Decisions, decisions. Every day, we face a dozen important decisions about our events, such as selecting the best event management system or marketing partners for promotion.

So with that in mind, we set out to give you a few tips for making the right choices for your events. Below are articles about how to choose partners for marketing, choosing event management software, and even how to run events to max out engagement.

Things to Watch Out for in Your Meeting Space

Over time, meetings have become more and more synonymous with experiences. In order to have a really productive experience, you have to veer completely away from the established reputation of meetings. For one, the whole meeting should be built around the idea of interaction, and the meeting space should help work towards this. Sessions should also serve to pique the attendees’ interests, not drown them. There should be options too, in the food & beverage section to enhance the attendee experience.

How Can You Make Your Conference More Relatable?

Despite the trends in the industry, many event professionals still focus on keeping audiences entertained in order to keep them on track. While the idea isn’t too far-fetched, that’s the wrong approach if you want to make your event meaningful. The way to go is to make each speaking session short and applicable. You want to keep it practical and highlight insights they learn. Also, to make the event more relatable, think about other factors such as seating arrangement, interior design, AV, and timing.

Behind the Super Bowl Halftime: Magic in 6 Minutes

The Super Bowl halftime performance is one of the most watched, streamed, and talked-about events every year. It’s a wonder how everything gets set up so fast, and so flawlessly. The thing is, the six-minute setup time is usually just a matter of flawless execution. The real magic behind the process is how everything is prepared in advance, starting June of the year before. From there, everything gets planned to the last detail, all the way to when the crew would switch to a pre-recorded track in case the performer’s vocals go off. A veteran audio technician takes us through the entire process, this is a thorough example that preparation is everything in events.

Finding the Big Picture in Events

In all the bustle of event preparation, it’s so easy to get lost in the details and forget about the big picture. That’s why it helps to have a guide that shows you how you can nail the “why” of the event. It all starts with breaking down the marketplace and understanding how you can take advantage of existing trends. Then, you have to bring those trends into your event structure, from the promotion all the way to the setup. Remember, technology is great, but it should only play second fiddle to the “why” behind your event. The first priority is always to provide a meaningful experience that engages the crowd and works towards your goals.

Your Guide to Choosing the Best Event Management System

Not all event management tools are a fit for you. You have to choose one that jives with the type of event you are building, and the audience you are targeting. This is important to understand, as doing so will put you at a distinct industry advantage. Research says that more than half of event planners still do not use any form of event management software! Read all about the different event management systems available so you can make an informed and impactful decision.

How Event Apps are Done

Conde Nast enjoys well-deserved supremacy in their niche, and recently their event agency 23 Stories has released a new event app. “”, really showcases how an events app should be built. First off, the app is full-service, meaning it handles both the digital and the physical aspects of the event. Behind the app is also a full-fledged team, event and hospitality professionals included. Conde Nast capitalizes not just on their brand, but on a unique experience only they can offer through the app.

Nail Your Social Media Promotion

I know you already maximize your reach by putting your events out on social media. But with almost everybody else doing the same, how can you stand out? One useful technique is to plan out every post in an event calendar. Each post should be measured, and adjustments need to be made as your campaign progresses. You’ll want to create enough buzz that your audience would want to share it as well, and so that they, in turn, won’t want to miss the event. Then, you have to give them a sneak-peek into what comes after, from the after-party to the real-world impact of what they’ve experienced.

Partnership Marketing is All About Synergy

Many approach partnership marketing as a question of what the other party can do for them. However, that’s just one part of the equation. In order to make partnership marketing successful, you should also demonstrate how you could help your partner’s goals. This means understanding who among your circle is the perfect fit as a partner, and getting to know each other well. Learn more about how getting partners can multiply your efforts in promoting your events.

Tips for the Starting Event Professional

The depth of options available in the events industry can be very overwhelming to someone just starting off. In order to navigate it, you’ll need to understand exactly what part of the industry you find most attractive. Is it event technology? Maybe it’s event marketing? Or would you rather focus on trade show management? The options are endless. From here, the next step is to network with the influencers and authorities in the field you choose to learn the ropes and make your own mark.

Make Event ROI Tracking Easy

Running an event requires a lot of resources. Wouldn’t it be great if you could streamline the entire process? And wouldn’t it be even better if you could also track your event ROI at the same time? Apps like Marketo and Hubspot can simplify this process by providing templates for the whole event, integrating ROI into the mix. These templates can be edited and duplicated for multiple events, allowing you to keep an eye on your goals at all times.

We’ve discussed a bit about event partners earlier. Personally, I’ve had mixed advice when it comes to partnering. Some say it’s going to bring utter ruin to your event marketing. Others say it was the best way they found to grow their attendee base.


Dec 18, 2022

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