whenever they are free.

Many digital marketing jobs can be done from home. The employers do not mind whether you are at the home, hostel, or traveling, as long as you complete the work on time.

You do not need to leave your house and waste time on transportation. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

More pay for less work

Digital marketing is one of the highest paying jobs compared to the number of hours put in. As a beginner with digital marketing certification but no experience who is just starting, you can easily earn 5k-10k per month right from your first job, even more. You can start from an internship or some basic freelance work, gain experience and build a portfolio.

Within a year, you can easily earn 20-25k monthly. All this while only working a few hours a day. If you decide to do full-time work, you can earn much more after a year of experience.

While doing a job in digital marketing, you also get the opportunity to improve your skills so you can negotiate for more salary from the next client. You can operate as a freelancer and subsequently. Make a team of digital marketers with diverse skills and coordinate among yourselves.

Learn about marketing

This is a great advantage of digital marketing for beginners who are new to the marketing profession. You can acquire more knowledge by working with real companies than you will ever learn inside a college classroom. More internships make a stronger CV.

A strong CV will get a student high-paying jobs than your peers during the university placement season. Working on jobs while in college will be great for your career.

Become an influencer

With a social media account, if you do not want to work for someone else and earn a name for yourself, you can use Instagram or Twitter or any other social media platform to build a large following of users based on good and interesting content.

Once you have enough followers, you will start getting requested by brands for the promotion of their products. You can do brand promotion in exchange for money or free goods. You can earn a lot of money that increases with the size of your follower base.

Unleash creativity

Digital marketing certification for many people is a great step to unleash their creativity.

If someone thinks they are great at writing, they can start a blog and write regular articles and promote it through a Twitter account. If they think they make great visual art, they can upload their works on Instagram and increase their followers as well as get invited to many local events.

This will allow people to see your work and you can take their suggestions to improve even further. You can also use your blog as a portfolio for getting creative work.

Start a business

Once you have enough experience, knowledge, and a respectable digital marketing portfolio, you may start your very own digital marketing agency. You can operate with the local businesses in the beginning and work on getting more clients through referrals. You can also pitch for work online.

Having their own business is a desire for several people because they get to be their boss and get to create something of their own. A business is a legacy that you create in your name.

Easy to learn

The certification for digital marketing for beginners can be earned with the practice of just one month. You can join a digital marketing course and graduate with a certificate. This certificate will help you find internships and full-time work too.

Digital marketing is a skill, and it will get better the more you work.

To obtain a certification, there is a very small investment. You do not need to pay Google anything to take the digital marketing certification test. All this makes it very easy for someone to start a career in digital marketing with a minimum amount of money and resources. The only resources you need are a laptop and an internet connection.

Another advantage is that for getting certified, you do not require any educational degree.

Once you get the certification, all you need to do is create a portfolio and you will start getting jobs right from your home. Your portfolio should represent the kind of work that you can deliver so make it on your own and do not take any external help. As long as you have a portfolio that shows good work you have done, you can easily get jobs from home.

Oct 16, 2022

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