People can work, interact, and shop whenever and wherever they want thanks to wireless connectivity and the always growing Internet of Things. But there is a cost associated with this convenience. 38.5 percent of Americans were impacted by cybercrimes in 2016, according to a recent poll by the internet security company Symantec. This number is anticipated to increase as more people and organizations rely on the internet every day.

The best safeguard against malicious access to computer networks is provided by cybersecurity professionals. Has your company hired a network defender with certification?

What is a Certified Network Defender?

A certified network defender is an IT professional who specializes in preventing, recognizing, and neutralizing threats to a computer network. These highly technical positions are relatively new. However, they are quickly becoming necessities for businesses and organizations that want to ensure their sensitive data is not compromised.

In their daily work, certified network defenders are responsible for:

  • Scan networks for unauthorized access or malicious activities.
  • Install or update security software.
  • Perform penetration testing to find weak spots in their systems before criminals do.
  • Assess and correct the damage done by unauthorized access or installed malware.

Network defenders must also stay up-to-date on the latest digital capabilities, trends, and threats. This information is used to help them formulate and institute a plan to keep their client’s information secured from all possible threats.

Regardless of the type of business you operate, you need an employee who is dedicated to keeping your digital property safe. Hackers and scammers target all types of businesses in hopes of finding a cache of personal data from your customers they can use to commit various types of fraud. They can also access files that contain information you don’t want your competitors to see, like new product designs or services that are still under development. A certified network defender ensures that your team can only access your private information.

What Does a Certified Network Defender Need to Know?

Like all cyber security professionals, network defenders need to have advanced technical and programming skills. Certified network defenders know how to:

  • Recognize and respond to threats and attacks.
  • Assess existing security protocols and adjust them for maximum efficiency.
  • Design and install defenses based on the needs of their client.
  • Configure, manage, and secure firewalls, VPNs, and IDS (intrusion detection systems).
  • Monitor and analyze web traffic to proactively detect potential threats.
  • Create back-up and recovery systems to lessen the impact of successful security breaches.

Your current IT staff may perform some of these duties already. However, IT professionals are often responsible for training, installing hardware, and other obligations. This means they may not always be focused on defense. A dedicated network defender only concentrates on keeping your data out of the wrong hands.

How Can My Employee Get Certified as a Network Defender?

If you already have IT professionals on your payroll, getting them certified in network defense is simple. A short training class, led by instructors with industry experience, will prepare them for the certification exam. These trainings are geared towards working professionals who need just a few extra skills to qualify for network defense positions. Reading materials and other supplies are provided by the training school.

Once training is complete, students will be able to take the certification test. Like any other test, these exams can cause stress and anxiety in certification seekers. Testers can use these tips to make sure they do their best.

  • Schedule your test as soon as your training course ends. Taking the test while the material is still fresh in your mind increases your chance of success.
  • Make sure you know if there is a time limit before testing begins. This will help you decide how to approach your exam.
  • Some tests may allow breaks. Use them to relax and refocus when the pressure builds.
  • Bring 2 forms of identification to the testing site. These are needed to ensure there is no fraud.

Jan 10, 2023
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