The scripting language Python is well-liked, interactive, interpreted, sophisticated, and object-oriented. Python, which was created to be extremely legible, frequently substitutes English keywords for punctuation, unlike other languages of a similar kind. Compared to other scripting languages, it also contains fewer syntactic constructions.

The Python programming language is widely used in machine learning, data analytics, game creation, and web development. You will learn Python the best way by reading this blog.  

Why Python?

Let’s first go through a few pointers that help establish that Python is so immensely popular in the tech industry.

Python is Easy to Learn

It requires considerably lesser resources and time for a beginner to learn and start implementing Python when compared with programming languages like Java or C++.

Python is Cross-Platform

Cross-platform or platform-independent is a programming language feature that allows a developer to run intermediate code on different OS.

Python Has Hundreds of Libraries

Python’s library collection is enormous and allows developers to use pre-written code, saving time when developing a new program.  

Python Has Excellent Community Support

Python comes with an abundance of documentation and support material for troubleshooting and learning. A Python developer not able to crack a piece of code needn’t be very concerned and can easily find documentation, guides, and video tutorials to help them move forward, unlike many other programming languages.

Python Supports Scalable Development

If a Python developer is stuck on a piece of code, they shouldn’t find it difficult to get relevant support. From the documentation, guides, and video tutorials, Python community provides plenty of assistance, unlike some of the other languages out there today.

Tips for Learning Python

Now that you are familiar with Python, let’s discuss all the tips you need to learn Python the right way.

Cover Python Fundamentals

At a bare minimum, you must cover the Python fundamentals. You can quickly work through complex Python problems, projects, or use cases if you understand the fundamentals. Some important fundamentals are as follows:

  • Variables and Types
  • Lists, Dictionaries, and Sets
  • Basic Operators
  • String Formatting
  • Basic String Operations
  • Conditions
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • List Comprehensions
  • Classes and Objects

Establish a Goal for Your Study

After covering all the fundamentals, you should establish a goal for your study.

  • Before you start learning Python, establish a goal for your study.
  • You’ll know what learning material to focus on or skim through as it pertains to your goals.
  • For example, if you are interested in becoming a machine learning engineer, you should refer to only that relevant material.

Several tech industries use Python for development:

Machine Learning and AI

Machine learning and AI have been perhaps the most sought-after field of technology lately. Python is the default language for machine learning.

Web Development

Python is extensively used for the backend development of any web application.

Game Development

Python also has the capabilities for game development. So if you are into that, learning Python is still an option.

Internet of Things

Internet of Things is a comparatively new field, but it has become largely popular recently, and we also use Python in this field of technology.

Learn Relevant Python Libraries

Once you’ve established your goal, you should also look at the relevant python libraries that help you reach your goal.

  • There are hundreds of libraries that are used by Python developers in different domains.
  • These libraries make your life easier since they reduce manual workload and wrap code for specialized tasks.
  • There are many popular libraries out there; for example, Django for web development, Pandas for data analysis, etc.

Some of the most popular Python libraries are:

  • TensorFlow for Machine Learning
  • Flask for Web Development
  • Scrapy for Web Scraping
  • Pygame for Game Development

Do Projects Based on Whatever you Learn

After doing the above, now you are ready to make and work on python projects on your own.

  • It is crucial to apply what you learn while learning each Python concept.
  • Doing projects as you progress is highly recommended since it will make you a good coder and expand your portfolio.
  • Don’t expect to make industry-standard projects from the start, but improve upon them as you learn more.

Some of the exciting ideas that you can base your projects on are:

  • Number Guessing
  • Web Scraper
  • Calculator
  • Searching and Sorting
  • Tic - Tac - Toe

Consistency is Important

Consistency is really important, no matter what you learn or do.

  • It is not realistic for anyone to expect to become a developer within a week.
  • Except, be consistent, and work towards short-term goals and reach those goals within a set timeframe.
  • Remember, two hours daily for a month are always going to be more productive than cramming everything within a week.


Nov 16, 2022
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