If the past two years have taught us anything, it is that sudden, unpredictably occurring change is unprecedented, as is the use of the phrase "unprecedented," I would add.

You may be familiar with the clever little acronym VUCA. It's currently on steroids.  

Responding to the pandemic, climate change, supply chain problems, hybrid and remote working, changes in the geopolitical landscape, hiring and retaining staff, and the expanding societal challenges that are crucial to our work including wellbeing, diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace... Any leader would be justified in wanting a cup of tea and a little downtime.

These are intricate, interconnected issues.

What characteristics of leadership do we therefore need to develop? To tackle these challenges, what "leadership muscles" do we need to develop? What is under our control when it seems like so much else isn't? Simply said, it's how we conduct ourselves as a leader.

Here are seven traits of leadership that have always been significant. But they are now essential. The most recent studies and my observations as a leadership coach point to these attributes as emerging as crucial for our times, while this list is not exhaustive and effective leadership is context-dependent.

  1. Trust

Trust is one of the most essential forms of capital a leader has. But did you know there are actually two types of trust?

Cognitive trust is the one we think of most commonly. It relates to capability, competence and dependability. It’s earned when we’re transparent about our intentions, when we follow through and when we prove to be reliable.

The second is called ‘affective trust’. This one has to do with warmth, interpersonal care and emotional bonds. It’s built when we feel a leader genuinely cares about us, that they show us goodwill. One of the most powerful ways you can build affective trust is to show a little bit of vulnerability – sharing our emotions and struggles when it’s appropriate and helpful to others. The research on this is compelling when it comes to creating psychological safety and trust in teams.

  1. Values- and purpose-led

What’s important is not only knowing what your values are, but also turning them into observable behaviors. Values should be verbs. They also act as a compass for your decision-making. While it won’t always mean you follow the easiest path, making decisions based on your values means you’re more likely to feel comfortable with the decision you’ve made long after you’ve made it.

  1. Clarity in communication

Communicating clearly when you’re just trying to keep up with yourself is hard! But here are what the leaders who are good at communicating clearly do well:

  • Be transparent. Don’t pretend you have all the answers – instead simply share what you know and admit what you don’t.  
  • Communicate often, especially in times of crisis or big change. In those situations, it’s almost impossible to overcommunicate.
  • Avoid corporate-speak and jargon. Find your own voice and say what you mean. Be real.
  • Use stories and metaphor to connect. And if you’re not sure how, Jehan Cassinader is a maestro in this space.


  1. Empathy

A lot of people think empathy is a bit soft or touchy-feely – a ‘nice to have’ in business. But there’s lots of research that shows empathetic leadership drives significant positive business results like retention, innovation, engagement, motivation, performance, wellbeing, and cooperation.

Embrace radical humility. It’s OK to not know. In fact, it’s not what you know, but what you’re willing to learn that provides the space for empathy. Secondly, embrace radical difference. Empathy doesn’t start with “I’m like you”. Rather it recognizes that experiences and perspectives are different – and that engaging fully even when it's uncomfortable, and practicing deep listening and curiosity, is the route to empathy.

  1. Listening skills

The best leaders know how to really listen. They listen to understand, not just to reply. They listen with all their senses. They give people their full attention and they ask curious, open-ended questions. They paraphrase to check for understanding. This all seems obvious, but research shows that the average person listens at only 25% efficiency.  

  1. Think differently

Now more than ever, we need to adapt and learn new approaches to solving problems quickly. We need to think differently rather than sticking with the usual solutions or problem-solving practices we’ve relied on in the past. How can you think differently? Do small experiments and pilot tests, and then review. You don’t have to go all in. Embrace diversity. Reward people for identifying problems and opportunities and generating ideas to tackle them. Ask thought-provoking questions. Look for solutions in unlikely places.

  1. Courage

Perhaps the most powerful leadership quality, and one that underpins all the others, is courage. Courage might look like:

  • Abandoning a practice that has made you successful in the past but which no longer serves you
  • Uncovering your biases and then taking meaningful action
  • Admitting to your team when you have made a mistake or asking for help
  • Not asking others to stick their neck out or be vulnerable unless you’re willing to model that
  • Choosing a strategy which is risky
  • Persisting after the first failure (and the second)
  • Leaning into, as opposed to avoiding, an uncomfortable conversation with compassion for everyone involved
  • Making decisions based on your values, even when it’s difficult

If all leaders embraced these qualities and were purposeful in cultivating them in their leadership practices, not only would their teams benefit, but it would make what is sometimes the tough, isolating and teeth-gnashing experience of being a leader, a better and more fulfilling one. What do you think?


Oct 11, 2022

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