
School nurses play an essential role in ensuring the health and well-being of students in educational settings. To continue to provide the best quality of care and stay current with the latest research and best practices, it is important for school nurses to engage in ongoing professional development. In this blog post, we will discuss professional development opportunities for continuing growth and advancement as a school nurse.

Continuing Education and Certification

Continuing education and certification are essential for school nurses to maintain their nursing license and keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. This could include completing continuing education courses specific to school nursing, or obtaining a certification in school nursing such as the National Certified School Nurse (NCSN) certification offered by the National Board for Certification of School Nurses (NBCSN).

Conferences and Workshops

Attending conferences and workshops is a great way for school nurses to learn about the latest research and best practices in school nursing, as well as network with other school nurses and healthcare professionals. These events provide opportunities to learn about new developments and trends in school nursing, as well as to gain insights from experts in the field.

Mentorship and Collaboration

School nurses can also engage in professional development through mentorship and collaboration. This could include working with experienced school nurses to learn new skills and gain insights into the practice of school nursing, or collaborating with other healthcare professionals to develop and implement best practices in school nursing.

Leadership and Advocacy

School nurses can also advance their careers by developing leadership and advocacy skills. This could include taking on leadership roles within their school or district, or becoming involved in advocacy efforts to promote the health and well-being of students and families.

Online Learning

Online learning is another great way to stay current with the latest research and best practices in school nursing. Many professional organizations, colleges, and universities offer online courses and webinars on a variety of topics related to school nursing, and these can be completed at the convenience of the nurse. Online learning can also provide access to a wider variety of resources and experts, and can be a cost-effective way to gain new knowledge and skills.

Professional Organizations

Joining professional organizations such as the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) can also provide valuable opportunities for professional development. These organizations often offer a variety of resources and opportunities for continuing education, networking, and professional growth. They also advocate for school nurses and the profession at a larger scale.

Specialization and Advanced Degrees

School nurses can also pursue specialization and advanced degrees in areas such as school nurse administration, public health, and education. Specialization and advanced degrees can lead to new opportunities and advancement in the field and can also provide a deeper understanding of the complexities of school nursing and the broader healthcare system.


Ongoing professional development is essential for school nurses to provide the best quality of care and stay current with the latest research and best practices in school nursing. Professional development opportunities include continuing education and certification, attending conferences and workshops, mentorship and collaboration, leadership and advocacy, online learning, joining professional organizations, and specialization and advanced degrees. School nurses should actively seek out and participate in these opportunities to continue their growth and advancement in the field.

Jan 22, 2023

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