What Exactly is CX?

The contemporary economy is actually being driven by consumers. Sales have been shown to be rather high for businesses who invest in techniques to achieve a great customer experience. In actuality, brand value is proportionally correlated with customer experience, and to our surprise, the correlation is exponential in nature.

It wouldn't be incorrect to say that today's company leaders are all focused on the client experience. Experiences are highly valued by organizations, which makes sense given that they have the potential to influence customers and even alter their minds.

To Quote:- John Koetsier, Forbes Columnist, VP of Insights at Singular

“Customer experience means caring. I recently went to the Apple Store in Vegas to buy a new case. An employee saw that my Apple-branded case was cracking and gave me a replacement, no charge. How do you think I feel about Apple and Apple service now?

That doesn’t always mean free stuff, which not all companies and not all business models support. But it does mean treating a customer like a person, not a unit. An individual, not a wallet with legs. The challenge for modern brands is to do that on all critical platforms their customers use, both digital and physical"

So, if we narrow down the gamut of customer experience, it is the aggregate of the A-Z experiences of the customer with a brand.  Now, as a business leader or a CX pro, it is your job to strategically use CX and augment the needed measures to weave emotional engagement with customers.  

Introduction To CCXP

Eavesdropping on your less experienced yet more successful friend's success, you definitely feel tempted to stepping forward and showcasing your skills.  Now that's a pretty good decision. But if you are contemplating and planning to outline your capabilities based on the old school method, the journey would not be the same as it was years ago. Time has rolled by and competition has increased.  To mark your presence in the industry, you need to have a CV and it has to be rock solid. You need to have stamped proofs to speak on your behalf to gain respect first, and a job, next.  

Speculations aside, it's time to introduce yourself to CCXP. Nothing to be nervous about, it is not a fancy term for certified CX professionals, you see Certified Customer Experience Professionals – CCXP is one of the most credible CX certification in the world. Yes, you got that right in the world.  

To make this easy, CCXP is a certification program meant for professionals who are planning to have a career as CX professionals. While they can do a good job without it, having a certificate that orchestrates your stand in the industry, and highlighting your values, places you one step ahead.  

It validates every word that you say in your favour of being a credible CX professional. Or to put it this way, CCXP is a designation for the CX practitioners, helping them gain recognition in the talent-flooded industry.  

So, the purpose of CCXP can be narrowed down to three major aspects:  

●      CCXP promotes continuous support and commitment toward the practitioners in accordance with the need to stay at par with the industrial standards. This helps in defining and sketching a third party global framework which can assess the skills as well as the competencies of CX practitioners

●      It helps individuals gain CCXP accreditation through a successful examination and ongoing re-certification process. This help demonstrates the proficiency of their skills and knowledge as needed to render effective CX expertise and leadership.

●      To demonstrate the commitment of a professional and assess the urge to remain versed with the ongoing trends in the CX field across all business verticals.  

●      To assure the business organization that the certified CX professional is precise, the CCXPs are well versed in the domain and hold tremendous experience which can improve CX.  

So, it is pretty clear that CCXP is not just a prefix that you add to your name but a credit for being who you are and the skills you possess. On the whole, CCXP is the need of CX professionals today.  

Need Of CCXP

Why CCXP? Why would you spend your time and money on something you already excel in?  

Definitely a very good question! Read this:

“Forrester Research thinks we are at the beginning of a new 20-year business cycle that they call “The Age of the Customer.”

So, picturing a business 20 years from now means witnessing a shift and that would loop toward the importance of customers.  So, the idea of putting customers first, though new, is deterministic enough to last for the next 20 years. In the event of customer empowered generation, business leaders would definitely require professionals that are not just consultants but adept in managing CX and own the state of art expertise to engage with customers.  

Next, let's see what a CCXP does and why do you actually need it:

a)    To gain recognition as an independent vendor-agonistic-CX professionals worldwide.  

b)   To make your profile accessible and visible to the leaders across the industry.  

c)    To add credibility to the profession, mandating the need to hire CX professionals.  

d)   To help organizations align business goals with customers' expectations, adhering to the importance of the latter in accomplishing the former.  

e)    To boost the skills of professionals and help them enhance their expertise to grow and emerge out as better CX experts.  

Worth it, right? Of course, it is. Who wouldn’t want to have a global recognition when being given an opportunity for the same. Remember, CCXP might sound peculiar right now, but the pace at which the business economy is fidgeting, having such a title along with your name will only do good.  

Facts Related To CCXP

Until now, we have had this idea that CCXP is a certification program that tests the level of a mastery held by a professional in the CX field. Agree?  

Yes! Before moving ahead with the terms and conditions of the CCXP program, let's walk down a few facts related to CCXP:

●      Founded in 2011, the Customer Experience Professionals Association is the premier global non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and cultivation of the Customer Experience profession.

●      CCXP is a computer-based test, taken under a proctored environment

●      The test earlier had 70 multiple choice questions, however, the updated version now has 100 questions.  

●      A candidate is expected to score at least 80% to pass the examination and the given time frame is three hours.  

●      The exam is based on a total of six subjects with the weight of each being:  

○   VOC, Customer Insight, and Understanding - 13%;

○   Customer-Centric Culture - 16%;

○   Experience Design & Improvement - 16%;

○   Organizational Adoption & Accountability - 19%;

○   Customer Experience Strategy - 16%;

○   Metrics, Measurement & ROI - 20%.

●      The examination fee is $495 for the CXPA members and $695 for non-members. In case you fail, members need to pay $199 for retake whereas the non-members need to pay $349.

CCXP - Eligibility

To be a certified professional isn't as easy as it appears to be. You need to climb up the ladder. If you’re determined to be a CCXP expert, the first thing that you need to do is check your eligibility. No matter how hard you prepare, unless you are qualified enough to be eligible, you won't be allowed to sit for the test.  

Without debating on the need of being permitted, let's see what are the basic terminologies that determine whether or not, you are entitled to pursue the program:  

Note: CCXP is open to all across the world and irrespective of the fact that you aren't a CXPA member, you still can apply. The elements of CCXP certification has been divided into parts, one the educational requirements and other being the experience terms. The duo assures that the professional has both knowledge and expertise in the field of customer experience and capable of rendering best in class services.

To start with, there are two different paths of determining the eligibility of a candidate:  


In terms of education, you need to have a Post-Secondary Degree (either in the form of a Bachelor’s degree or any of its global equivalent).

In terms of experience, you need to have a minimum of three years of experience as a full-time CX professional with the prime responsibilities of engaging with customers. Also, have hands-on experience in each of the following categories:

●      Customer-Centric Culture;

●      Organizational Adoption and Accountability;

●      VOC, Customer Insight & Understanding;

●      Experience Design & Improvement;

●      Metrics, Measurement, & ROI;

●      Customer Experience Strategy.


In terms of education, you need to have a degree of High School Diploma (or any of its global equivalent)

In terms of experience, you need to have a minimum of five years of experience as a full-time CX professional with the prime responsibilities of engaging with customers. Also, have hands-on experience in each of the following categories:

●      Customer-Centric Culture;

●      Organizational Adoption and Accountability;

●      VOC, Customer Insight & Understanding;

●      Experience Design & Improvement;

●      Metrics, Measurement, & ROI;

●      Customer Experience Strategy.

Only if you fall in either of the two declarations are you permitted to apply for the CCXP program.  

CCXP - Job Task & Skills Required

The entire gamut of CCXP is based on the six competencies or categories and each category comes along with skills and adjacent tasks.  


Job Tasks:

●      To drive employee engagement and involvement starting from the front lines to the executive suite.

●      To deliver employee training for CX interaction.

●      Develop tactics and communication strategies and communicate the viability of CX with the company, employees, and customers.  

Skills Needed

●      Problem-solving and relationship building.

●      Attune employee behavior along with the customer-centric culture.


Job Tasks:

●      Introduce and embed newer processes, technologies, and tools to better the customer experience.

●      Work across organizations as well as departments.

●      Frequent review of the CX metrics and the feedback at all organizational levels.

●      Align business goals with customer expectations.

Skills Needed

●      Plan and implement change.

●      Collaborate and influence customers.


Job Tasks:

●      Design and implement the customer's voice on programs.

●      Gather unsolicited experience feedback from customers.

●      Collect employee input on customer experiences.

●      Identify touchpoints in customers experience,

Skills Needed

●      Ability to conduct predictive/root cause analysis.

●      Ability to analyze and further, redesign processes.


Job Tasks

●      Identify key CX metrics, track experience and strive toward attaining customer loyalty

●      Develop infrastructure for CX data capture

●      Analyze data and gain insights on generated reports  

Skills Needed

●      Quantify business value/outline ROI.

●      Translate data into meaningful information.

●      Drive engagement.


Job Tasks:

●      Use the method of journey mapping to have an improved view of customers pain points.  

●      To assess, track, document, and report the resolution of gaps in experience across all touchpoints

●      Use insights to prioritize and implement customers' specific initiatives.  

Skills Needed

●      Identify customer expectations and drive innovation.

●      Map and implement customer touchpoints.


Job Tasks

●      To objectify the plan of operation followed by tactics for CX strategy components.

●      To communicate and further, engage with employees at all levels adhering to components of CX strategy.

Skills Needed

●      Communicate with customers and restructure strategies as per the needs.

●      Drive a link between customers' expectations and business goals.

Summing up, CCXP might sound tough but if you own mastery as a CX professional, you can easily become a certified expert.

Feb 1, 2023

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