As a result of changing client preferences, the Quality Assurance discipline has evolved into Quality Engineering (QE). This includes all business processes and customer experience phases to guarantee that there are no quality gaps between them. What can we expect from QE as it expands into new economic areas ranging from software development and manufacturing to health care and aerospace? these are some of the top trends in 2022 in quality engineering that should be on everyone's radar.

1. The Customer Experience is Priority One

Previously, cost-effectiveness, product quality, time-to-market, and customer experience (CX) were all considered to be roughly comparable. However, two years after COVID-19, exceptional CX has risen to the top of what clients demand from a credible organization. The fundamental goal is to make the consumer pleased. Security, performance, accessibility, user interfaces (UI), and user experience (UX) are critical CX qualities for validation.

To help businesses excel in CX, QE specialists must have a solid understanding of what the customer wants as well as what the business, as a provider, can do for them. For example, my team has thousands of testers analyzing a wide range of customer services, utilizing various strategies such as continuous performance monitoring, crowd testing, and cross-device testing. What’s consistent throughout all our work is that we always take moments to reconsider. We reflect on certain questions when approaching CX problems: Does this fit the customer’s needs? Should it be done in this way?

When testing for CX, our engineers have found that they need a complete understanding of the business, its service/product, and the technologies used by the business, as well. Only then can a QE team tell if something has been implemented properly, if it meets the needs of the business processes, and if it meets the experiential demands of the user. Such a validation would mostly require simulation techniques to virtualize the problem at hand. Furthermore, good CX requires that the QE team has a good understanding of human psychology, the target business, and its processes.

2. Quality Engineering is More Than Just Testing

More interactive formats for CX have emerged and will play a larger role in 2022. For example, the digital migration of customer experience centers enables customers to try out a product online, while also allowing QE teams to collect and provide valuable and quantifiable test data to feedback into the development process. As quality assurance matures into quality engineering in newer models of software development and consumption processes, testing becomes quality orchestration across the business and/or technology lifecycle.

Thus, QE is not only expected to validate the functional and non-functional aspects of the systems but they are also expected to be the custodian of quality for the business processes that they respond to, owning better business outcomes as the success criteria. This way, QE elevates their activities from technology assurance to business assurance and, eventually, to brand assurance. The days of isolated testing are over, and the shift to bespoke Quality Engineering will continue.

3. Shift to Prioritizing AI and Machine Learning

Whatever the trending technologies are will become the trending priorities that are adopted in QE. Quality engineering in 2022 requires expertise in many areas, which may include artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain sectors. In order to provide quality engineering to businesses using these technologies, it is necessary to also become experts in those fields. This requires engineers to receive additional certifications to work with these technologies.

The use of AI and ML algorithms for test automation is starting to mature. Some areas where AI is utilized include Test Optimization, AI-based UI testing, and API testing. 2022 will see the continued application of AI toward testing and the setting of standardization for AI-based test automation processes.

Because business trends are constantly being influenced by ever-changing customer desires or new technologies, these trends directly inform which technologies and systems QE teams must learn. For example, if a logistics company wants to implement drones as a part of their delivery services, then QE teams would have to acquire expertise on drone delivery and monitor the deployment of the new system. Therefore, as systems change, quality engineers must also stay on top of these changes to ensure such systems are properly implemented.

4. Boundaries Between Industries Are Blurring

In 2022, we  see more of a blurring of the boundaries between industries as innovation that happens in one industry is adopted by and influences other industries. This can be seen in e-commerce and financial services, as well as in health and insurance industries. This brings the technologies from both worlds together.

There are several cases we can draw from where we see the blurring of boundaries. For example, blockchain was originally conceived as a financial services innovation, but now it’s everywhere. And augmented reality/virtual reality, originally seen as limited to gaming and entertainment, is now reaching all industries. The technology is now used to give a customer an in-branch bank experience, and even in healthcare and life sciences areas.

The adoption of technology from one industry to the other not only will improve CX, but also will lead to more seamless business processes.

Moving Beyond Testing

Quality engineering in 2022 has moved beyond simply testing to confirm if a piece of technology works. QE specialists need to know not only the technology but also the methodologies behind orchestrating quality for a good customer experience, as well as the business processes and needs that must also be addressed.

Quality engineering’s role in the testing and feedback cycle assures that new system are implemented successfully and feeds innovation back into the system. Through the continuous improvement that QE provides for clients, the products become stronger and innovation is fostered back into the system. Therefore, Quality Engineering is both a means of testing and an influence on continuous improvement—being the final catalyst that improves the end product or service.

Dec 21, 2022

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