It's no secret that Google Ads is the largest PPC network available; with billions of clicks available every day, millions of businesses rely on Google's sponsored ads. However, understanding how to use Google Ads is not an easy undertaking, and with thousands of dollars at stake, a single error may be extremely costly.

Fortunately, there are numerous certifications available to assist customers in understanding Google's complex PPC network, the most noteworthy of which is from Google itself.

If you want to understand how to utilize Google Ads and demonstrate your knowledge to others, such as your boss or clients, being Google Ads certified is essential.

Whether you're a local company owner just starting started with Google Ads or a digital marketing professional looking to enhance your skill set, the Google Ads certification is ideal for everyone.

This blog provides you with everything you need to know to help you obtain Google Ads certified as soon as possible. Here's how to pass your Google Ads certification the first time, from what the certification entails to how to pass it.

What is the Google Ads Certification?

The Google Ads certification is a program that is run by Google and awards certificates to successful applicants who prove their Google Ads knowledge in specific topics.

To get a certificate, applicants must complete all the modules and exams in the Google Academy with a score of 80% or more in each module. The exam will last 75 minutes with the option to repass it if you fail.

The certification will be valid for one year and will have an expiry date on the certificate. Once expired, individuals must re-take the assessment to prove their level of knowledge is still up to date.

There are no costs for these certifications, and they can be taken for free by anyone. All that is required is a Google account and lots of motivation!

Currently, Google offers 6 distinct Google Ads certifications which are:

Google Ads Search Certification

An entire program dedicated to building and optimizing search campaigns on the Google network. Certified users will display their ability to use features such as smart bidding and audience solutions to boost campaign performance.

Google Ads Apps Certification

With the growing trend of ads in apps, this course specifically focuses on running ads in mobile apps and how to optimize them. Once finished, users will be able to optimize campaigns to meet specific marketing objectives.

Google Ads Display Certification

A detailed program that highlights the use of Google Display ads on the Google display network. Certified users will be able to demonstrate their ability to build and develop effective display strategies and campaigns.


Google Ads Video Certification

A specialized program that focuses on YouTube and Google Video advertising solutions. Certified users will demonstrate an understanding of how to tell effective stories on YouTube with video advertisements.


Shopping Ads Certification

This program is specifically for Google Shopping ads and how to develop and optimize them to create successful shopping campaigns. Certified users will also be able to demonstrate knowledge of how to maximize reach and conversions.


Google Ads Measurement Certification

Unlike the other certification courses, this measurement certification focuses on analyzing Google Ad campaigns in general. Certified users will be able to demonstrate their ability to measure and optimize Google Ads campaign performance.

These aren’t the only certifications that Google offers, but they are by far the most popular compared to the others. Other Google certifications include the Google Cloud & Google Developers certification programs.

With so many certification programs to complete, you’re probably wondering why people even bother, it’s just a piece of paper right? Well, there are actually numerous benefits you get from passing these certifications and they can do wonders for your career and business.


The Benefits of the Google Ads Certification

There are many benefits to passing the Google Ads certification for both individuals and businesses which might not be obvious to everyone.
The main benefits for individuals are that it helps them demonstrate their Google Ads skills and abilities to clients and employers.

Since everyone who completes the course gets a personalized certificate with their name, it is a great addition to an individual’s CV, especially if they work in digital marketing. It also shows that they have a good knowledge of Google’s products and have been certified by Google themselves.

There are also plenty of benefits to businesses that take part in the certification program as well. In order to become a Google Partner or Premier Google Partner, businesses must have at least one of their members to be Google Ads certified. But in reality, if a business really wants to become a Google Partner, then they should ensure that all of their PPC staff are certified.

So in order to become a Google Partner (which is a big achievement in itself) businesses must show that they can use Google’s services and products effectively.

How To Pass the Google Ads Certification Exam

Attempting to pass the Google Ads certification exam can sound tricky, but as long as you put in the hard work, you’ll pass. Even if you’ve never used Google Ads in your life, if you spend enough time studying, then you will pass.

Each certification module in the exam center comes with a complete study guide so you’ll have all the information you need in front of you. Each module can take 10 to 15 minutes depending on the length of the module. This means you should expect to spend around 2 hours studying before taking the exam. Our advice would be to also take down notes for quick and easy reference. Although there is nothing stopping you from going back to the module information and finding the answer, having the important pieces of information jotted down is a real time saver.

If you ever find a question that you have no idea what the answer is then you really have 2 options, guess, or spend the time going back through the module study guide. Depending on how much time you have left, the 2nd option might be viable, but remember, if you do fail the exam you can always take it again.

If for whatever reason you do fail, then think about the hardest questions you got during the exam and read up on those specific modules again. By fixing your weak spots you’ll be in a much better position the next time you take the test. Remember, you only need 80% to pass the exam!

Taking The Google Ads Certification Exam

Before taking any Google Ads exam, be sure that you are logged in with the right Google account. The last thing you want to do is accidentally take it on your personal or a client’s account! If you have a business email that wasn’t made with Gmail, then you’ll most likely need to set one up at:

Once logged in with your Google account, you’ll have to head over to where you’ll be greeted with all the certification courses available.

Each course will have a study pack that will provide you with all the information and concepts you’ll need to understand before you take the exam. Be sure to spend enough time studying the modules or you might fail the test and have to re-take it!

Take Your Google Ads Knowledge to the Next Level

After passing your Google Ads certification exam, you’ll probably be feeling super confident about your abilities. But when it comes to Google Ads, the learning never stops. Not only does Google continually introduce new features to the platform and network, but your competitors will also be trying to outperform you every day.


Dec 15, 2022

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