The world of today definitely pulses to the beat of a digital drum. Now is a very important time for organizations to embrace digital transformation, with the emergence of Web 3.0 and the metaverse in action.

Did you know? Spending on digital transformation is likely to exceed $1.8 trillion by 2025 as businesses across every possible sector update their internal strategies and processes for success in the modern age.
With an ever-expanding choice of channels and touchpoints to explore, marketing is one of the most vital catalysts for growth in the age of digitalization. Digital marketing transformation is no longer an organizational bolt-on—now it’s a crucial component of commercial survival.
Despite this fact, there are still many roadblocks to digital marketing transformation. These issues or ‘push backs’ stunt organizational growth and put brands at risk of being left drowning in the digital dust.
But what are the roadblocks to digital marketing transformation, exactly? Let’s look.

1. Resistance to organizational change
Digital marketing transformation isn’t just a case of exploring new promotional channels and embracing new technologies. To transform successfully, a cultural change needs to take place.
If your senior decision-makers have an attitude of ‘if it’s not broke, don’t fix it’, digital marketing transformation cannot take place. As such, a reluctance to change is one of the biggest barriers to success.
Without senior buy-in, things will never change for the better. The digital world is in constant change and what works today may not work tomorrow. Just take a look at the likes of Toys R Us and Blockbusters.
These once innovative brands failed to update their operational models and by missing out on key digital marketing opportunities. Eventually, new digital competitors (in Blockbusters’ case, the unstoppable Netflix) swiftly monopolized the market with more modern and flexible solutions—and these once mighty brands went bust.
To avoid your brand suffering the same fate, it’s essential you create a powerful and persuasive digital marketing strategy.

2. Data management issues
Without access to concrete data that everyone can understand and use to their advantage, digital marketing transformation strategies fall flat at the first hurdle (even if you do have senior buy-in).
Digital marketing transformation requires insight, intelligence, and strategic thinking.
To truly succeed, you need:
·  A clear indication and understanding of your objectives
·  Concrete insights into what your customers want and need
·  Accurate projections of your budgets and plans
·  Roadmaps and outlines of the channels you propose to explore and the tools or technologies you will need to transform

Without access to quality data, digital marketing transformation quickly becomes an uphill struggle. To ensure everyone is on the same page, accessing relevant insights in one central location is vital. If your data is poor or fragmented, you cannot proceed.

3. Budgetary limitations
Another big roadblock to digital marketing transformation is budgets (or budgetary planning). Transforming your entire marketing department is a big challenge and with several areas to consider, achieving your digital goals comes at a cost.
According to a study from TechRepublic, 51% of organizations cite budget constraints as their main roadblock to digital transformation.
When budgeting for digital marketing transformation, many brands fail to account for the costs of staff training and IT legacy system integrations or upgrades.
In addition to investing in new platforms and technologies, it’s important to remember that unexpected challenges can crop up when you’re integrating the old with the new.
Speaking to MRC on the subject, Neetika Khanna, Marketing Manager at Data Capture Solutions, explained:
“Although budgets are being set aside for digital transformation projects for new technologies to be implemented, they often don’t integrate with legacy line of business applications.
That’s where organizations hit a roadblock and are forced to free up more budget to either upgrade legacy systems or to spend on IT effort and develop custom integrations.”
By going over your entire digital marketing transformation strategy with a fine tooth comb and considering every eventuality, you can plan your budgets for a smooth departmental (and organizational) transition.
When investing in such a bold project, it’s also important to consider your prospective marketing return on investment (ROI). If you roll out your digital transformation strategy effectively, you will make a profit from your efforts and investments. When setting budgets, it’s always worth remembering that fact.

4. A lack of digital skills and knowledge
Without a doubt, one of the most colossal roadblocks to digital marketing transformation is a lack of skills or knowledge.
The digital skills gap costs the UK economy alone £63 million per year—a number that’s hard to ignore. It doesn’t matter how water-tight your strategy is or how many tech solutions you invest in—without the skills to transform theory into action, your efforts will be redundant.
Having the internal talent to not only leverage your new platforms or solutions but engage with your audience across an ever-expanding range of digital channels (and get results) is critical. Without a wealth of relevant digital skills under your organizational belt, your marketing efforts will fail to hit the mark.
Many modern brands looking to transform their digital marketing strategies don’t invest in staff training and development and they suffer.
Empowering your internal talent with access to relevant training, certifications, and marketing courses will essentially bring your digital transformation efforts to life. Armed with access to flexible lifelong learning opportunities, your internal talent can continually upskill themselves and meet the demands of a constantly shifting digital landscape.
In doing so, you will enjoy a healthy return on investment (ROI) from your digital marketing transformation efforts while ensuring your brand always remains robust and adaptable.



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