IB is known for using various acronyms, including DP, MYP, TOK, IA, EE, etc., just like its course. Gaining a thorough comprehension of all such terminologies is practically necessary in order to comprehend the many components of IB.

What Connection Exists Between the IB IA and the IBDP?

  • The different IBDP disciplines, including Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and others, can be studied at two different levels of the IB.
  • Higher Level and Lower Level are these.
  • Two different assessment types are included in both of these levels. They are:
  • Internal assessment having a 20% weightage
  • External assessment having an 80% weightage
  • IB conducts these two types of assessments to better assess and enhance the performance of the students.

What Is IA (Internal Assessment) In Simple Language?

All the programs run by IB (DP, MYP, PYP, CP) are deep, practical, and require a high level of objectivity from the students.

To develop a student’s critical ability and reasoning, IB requires its students to complete several assignments, essays, exams, and presentations over 2 years in a typical IBDP program.

To check these many tests and assignments, IB needs a bigger workforce of teachers and graders. But being a non-profit organization, it simply lacks that many human resources.

So, should IB compromise on quality and reduce the number of exams? Well, that is not how IB works.

Instead of reducing the count, IB came up with an alternative, which was “Internal Assessment”. Any oral, exam, assignment, practical experiment, or project that is checked and graded by your teacher is known as Internal Assessment.

However, IB examiners still have a role to play, and they usually “moderate” the assignments just to ensure that the school teachers have assessed the students fairly.

The Internal assessments are conducted in addition to the TOK (Theory of Knowledge) and EE (Extended Essay). They include:

  • Oral Work In Languages
  • Fieldwork In Geography
  • Laboratory Work In The Sciences
  • Investigations In Mathematics
  • Artistic Performances

What is the role of the Teacher and the IB Examiner in IA?

Role of a Teacher: 

  • The Internal assessments are checked by the teachers of your school.
  • You must listen to your teacher and follow their suggestions, guidance, and advice.
  • This is because your teacher will be giving you final marks for IA, which will be included in the final score.

Role of an IB Examiner: 

  • The IB examiners moderate the internal assessments and do not grade them.
  • There is a possibility that your teacher might grade you strictly and give you discretion in a negative way.
  • This is the reason why an IB examiner externally “moderates” your Internal Assessments.
Jan 25, 2023
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