The DMAIC process, which stands for Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control, is taught in Six Sigma courses. Six Sigma tools are contained within this core template. These are the basic, easy-to-use tools that will enable you to learn a lot and enhance your business processes, which will inevitably lower production costs and raise quality as a result of operating more effectively and efficiently.

There is a hidden component you must possess in order for anything you try to succeed, and that ingredient is faith. Considering that this is Six Sigma and data-driven, trust could be a better word. Just take a look at the information that businesses like Toyota, GE, Amazon, and so on have released.

The online dictionary has the definition of faith as “belief that is not based on proof.” Well Six Sigma has proof, and this goes back in time. GE is living proof. They train all of their employees in Six Sigma — everyone is included, not just management. It is a complete collaboration, with mentoring included.  

Jack Welch knew in his gut this was going to be great. He had belief and trust in the Six Sigma system. Yes, there was proof in the system before Jack Welch, but only to those who were involved and chose to see it.

The belief you carry inside is the key to success in anything, including Six Sigma. What makes Six Sigma so special is that unlike anything else, Six Sigma has data to back it up, lots and lots of data. There is enough evidence and proof that Six Sigma works to keep the naysayers quiet; unfortunately to keep the yin and yang in our world they must exist. But for those who believe in what Jack Welch did, we say, “Success up and up” to you!

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Oct 19, 2022

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