The HSK Exam: What is it?

The HSK exam is a Chinese language competency examination for non-native Chinese speakers that was created, administered, and recognized by the government of China. HSK, or Hany Shupng Kosh, is an abbreviation for the Chinese Proficiency Test.

The HSK exams fall under Hanban – a department under the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. The HSK exams have been designed on the basis of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) which means they are similar to German or French exams for foreigners.  

How Many Levels Does HSK have?

The HSK exams have a total of 6 levels. When a non-native speaker completes the sixth level their command and mastery over Mandarin is the same as a native speaker!  With each level, the students learn new vocabulary and characters (known as hànzì – 汉字) in Mandarin.

The students also learn new word structures, grammar patterns that increases their range of communication on different topics. As they go forward, they will become more comfortable about discussing everything from the weather to the business with a local Chinese citizen.  

What is the Format of The HSK Exam?

HSK exams are created to test the student’s ability to understand Mandarin (spoken and written), to retain large amounts of vocabulary (reading and writing) and to communicate effectively (spoken and written) in Mandarin.  

At HSK-1 and HSK-2 level, the student is tested only on the listening and reading ability. These two levels are elementary levels and the exam is a Multiple Choice/Objective exam. HSK-1 and HSK-2 are considered to be the easiest exams in the whole spectrum.  

HSK-3 onwards Hanban tests students on reading, writing, listening and speaking ability. These tests require sincere efforts and love for the language to score well. Students who prepare for HSK-3-6 are able to communicate in Mandarin about routine activities and also express their thoughts and feelings in an informal setting.  

When Are the HSK Exams Conducted?

HSK exams are conducted every month globally. The Official HSK website hosts the details of the schedule, centers, timings and exam results. All you need to do is sign up and register.  

How Difficult is the HSK Exam?

Okay, first off we would like to take this opportunity to clarify that Mandarin is not as difficult as it is made out to be. Hence, the HSK exams are also not as difficult as you might imagine. But that does not mean that passing HSK exams are a cakewalk.  

Studying Mandarin requires sincerity, dedication and hard work! But doesn’t this apply to any other language or skill as well?  

Is the HSK Certification Valid for Education or Employment in China?

Yes! HSK certifications are highly-coveted by foreigners who are looking for jobs or education opportunities in Mainland China. Chinese companies and Chinese Universities recognize HSK certifications because they are issued by the Government of China.  So when you pass HSK exams you are opening yourself for better educational and career opportunities.


The Chinese language is not something that can be self-taught. It needs a good teacher, great study material and constant evaluation before you give the HSK exam.  

Thank you for reading this blog!  

Dec 6, 2022

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