For a variety of reasons, people sit for the CAPLE exam to prove their second-language competency in European Portuguese. This blog will go over the advantages of having a globally regarded certificate of proficiency in this piece.

Study in Portugal

As well as being a beautiful country with a vibrant cultural life, Portugal has an excellent higher education system. Top universities in Portugal include

  • University of Lisbon, which is world-class in several subjects such as art and design, and geography, and runs the CAPLE exam;
  • University of Coimbra, one of the oldest higher education institutions in the world;
  • New University of Lisbon, which is excellent for specialized courses in the scientific and financial areas; and
  • University of Porto, whose state-of-the-art research facilities have recently made it the top Portuguese university in the QS rankings.

All these institutions offer first-rate higher education courses in very attractive locations (Lisbon, Porto, and Coimbra). One of the main reasons people take the CAPLE exam is to prove their Portuguese proficiency and gain access to the highly desirable services they offer.

Get a Job in Portugal

Although not an economic giant like Brazil, Portugal has a thriving service industry (nearly 75% of Portugal’s GDP is generated by the tertiary sector) and a strong tourist sector (particularly in the south of the country), and it is a world leader in the generation of renewable energy. To gain access to these opportunities, passing the CAPLE exam is highly advisable. If you have the CAPLE certificate on your resume, then your job application will automatically be taken more seriously.

Get a Job Outside of Portugal

Although most jobs in the USA that require Portuguese skills will focus on Brazilian Portuguese, the two variants of the language are mutually intelligible, and the CAPLE is just as attractive to US companies as its Brazilian equivalent, the CELPE-Bras. Portuguese is an in-demand skill, and either of these qualifications is an asset in the US job market. In addition, Portugal does a high volume of trade within the EU (particularly with Spain, France, and Germany), and there are therefore a number of job opportunities in EU member states for Portuguese speakers. In these, the CAPLE is preferred, as European Portuguese speakers tend to favor what they regard as the “correct” version of the language.

Become a Portuguese Citizen

This is another important reason why people take the CAPLE exam. Candidates for Portuguese citizenship must pass the CAPLE at CIPLE (A2) level or above. Portuguese citizenship is highly desirable for a number of reasons, not least because Portugal is an EU member state, and by becoming a citizen of Portugal you gain freedom of movement across a whole continent.

Improve Your Portuguese

If you want to learn European Portuguese for reasons not covered above, you still might want to consider taking the CAPLE. A major reason why people take the CAPLE exam is simply because they want to provide a focal point to motivate their Portuguese learning.  

Dec 7, 2022

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