Expert in online marketing

A Google Ads certification demonstrates that Google regards an individual as an expert in online advertising. Google Ads qualifications are available on the Skillshop Google Ads Certification Page (


i-Demonstrate your expertise. Show current and prospective clients that you're a certified online advertising professional with a personalized certificate that you can print.

ii-Help your company become a Google Partner or Premier Partner in the Google Partners program.

Google Partners certification requirement

Certifications are one of the three requirement categories to be a Partner or Premier Partner. The following certifications will count toward the certification requirement: Google Ads Search, Google Ads Display, Google Ads Video, Shopping ads, and Google Ads Apps.

How the Google Ads certification works

When you set up a Skillshop account, you'll get access to the free Google Ads certification assessments and related learning paths that you can use to study for the assessments. To become Google Ads certified in a Google Ads product area, you need to pass the product area assessment that is available through Skillshop. The certifications are available for the following Google Ads product areas: Google Ads Search, Google Ads Display, Google Ads Video, Shopping Ads, Google Ads Apps, Google Ads Measurement Certification. (

i- Google Ads search Certification

Demonstrate your mastery of building and optimizing Google Search campaigns. Certified users will exhibit the ability to leverage automated solutions like Smart Bidding and Audience Solutions to boost campaign performance for specific marketing objectives.

ii- Google Ads Display Certification

Validate your expertise using Google Display to deliver results that get the most from your display advertising investment. Certified users will demonstrate their ability to develop effective Display strategies and campaigns that achieve specific marketing goals.

iii-Google ads Video certification

Showcase your ability to get results from YouTube and Google Video advertising solutions. Certified users will demonstrate an understanding of how to tell effective stories on YouTube to reach potential customers along the entire purchase journey at scale.

iv- Google Shopping Ads Certification

Validate your proficiency with using and optimizing Shopping ads. Certified users will also demonstrate knowledge of how to create and optimize Shopping campaigns that maximize reach and conversions.

v- Google Ads App Certification

Demonstrate your mastery of creating Google App campaigns to deliver business impact. Certified users will show they understand the fundamentals of campaign creation and advanced optimization strategies.

vi- Google Ads Measurement Certificate

Demonstrate your ability to measure and optimize digital ad performance using Google’s measurement solutions. Certified users will show they understand the metrics that matter and can turn key insights into action to improve Google Ads performance and make an impact on their business.

Available languages

The Google Ads certifications are available in 22 languages.

Available languages: Czech, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Dutch, English (UK), English (US), French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Spanish (Latin America), Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese

Assessment passing scores and time limits

You will need to have a score of 80% or greater on the certification assessment. You will have 75 minutes to take an assessment. If you don't pass an assessment, you can retake it 1 day later.

There's a timer that will start to count down when you begin the assessment. You won't be able to pause the timer once it starts. If you leave the assessment — for example, if you close your browser or your computer shuts down — the timer will immediately expire. You'll have to wait 1 day to take the assessment again.

How to stay certified

Your Google Ads certification will remain valid until the product area certification expires. The certifications are valid for 1 year. You’ll need to retake and pass the certification assessment in the respective product area to renew your certification.

Guidelines for communicating your certification status

Your Google Ads certification demonstrate that you're a certified online advertising professional. Here's what you can say to current and prospective clients about this recognition:

i-Your Google Ads certification recognizes that you're a certified online advertising professional.

ii-You received this accreditation after successfully passing the Google Ads certification assessment administered by Skillshop.

Here are some additional guidelines about communicating your certification:

i-You may only refer to yourself as certified if you, personally, have passed the certification assessments. It's not enough for a co-worker to be certified or for your agency to be badged.

ii-You can refer to yourself as "certified" as long as your certification remains in effect. After the expiration date, you won't be able to refer to yourself as "certified" until you pass the assessments again.

iii-You're allowed to mention your certification on your resume, business cards, LinkedIn profile, and other social media profiles. Keep in mind that Google Partners logos can only be used in accordance with our usage guidelines.

The difference between Google Ads certifications and the Google Partner badge

i-Individuals can earn Google Ads certifications. As a certified professional, you can demonstrate your achievement with a personalized certificate issued by Google.

ii-Companies can become a Google Partner or Premier Partner through the Google Partners program. A company that meets the requirements to become a google partner will be allowed to promote itself as a Google Partner. Note that a company doesn't become a Google Partner simply by joining the program.

How to become a Google Partner or Premier Partner

After your company joint he google partner program, your company can build a deeper partnership by becoming a Google Partner.

Becoming a Google Partner means that your company is recognized for maximizing campaign success for your clients, driving client growth by maintaining clients’ campaigns, and demonstrating Google Ads skills and expertise with certifications. As a Google Partner, your company will get access to a wider range of benefits, including the ability to showcase the Google Partners badge on your website and marketing materials.

How to become a Google Partner

There are 3 requirement categories: Performance, Spend, and Certifications. The Google Partner requirements are checked on a daily basis.


The performance requirement helps ensure that you can effectively set up and optimally run Google Ads campaigns to achieve the greatest results for your clients. Your Google Partners registered Ads manager account needs to have a minimum optimization score of 70% – you’re in control, with the ability to apply or dismiss recommendations based on your assessment and your clients' goals.


Your Google Partners registered Ads manager account needs to maintain a 90-day ad spend of $10,000 USD across managed accounts.


Your Google Partners registered Ads manager account needs to have a minimum of 50% of your account strategists certified in Google Ads (capped at 100 users), with at least one certification in each product area with campaign spend (for example Search, Display, Video, Shopping, or Apps).

Account strategists are employees of your company who manage Google Ads campaigns on behalf of your clients. You can inform us of how many users in your company are account strategists and should be certified based on their day-to-day work by going to the company details page, from your Partners program tab and selecting from the drop-down menu.


Dec 15, 2022

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