If there's one thing we don't have enough of these days, it's options. In fact, we have too many options for everything, which creates its own set of issues. This week, we've gathered a few pointers on how to make the best decisions for your event.

We teach you how to pick the right AV companies at the best cost. We also have some suggestions on the best event venues as well as where you can get the best inspiration for your event ideas.

Here’s Where You Can Get Inspiration For Your Next Event

The key to getting your event in to people’s “must attend” list is simple: you need creative ideas that make your event stand out. From airports to history books to elementary school classrooms, you can draw a lot of inspiration from anywhere and anything. Who knew messy workspaces, bad ideas, and even regular exercise could be sources of that inspiration too?

You Should Get Rid of These Old Event Tactics

Are you recycling event ideas? Maybe your team still has that one-size-fits-all message every year. Or you still haven’t learned the art of crowdsourcing speakers. Do you and your team forget to keep in touch with previous attendees, or maybe send emails that seem too spammy? If you can relate to any of these things, you might need to reevaluate what’s happening in your company and read this article for a good wake-up call.

How to Save on AV on Your Next Event

Take it from us, audio visuals play a huge part in your event’s success. But it can also eat up your budget if not done right. Here, we have some money saving AV tips like hiring your own provider instead of using the in-house providers of venues. Another tip is to gather a roster of potential AV companies to work with and meet with them separately to negotiate. Or why not kick it up a notch by hosting a virtual event instead?

AR is Changing How Employees Work – in a Good Way

From an events industry perspective, augmented reality or AR looks like a cool new piece of technology. And while it’s indeed fun, it’s also seeing adoption in certain industries, making workers more productive along the way. AR has the power to close skill gaps, allowing workers to successfully do higher-skill tasks. Take a look at this article and see AR is something you can use for your company as well.

How to Make Your Own Video Studio on a Tight Budget

You don’t need a professional studio to make professional videos. There are a lot of things you can either get for free or nab at a really affordable price. From cameras, tripods, lighting options, microphones, editing software, you have the choice whether to use what’s readily available to you for free or spend a little for added quality. Here’s a list of some video equipment you can get for cheap, depending on how much you’re willing to spend.

Why You Should Ditch Those Successful-People-Do-These Articles

Research shows that spending time reading those lists about what successful people do won’t necessarily make you more successful yourself. They’ve found that a lot of the evidence of this success is really dependent on specific contexts. Also, lots of success stories are shared without sharing similar contexts were failure was the end result. The takeaway here is that the world changes and with it, the keys to success. So take any success advice with a huge grain of salt.

We’ve talked a bit about saving in this article. We know sticking to a budget is one of the most important things for an event planner.


Dec 18, 2022

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