The Benefits of Six Sigma Certification for YOU

There are advantages you stand to earn if you are an employee debating whether to jump in and become a Six Sigma professional. Keep in mind that earning a Six Sigma certification is not simple, and companies are aware of this. Therefore, companies are persuaded that you have a high level of process understanding and analysis when they see a Six Sigma certification.

Not only that, but it also shows employers your level of commitment to improving the organization’s processes. It tells them that you can do the following through process improvement:

  • Reduce costs
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Increase the bottom line

The result? You become more hireable than your peers, which is extremely important in the highly-competitive job market. It also means that you can move on to bigger and better (leadership) roles within the organization or elsewhere. Furthermore, it allows you to move up a salary grade and achieve better job satisfaction.

Organizational Benefits of Six Sigma

As an employer, Six Sigma brings benefits that can affect the entire organization, especially when it comes to your product offerings. With Six Sigma, your employees know how to best utilize the organization’s resources to produce the best results. They use fewer resources and complete projects faster, making your workforce highly productive.

With improved processes, your organization produces improved products, which translates to happy customers. And happy customers become repeat customers (keeping your current customers is three times cheaper than attracting new ones). Not only that, but they will also become your most loyal advocates. All this will make the return on investment (ROI) on Six Sigma extremely worth it.

A Six Sigma organization is also where employee satisfaction is high. This is thanks to the positive results produced, as well as the organizational culture where teamwork is natured, encouraged and rewarded. If the results don’t speak for themselves, your employees will. This means other highly-skilled employees will want to come work for you.

Also, a positive ROI will get the attention of shareholders and partners. They will become more confident in the organization’s operations and ability to deliver. For shareholders, it makes it easier to ask for increased budgets on operations. For partners, it strengthens relationships and ensures ongoing support so they too can ride off on the success of your organization.


Six Sigma has rightfully earned its reputation, based on the above-mentioned benefits. As an individual, it makes you more hirable, promotable and increases job satisfaction. From the organizational perspective, it leads to lower costs, higher profits, greater customer satisfaction, a collaborative workplace, improved marketability and increased confidence from shareholders and partners. This should make Six Sigma a no-brainer.

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Oct 18, 2022

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