Python seems to continue to be popular in today's tech-driven, dynamic world where practically everything is changing swiftly.  

Python is one of the most popular programming languages today, and Python certification has emerged as one of the most in-demand qualifications across the board.  You might be left wondering why nearly all tech-driven businesses, from industry behemoths to fledgling startups, offer those with a Python certification such strong priority.

1- A few words about Python

Python is a general-purpose, high-level dynamic programming language, which has been around for almost thirty years now. It’s being widely used in a diverse range of applications — from machine learning to web and desktop apps to network servers and much more.

While Python can be used for small projects, tech giants like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Netflix, NASA etc. also make use of this programming language.

2- Benefits of having a Python certification

By reading till now, if you aren’t convinced enough whether you should earn a Python certification, have a look at the benefits of obtaining one.

2.1- It’s the proof of your expertise in Python

In today’s competitive landscape, it has become more important than ever to obtain recognition for your expertise in Python to be able to demonstrate your skills. These days, potential employers don’t just look at candidates’ portfolios. They also look for different ways to validate the knowledge of candidates.

When it comes to recruiting Python programmers, recruiters frequently look for Python certifications to shortlist candidates who’ll receive a further chance to demonstrate their skills at the next interview rounds. Not having a Python certification will certainly lower your chances of getting through the first round of the selection process. And this is probably the biggest benefit of obtaining a Python certification.

2.2- Gives you a sense of achievement

Even if you’re a great Python programmer, the sense of achievement of a goal always motivates you to go that extra mile. From that point of view, earning a Python certification gives you the much-needed motivation to put your best foot forward. In addition, investing time and effort to earn the certification offers you another chance to check and validate your skills.

This is extremely crucial for any learner to clearly understand where he or she stands with respect to the learning process. In other words, preparing for getting a Python certification not only helps you evaluate your skills and find out areas for improvement but also provides you with an objective overview of your entire skills profile, which is perhaps the second biggest benefit of trying to earn a Python certification.

2.3- It gives you a competitive edge

As the demand for Python programmers is growing exponentially, having a Python certification helps you stand out of the pack, especially when there’s also a rise in the number of developers, programmers etc competing for some of the best jobs.

A Python certification not only acts as a proof to employers that you’ve got the necessary expertise but it also lets them understand that you’re actually willing to expand your knowledge, which is another major benefit of obtaining such certification.

2.4- Paves the road to better jobs

Having a Python certification means you’re more acceptable to reputable recruiters in your domain.

As we’ve already discussed that a Python certification has become one of the key requirements to a number of recruiters, such a certification can greatly help you move a step closer to landing better and high-paying jobs.

As a fact, certified professionals generally earn more than their non-certified peers. So, once you’ve earned a Python certification, you’ll be in a position to expect a higher salary with more prestigious job positions. In short, having a Python certification strengthens your position as an expert. You should keep in mind that whenever your resume reveals that you’ve specific skills, you’ll need to prove them and only a certification can help you attain that goal, at least at the initial screening stage.

2.5- You’ll bring lots of benefits to organizations

From an organizational aspect, having employees with a Python certification brings a multitude of benefits to it and that’s why a significant percentage of companies not only try to recruit certified Python professionals but also encourage existing employees to obtain Python certification.

Having employees with a Python certification is considered as the benchmark of knowledge and skills that can be incorporated into an organization’s skills framework, and ensures that teams working on different projects are trained to expected and consistent levels of the desired skills. Certified professionals also help to minimize downtime as they come with proper skills to deal with issues and solve different complex problems faster than their non-certified peers.

In short, with a Python certification, you are aptly suited to bring accuracy and efficiency to a company and that’s the key reason why lots of potential employers emphasize on recruiting certified Python professionals.

3- Why you should try to earn a Python certification?

You may ask why we are emphasizing on obtaining a Python certification over certifications in other programming languages. Let’s have a look at the benefits of trying to earn a Python certification in particular.

3.1- It’s easy to learn

The biggest benefit of trying to obtain a Python certification is that this programming language is extremely easy to learn and you can use it as a stepping stone into a broad range of other programming languages and frameworks.

If you’re a complete beginner who is trying to step into the programming world, the first thing you probably want is the simplicity of the language you’re looking to learn.

Once you complete your Python certification, you can always explore other programming languages to broaden your knowledge rather than being confined to a single language.

3.2- It’s versatile

Even though Python is an easy to learn programming language for beginners, it comes with all the resources and power necessary to get high-end work done. Almost everything can be done using it and there’re lots of serious projects developed with Python.

Once you’ve obtained a Python certification, you can find lots of opportunities in data science, web development, machine learning, AI, game development, and more. So, if you want to step into the coding world but aren’t sure how to go about it, probably earning a Python certification would be your best bet.

3.3- It’s of increasing value and demand

We’ve already discussed that a number of industry leaders use Python as their primary and secondary programming language, which demonstrates that the growth of this language is almost evenly spread across industries.

And because of its simplicity, user-friendliness, scalability, and innovative nature, Python is also preferred by a large number of startups.

So, having a Python certification means you’ll never run out of valuable job opportunities.

3.4- It boasts of a huge community

Another major benefit of trying to obtain a Python certification over other programming languages is the presence of a massive community. You’re probably aware of the fact that a robust community is extremely handy when you’re learning a programming language or developing a project using it. If you face any technical issue or have any query while learning or developing projects using Python, you can always seek guidance from thousands of Python community members on social media platforms, forums, Q&A websites, and more.

In addition, since Python is open source, if you want, you can learn every aspect of it to strengthen your knowledge. This combination of a massive and active community and openness means almost everybody, from professional developers to casual programmers, can engage with Python at the level they need.

3.5- It boasts of huge resources

Python boasts of a huge number of standard libraries, which is another key benefit of learning it. The more it’s being used by people and companies, the more resources are being developed around it to help developers accomplish complex tasks without many coding difficulties.

Today, Python has become the leading tool for the scientific community, thanks to its varied specialist libraries.

There’s PyGame for game development, NumPy for data science, and TensorFlow for machine learning, just to name a few.

Wrapping up

Obtaining a Python certification is worth considering if you’re trying to take your career to the next level in terms of better job positions and a higher salary. This programming language is chosen by some of the best companies in the world and it’s growing quite fast. It’s approachable, versatile, simple, and complete at the same time.

Python is also a perfect choice for machine learning, data visualization, and data analysis. So, if you’re planning to step into the field of data science, earning a Python certification is probably the first thing you should aim for.

One thing you should remember is that there’re several institutes that offer training courses on Python.

You should try to enroll with an institute where the courses are taught by experienced professionals who know everything about Python and can help you gain complete knowledge of the language.

The other two things you should focus on include the scope of practicing your skills and reasonably priced course fees. Ideally, you should opt for a Python certification program that includes hands-on training and certification to optimize the benefit of your investment.


Nov 15, 2022
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