For many jobs in the financial sector, the certified investment management analyst (CIMA) credential is useful. The certification demonstrates your commitment to developing your career and equips you with the information you need to be successful in it. You can strengthen your career qualifications and get ready to pursue a CIMA certification by being aware of what it entails.

In this blog, we define a CIMA certification, go through its specifications, enumerate the skills that holders of this certificate normally possess, and discuss the advantages of obtaining one.

What is a CIMA certification?

A certified investment management analyst certification is a professional credential for financial experts to showcase their advanced skills and knowledge. This certification shows your commitment to education and experience in the financial industry and demonstrates your competence and commitment to applying management accounting principles and techniques. This designation may be ideal for people who want to become investment professionals, including working as an investment consultant, portfolio manager or analyst.

People who earn this credential have strong knowledge and skills in financial reporting, costing, performance management and strategy formulation, which allows them to help investors grow their wealth through venture products. People with a CIMA often focus their careers on portfolio management, investment and risk management, and they generally work in banks, asset management firms, pension funds and other financial institutions to identify investment opportunities for clients and corporations. This includes helping with corporate investments, savings funds, endowments and other relevant consulting.

Requirements for pursuing the CIMA credential

The first step toward obtaining your CMA designation is to meet eligibility requirements. Candidates submit applications that highlight their experience and qualifications, and the Investments and Wealth Institute reviews these for approval. It usually takes about 10 days for candidates to get a response. Some basic requirements for pursuing the CIMA credential include:

Gain experience

The CIMA credential requires three years of work experience in finance and investment management. Candidates can count up to two years of full-time education toward this requirement. The institute considers only candidates who have no record of ethical misconduct in their workplaces.

Attain a degree

The minimum educational requirement for CIMA is a bachelor's degree in finance or economics from an accredited university. Candidates sit for a qualifying course at one of four institutions: the Yale School of Management, the University of Pennsylvania, Portfolio Construction Forum and the University of Chicago.

These programs differ in curriculum structure. For example, some institutions allow students to study for the course online or in person. The period of each program also varies, and it can last anywhere from five days to three and a half months.

Pass an exam

The CIMA exam, which takes up to five hours to complete, requires extensive self-study course preparation. It tests candidates' knowledge in nearly every aspect of investment management. To prepare for this exam, consider focusing your studies on portfolio management, asset allocation and financial statement analysis. You can take this exam online through a proctored service or at a local testing center. The CIMA certification exam includes questions on the following topics:

  • Basic financial skills: This topic covers applicants' foundational knowledge of financial analysis, money markets and statistics. This section makes up about 15% of the exam.
  • Investment: This topic covers investment tools such as assets and equity, policies, taxes, inflation rates and money markets. This section comprises about 20% of the exam.
  • Portfolio management: This topic covers many matters, including portfolio management, portfolio theories and investment philosophies. It's 20% of the exam.
  • Risk and return: This topic covers many aspects of risk and return, especially performance management and risk attributes. It comprises about 20% of the exam.
  • Portfolio processes: This topic covers various content, including ethics and regulations. It makes up about 25% of the exam.

Continue your education

The CIMA credential requires candidates to complete 40 hours of continuing education every two years to maintain their certification status. The Investments and Wealth Institute allows candidates to earn up to six hours annually by attending meetings and events, and other ways to gain credit include reading publications and taking online courses from approved providers. Candidates also can earn up to three credits per year through self-study or mentoring programs.

Skills for the CIMA certification

A successful career as a CIMA involves a combination of hard and soft skills. Some of the most important traits to develop may include:

  • Financial markets: Being a CIMA requires you to understand how markets work, which can help you make more effective, informed investment decisions.
  • Analytics: Being able to interpret data from various sources and use them to make informed decisions is vital for success as a CIMA.
  • Communication: CIMAs interact with many clients, and they often come from diverse backgrounds. Communication skills can help you interact with these people effectively and professionally.
  • Knowledge of accounting principles: Understanding financial statements and the various rules and regulations municipalities have for them can help you make more informed investment decisions.

Benefits of a CIMA certification

There are many reasons to consider pursuing a CIMA certification, including:

Improve professional credibility

CIMA is a respectable certification across the world. This program gives you the skills, knowledge and experience to succeed in many positions in the finance industry. Being able to list this credential on your resume or cover letter can help demonstrate your expertise and help you receive more job offers.

Find networking opportunities

Getting the CIMA certification might allow you to make new connections through local chapters, national conferences and other networking events. People who have this certification are more likely to receive invitations to networking events, which can lead to networking opportunities for employment or career advancement. This can help you find peers who can help you improve your skills, and it could lead to exciting mentorship opportunities for you.

Access more education opportunities

Staying aware of current trends in investment and finance can be critical for your career success in a fast-changing industry. The CIMA program provides access to resources that keep your skills current as new developments happen. Continuing education programs like these may help you demonstrate mastery in critical areas of investment management, including portfolio management, asset allocation, risk management and performance measurement.

Dec 13, 2022
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