What exactly does Lean mean? It means thin or slender. In other words, because Lean focuses on removing waste, applying it within your organization results in "slimmer" organizational processes. Elements that don't provide any value are referred to as waste. Your business will operate at its best after these extraneous components are eliminated. And this will encourage ongoing development inside your business.

It is essential to have a workplace where employee value and customer value play a major role in order to continuously develop. One of the tenets of lean is employee engagement, which may be achieved through incorporating them in choices and improvements.

Not only will this increase their job satisfaction, but it will also improve the working environment and make it more sustainable.

How to apply this within your organization?

The best place to start is the problem. Take a process that is not running quite as smoothly as you would like, for example. Using Lean Six Sigma, this means you will start mapping out the different types of waste. There are eight in total, namely:  

1. Transport

This first type of waste is as simple as it sounds. Moving something from A to B falls under this subcategory.  

2. Inventory

In contrast to transport, the concept of inventory is less narrow. This covers the entire stock from raw materials to printed out or digital complaint forms. Another example could be the (un)opened emails on your computer, or everything in your warehouse, if you have one.  

3. Motion

Motion is different from transport. In this category, they mean actual movements. Think of walking to the printer, getting a glass of water or even turning around. But not only your movements, the ones within your digital system and database are meant as well. If you open your mail to look something up, then forget what you were about to look up and have to switch screens to check again, this is considered a waste of motion and thus time.  

4. Waiting

Waiting time is inescapable, because processes take up time. However, try to minimize this!

5. Overproduction

As the name implies, overproduction means producing more than necessary. This may lead to an increasing inventory. As we saw before, this can be considered a waste as well.  

6. Overprocessing

Overprocessing means doing more than necessary. This often happens because organizations think it might add customer value, but quite frequently, this is not the case. It mainly results in appearance. Think of stores wrapping up something you bought for yourself. This is only an extra (unnecessary) service.

7. Defects

However, this subcategory of waste might be the most risky one. Worst case scenario: the process of production has to start all over because of one mistake. This can include a small error, e.g. typo in the email address, but it could be much worse.

8. Skills

The last form of waste takes the skills of your employees into account. This might be lack of talent, but could be overclassification as well.  

Lean tools

To remember these eight types, a mnemonic could come in handy. Whenever you are talking about waste, think of TIMWOODS. If you were wondering, these are all first letters of the types of waste, from number one to eight.

Apply TIMWOODS before diving in your project, to map all possible issues that could arise along the way. And if you are lucky, it might show some improvements that could be realized quite easily. Holding onto continuous improvement would therefore become easier.  

Besides using Lean management, Lean projects and tools such as TIMWOODS, there are other things that can be applied when you are striving towards continuous improvement. Examples are 5S and Value Stream Map. An improvement board might help as well. This leads to involvement of your employees. And keep in mind, when you have been using these tools for a while, continuous improvement is not an aim of your organization anymore, but it is presumed to be natural.

Oct 23, 2022

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