Today's job market can easily distinguish between professionals and recent graduates who have traditional degree certifications and professionals who are interested in continuing education and have globally-recognized certifications such as Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Six Sigma Black Belt Training. Many employers now regard some level of Six Sigma certification to be a basic consideration. Professionals with Six Sigma qualifications are often regarded for higher-level roles in numerous firms throughout the world.

Six Sigma was invented by Motorola in the 1980s and then promoted globally by Ford, Toyota, and General Electric. So, why are Six Sigma certifications so popular around the world, and why should you be Lean Six Sigma certified?

Top 10 Reasons to Get Lean Six Sigma Certification

1. Application of Knowledge across Industry Verticals

We all know that the Six Sigma methodology can be applied to the manufacturing industry, but it can also be applied across industry verticals such as telecom, IT, aerospace, and healthcare, shipping, banking, and financial services, HR, and marketing.

By having a Lean Six Sigma credential, you will be able to extend your quality management career across industry verticals irrespective of geography. The certification benchmarks your hard-earned skills and increases your employability as your skills will be applicable in almost any company in the world.

2. Guide your Organizations Effort to Reduce Errors and Defects

The main objective of Lean Six Sigma is to help enterprises to reduce errors and defects and provide. By having a Lean Six Sigma credential you will be able to help your organization’s effort to improve production time and cost. With the practical application of Kaizen and mistake-proofing, you will be able to lead improvements in a quick turnaround time.

In the IT environment, Lean Six Sigma knowledge helps to reduce errors, customer complaints, IT spending, and schedule slippages. You will shine the brightest among your peers if you are able to apply Six Sigma concepts in an effective manner.

3. Achieve High Customer Satisfaction Rates

Not only Lean Six Sigma reduces defects and increases efficiency but it can be applied to reduce customer complaint rates as well. Businesses depend a lot on the quality of services which has a strong bearing on customer satisfaction and which in turn increases customer loyalty. One way to increase customer satisfaction is by reducing the number of defects in products which in turn reduces customer unhappiness.

4. Six Sigma Helps to Improve Business Processes

As a professional, when you achieve the Lean Six Sigma credential, you will have a greater understanding of the organization’s business processes and you will be able to measure, analyze, control, and improve them. You will also be able to conduct necessary reviews of current practices and gain a better understanding of their impacts on the services offered. Personnel who have the requisite skills to improve processes are hand-picked by organizations across the globe.

5. Ensure your Organization Adheres to Industry and Government Standards

In today’s service-based environment, industries and governments use Six Sigma metrics to review vendors and award critical contracts. So with the Six Sigma credential, be a part of the change and lead Six Sigma strategies in your own organization to get profitable and business-critical contracts in both the private and public sectors.

6. Maximum Utilization of Organization’s Resources

With the Lean Six Sigma credential, you will be able to demonstrate to your organization and your colleagues to utilize resources in an efficient manner. And because of this, the business cost of operations, materials, and time will be reduced. With the application of the Six Sigma methodology, there will be fewer resources utilized for course correction and more towards process improvement. This in turn will reduce defects and errors and more emphasis on marketing and sales.

7. Six Sigma Makes You Stand out from the Crowd

When you start your Six Sigma journey in your organization, you will be at the forefront of everything. You will be the one who will drive initiatives to improve processes in your organization. Six Sigma credential makes you stand out from the crowd from other uncertified counterparts in your organization. Help your enterprise to implement Six Sigma tools and training to provide the unique infrastructure of people who can deliver major performance and efficiency transformation.

8. Helps you to Take on Leadership Roles

Six Sigma has various levels of certifications such as Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt, and Master Black Belt. When professionals have Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification, they are now educated in Six Sigma methodologies and lean concepts. They are now prepared to be the ones who will drive the change in their organization and will lead efforts to improve processes and the quality of services offered. The Lean Six Sigma Black Belt credential will make you the prime candidate for promotion towards senior management and helps to take on leadership roles in your organization.

9. Excellent Salary Remuneration

Six Sigma professionals are one of the highest-paid professionals globally. According to PayScale, the highest average annual salary for Six Sigma professionals in the US goes up to USD 147,000 depending upon the experience, and expertise you bring to the table.

  • Six Sigma Yellow Belt Professionals: USD 63,000
  • Six Sigma Green Belt Professionals: USD 70,000
  • Six Sigma Black Belt Professionals: USD 90,000
  • Six Sigma Master Black Belt Professionals: USD 147,000

10. Differentiates your Organization from Competitors

Six Sigma certified workforce will help an organization to differentiate itself from the competition. Key decision-makers will find Six Sigma to be the best methodology that is applicable to most of its business processes. Just as Motorola, GE, Ford, and Toyota found out the benefits of Six Sigma, even your organization can implement Six Sigma and save money, time and improve the quality of services offered.


Lean six sigma certification offers an all-around development of the professional, be it professional capabilities or financial well-being. Starting your journey with the Lean Six Sigma certification would give you a chance to build a glorious quality management career.

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Jan 15, 2023

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