Agile techniques are gaining substantial organizational traction across many industries. More flexible development approaches, such as Scrum, have enabled organizations to bring products to market faster than ever before, which is essential in today's hyper-competitive industry. In other words, greater flexibility in the process is now necessary to get excellent items to market rapidly in order to stay ahead of increasing competition. Companies must have a process specialist at the helm to truly implement agile Scrum processes and produce the deliverables that the business requires.

Understanding the Fundamentals of Scrum

Scrum methodology works as follows: the product owner submits a request, and the development team (headed by a Scrum Master) breaks it down into smaller chunks known as "sprints." Sprints are fast-paced iterative and collaborative development and testing techniques that, ideally, result in a more efficient product lifecycle. Companies that use agile Scrum processes effectively can generate a viable output in two to four weeks. The Scrum Master is at the heart of everything, aligning project activities with business goals.

What is a Scrum Master?

A Scrum master is responsible for ensuring that the Scrum team follows the processes that were agreed upon. Keeping obstacles and distractions out of the team's path is one of the responsibilities of the Scrum master. In this role, the individual acts as the interface between the Scrum team and other people or teams.

A Scrum Master holds a position that’s relatively narrow in scope, yet extremely broad in influence throughout any organization. In practice, however, a Scrum Master is working behind the scenes and is not involved in product ideation or strategy. They work more as a conduit between product/line-of-business owners and development teams as a project manager. Because agile processes are entirely dependent on people and collaboration, Scrum Masters must also marry soft skills with the latest tools and methods. After all, software projects have many moving parts, and individual programmers can quickly lose sight of the broader scope when heads-down in code. A Scrum Master, on the other hand, maintains a high-level view, helping teams to understand both organizational and technical dependencies while avoiding chokepoints. This creates a culture of accountability and enables teams to meet critical deadlines.

So now, as you are well aware of what a scrum master is, it's time for you to understand the roles and responsibilities of a scrum master.

Scrum Master Responsibilities

1. Implement Project Management/Best Practices

The Scrum Master is responsible for creating and onboarding project teams, integrating them into the organization and providing a clear vision of the product. The Scrum Master also facilitates communication and information exchange between external groups and the project team. They also monitor project progress, provide timely feedback, and drive a culture of agility and learning.

2. Keep all Parties on Track and Informed

The Scrum Master hosts daily team meetings to get updates on the progress of the project, address potential roadblocks, and ensure that the project is on track. They also host regular sessions to share updates with product stakeholders about how the project is progressing (or not). Ultimately, it’s a Scrum Master’s job to ensure that the team is meeting deadlines with the desired outcome.

3. Introduce Agile Engineering Practices

To improve efficiency, Scrum Masters encourage the use of continuous integration (CI) and automation. With CI tools, developers integrate chunks of code into a central repository frequently, from which automated builds and tests run in successive iterations. This repeatable approach reduces the risk, time, and effort associated with traditional development methods. For instance, if a bug appears in one build, it can quickly be fixed in the next. Another agile technique Scrum Masters advocate is “pair programming”, where two developers collaborate in real-time and at the same workstation. Altogether, these practices reduce development time and improve the architecture and quality of the product.

4. Coach Team Members

The Scrum Master serves as the coach for the development team and the product owner. One of their key responsibilities is to ensure that the team is adequately trained to understand Agile processes, the team members know their specific roles and are dedicated to the project. Like a true coach, the Scrum Master makes sure that the teams are self-managed. They constantly look for ways to improve team performance and productivity.  

5. Host Daily Stand-up Meetings

The Scrum Master keeps the team organized and on track by hosting daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning meetings, sprint reviews, etc. In these brief meetings, teams discuss their accomplishments, what they’re planning to do on that day, and if they are facing any obstacles while completing the tasks. It’s the Scrum Master’s duty to ensure that all team members, even those working remotely can attend and participate in the meetings.

6. Assist the Product Owner with the Product Backlog

Product backlog refers to the list of tasks that the team needs to do. It is the product owner’s responsibility to create and maintain the product backlog, which keeps changing based on current status of the work and development needs. The Scrum Master helps the product owner refine and maintain the backlog by using information gathered from standup meetings. They schedule review meetings and prioritize work on user stories.  

7. Remove Roadblocks

The Scrum Master helps the team stay focused on tasks needed to be done in each iteration. For this, the Master removes any distractions or roadblocks that can hinder the progress of the team. For instance, if team members are forced into attending too many unimportant meetings, that can hamper work. The Scrum Master can coordinate with the meeting organizers to ensure only those members who are absolutely essential are required to attend each meeting. Alternatively, if someone from the team is being asked to work on multiple teams, the Scrum Master can collaborate with product owners and stakeholders to ensure the workload is redistributed.  

8. Teach Scrum Practices and Principles

The Scrum Master is well proficient in key Scrum practices and processes. They play the role of a mentor to ensure smooth onboarding of new employees and team members.  The Scrum Master helps new members understand the scope and vision of a product and ensures work does not slow down. It is their task to make sure that the team follows Scrum practices and rules while working. They teach the team ways to stay self-organized and focused, which in turn improves productivity.

Scrum Master Job Description Qualifications

To be successful in a career as Scrum Master, you’ll need to fulfill the following prerequisites:

Get the Required Experience and Education

A candidate must possess at least a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related field to be considered for a Scrum Master job role. Working knowledge of Agile methodology and frameworks is also preferred.  

Develop Excellent Verbal and Written Communication Skills

Excellent communication skills along with people and project management skills are also essential in a scrum master role. The Scrum Master being the main communicator between project owners and stakeholders, it is necessary to possess outstanding written and verbal communication skills to succeed in the job.  

Consider Agile Scrum Master Certification

Scrum Master Certifications – though not necessary – can give you an edge over competitors when you’re applying for Scrum Master jobs. There are professional Scrum Master certification courses available that you can consider doing to advance your skills and competence in Scrum project management principles.    

What is a Typical Scrum Master Salary?

According to Glassdoor, a Scrum Master in India earns an average salary of ₹14,00,000 per year. It can go up to ₹22,68,000 per year depending on the experience of the candidate and the company requirements.  

How to Get a Scrum Master Certification?

To become a certified Scrum Master, you’ll need to enroll for a ScrumMaster Certification Course led by a certified Scrum Trainer, and thereafter clear the Certified Scrum Master Exam (CSM).  

Earning a Scrum master certification will help you strengthen your fundamental knowledge on Agile Scrum technology. You can also develop a learning mindset by investing yourself productively in such courses.  

Why Do Scrum Teams Need a Scrum Master?

A scrum team must be headed by a Scrum Master. The Scrum Master role is essential to ensure the scrum team follows a true Scrum process over the course of a project.  

At the foundation level, it can be a huge help to have a Scrum Master with relevant Scrum working experience to coach, mentor and facilitate the new Scrum team. So, Scrum masters are often hired as consultants instead of full-time workers.  

Companies tend to say that Scrum Master is not needed in the long run, but in reality, the role of the Scrum Master stays, while the form changes with time. Every scrum team benefits from having the assistance of a Scrum Master to ensure work happens as well as possible within the Scrum framework.

Top Qualities of a Successful Scrum Master


A Scrum Master leads various teams that are working on a project to achieve specific milestones and deliverables. They must be able to motivate multiple groups and stakeholders at an organizational level, maximizing the potential of all at stake. As a team leader, the Scrum Master must bridge the gap between the concept of the project and the actions required to complete it. The Scrum Master must have strong leadership and organizational skills.


The Scrum Master forms an essential link between the product owner and project teams. While the product owner drives the overall initiative, the Scrum Master nurtures the team. Effective collaboration between the Scrum Master and product owner ultimately result in successful products that meet the organization’s requirements. A good Scrum Master should be able to find creative ways to increase organization, collaboration, and productivity to deliver the product the business line owner requested.


The Scrum Master is not a manager, but a team member and facilitator. They should be good listeners and pay attention to the challenges the project team is facing at every step of the way. The Scrum Master should also be observant, paying attention to the team’s daily activities to gain a clear view of members’ roles and contributions in sprint sessions.


Besides resolving and issues that arise, the Scrum Master should also proactively prevent potential problems. This requires overarching knowledge about the product and process. The Scrum Master’s experience enables the team to avoid roadblocks. The Scrum Master should possess knowledge of various work formats and agile methodologies such as XP, Lean, and Kanban.


While Scrum Masters are specialized in many ways, they do have an extensive reach within any modern organization. Above all else, they are responsible for adopting and implementing agile methods to increase team productivity, efficiency, and improve the quality of the deliverables they have been tasked to create. A scrum master possesses a huge role and responsibilities and if you are interested in building your career in this field, you should consider earning an Agile Scrum Master (ASMâ„—) certification. During your training, you will be introduced to the concepts and best practices and gain the required expertise in Agile and Scrum to pass the official industry exam.



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Dec 29, 2022

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