According to the term "global warming," the average temperature of the planet is rising as a result of rising pollution, which in turn causes the greenhouse effect and subsequent climate change. Because of the melting of glaciers, shrinking of forests, altered rainfall patterns, and several other effects on both plants and people, global warming may cause a rise in sea level.

A lot of human activities are causing the atmosphere to become overly rich in greenhouse gases, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a body of more than 2,500 experts from nations all over the world.

These greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide accumulate into the atmosphere and trap heat that would normally would exit into the outer space. Over the last few decades cars, industries and power plants have released tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and this has caused the temperature of the earth to rise from .6 degree Celsius between 1901 and 2000. If nothing is done to stop global warming now then it could prove to be a big disaster for the human kind.

Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse Gases called carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor and other gases have heat trapping capacity and are needed to create greenhouse effect that keeps the earth warm which is required to support plants, animals and humans. Some of these greenhouse gases occur naturally while other are released in tons of capacity every year all over the world by us.

These gases are released when we drive cars, burn wood or coal, large power plants. Deforestation (cutting down of forests) is also a reason for the greenhouse gases because fewer trees means less carbon di oxide converted to oxygen. Now, when accumulation of these greenhouse gases grows, more heat gets trapped into the atmosphere and as a result few heat escapes backs into the space and it heat ups the earth surface.

Future Of Global Warming

As we are going to more fossil fuels the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the earth atmosphere is going to rise and rise. And these greenhouse gases will raise the earth’s surface temperature with them. According to IPCC, the temperature of the earth will rise from 2 degree Celsius to 6 degree Celsius by the end of 21st century. With the rise in such temperature the glaciers and ice shelves around the world will start melting. Scientists project rising sea levels will increase between 7 and 22 inches by 2100. When the sea level will rise combined with the rise in the temperature of the sea, tropical storms such as tsunami could increase.

Oct 17, 2022
Climate Change

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