The Certified Human Resource Manager (CHRM) is a training and certification course given by the American Certification Institute (ACI) in the United States. This advanced human resource management training is intended for experienced HR managers and professionals. It addresses the challenges they have encountered in their efforts to offer innovation and value to their HR departments within their enterprises. This article covers the advantages that those in the HR management industry can gain by taking the course.

Gaining knowledge and skills

The ACI CHRM certification imparts knowledge and skills in the managerial aspects of human resources, such as developing HR policies and procedures, effective performance appraisals, strategically aligned HR, job analysis and job descriptions, budgeting in HR, HR audit, manpower planning, ROI on training, and establishing effective pay plans. These assist HR professionals in carrying out the hiring process delicately, from creating a skills inventory to conducting interviews; and successfully dealing with difficulties that arise after hiring (such as compensation, diversity concerns, discipline, and so on).

Better job opportunities

Today, most of the roles concerning administration and HR call for superior qualification and knowledge which can enable professionals to execute procedure and policies in alignment with the objectives of the organization. The CHRM program equips individuals to tactfully handle challenges faced in the human resource management function; and accurately aids them to achieve their organization’s objective. So, they have better job opportunities at their disposal.

Higher pay

The CHRP certification earns a quick recognition for them in the field of human resource management, and helps them to get a better job. And better job obviously means better earning too! Forty eight percent higher wages are earned by certified individuals than their un-certified counterparts, say studies. The Human Resources Professional Association and PayScale, Inc. conducted a survey in this regard, and found that CHRP professionals earned 13% higher salaries than their un-certified colleagues.

Professional designation

Upon completing the necessities for the course, you are entitled to use the designation after your name just the way similar designations are used in professions like medicine, accounting, engineering, law, agriculture, etc. You can either use the initials alone (CHRM) or the complete expression of it (Certified Human Resource Manager) after your name on your stationery, business cards, letter pads, etc.

Commitment demonstrated

A CHRM certification approves your knowledge in HR management, endorses your dedication to career improvement, and acknowledges your workplace readiness. It also showcases your newly gained knowledge, training and skills to your current and future employees.

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Dec 29, 2022

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