Organizations want highly qualified specialists to lead them through any change that results from process optimization because digital transformation is continually evolving and developing extremely quickly. Business analysts are highly sought-after professionals whose position expands yearly as the business world becomes more and more digital.

Adapting to change for Business Analysts

All processes within the organization are increasingly based on data, and along with this the approach to the role of Business Analyst, their responsibilities and required skills are ever-changing. Let's take a look at what you should pay attention to and what will be the key aspects of adapting to the new conditions of modern Business Analysis:  

Learning new skills

When it comes to organizations whose activities are largely based on data, the crucial skill will be the ones related to effective data management and a broadly understood high-level analytic skills. Having these qualities will help you make propose wise decisions, that will impact the entire organization and its outcomes.

Nowadays, it is important to have a balanced approach that enables the implementation of technological solutions, based on end-user analysis, which helps in creating a well-run business strategy.

The "decision intelligence"

Automation is a very important aspect of modern Business Analysis. It allows you to improve the quality, and above all, the speed and efficiency of all processes. Along with the desire to improve processes, the demand for Analysts, acting on the basis of a broadly understood "problem analysis" and experts, ready to propose appropriate solutions to any problems in which data is involved, increases. This discipline is known as "decision intelligence" - it is about combining social sciences and management and, as a result, enabling effective and wise choices that affect the activities of the organization.

Improving communication skills

With the appearance of remote and hybrid work, Business Analysts faced very serious and difficult tasks. It was in their hands to ensure good and effective cooperation between teams, co-workers, and stakeholders.

An important task of Analysts has also become the skillful adjustment of the strategy, in the form of appropriate cost optimization, and ensuring a comfortable experience during remote work, which requires appropriate preparation and a lot of work put into all related processes, so that the outcome is the same managed remotely as it would be when performed in the office.  

The future of Business Analysis

A few years ago, Business Analysis was a bit of a background for the organization's activities, but now it is definitely one of the most important aspects influencing the success of all business activities. This, of course, has to do with digitization and technological development that is increasing very year. The current Business Analysis is based primarily on the skillful combination of all processes with technology, technological novelties and applications, which together gives a huge set of data which enables analyzing users' needs, and optimize processes, strategies and budget.

Over time, technology will develop more and more, and it will also be increasingly more and more important in the business world.

Some people say that the development of artificial intelligence may reduce the need for Analysts in the future, but it is unlikely to happen, or at least not to a large extent. While AI will be able to play an important part in analytics, companies will still need analysts' well-developed skills to implement and improve processes and strategies. This kind of decisions require set of soft skills, which are not able to happen when it comes to AI.  

Therefore, the growing demand for soft skills of Business Analysts will be likely to happen. AI can work well in analytics from the technical side, but soft skills, such as well-developed social and leadership skills, will be necessary to properly implement and improve all processes. So, artificial intelligence will not take away the analysts' work, it will actually give them more room for maneuver by dealing with the technical part and giving them space to use their soft skills.  

Daily basis hybrid working

Remote work has found a permanent place in business world and will definitely stay with us from now on. If not entirely, then in a hybrid model combining remote work with work in the office. When it comes to Business Analysis, it is very important to make sure that all the processes work properly, regardless of the form of work, whether they are performed remotely or not.  

Well-developed Business Analysis skills are in great demand and will become even more important over time. Despite the increasing opportunities for development, finding people with the right set of skills is not that easy. As a result, organizations will introduce more and more internal forms of development such as internships, all kinds of programs, allowing for the training of analytic skills, etc. Organizations will most likely "take care" of their Analysts, and thus will be willing to invest in their development, considering that technology and digitization are constantly moving forward, which means that skills will also require to be developed with time.  

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Nov 9, 2022

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