Change is the new constant, let's face it! Consider the past 20 or 10 or even 5 years. The iPhone wasn't released until that year. Look how dramatically our lives have changed as a result! Or do you still recall when Netscape Navigator was the preferred web browser? How about a look at life before Spotify, Instagram, Alexa, and Uber? Do you recall when we used to watch TV shows at a specific day and time specified by the networks as opposed to how we watch now, on demand? Since technology has been the driving force behind so much of the transformation we've seen in recent years, it's quite astounding.

Careers in technology have also been impacted by this ongoing shift. Jobs change along with technology. And because of this, it's dangerous to take it easy when working in the IT industry. Consider this: Windows administrators, COBOL programmers, and network engineers are no longer needed, or at least not in large quantities. And if IoT developers are currently in demand, another technology will be the main source of job demand in a few years.

So, if technology keeps changing and jobs right along with it, what’s a smart career move at this time? Cloud computing.  

The Future Is Bright in the Cloud

Cloud computing is an excellent career choice because businesses need cloud professionals—and they need them right now. The cloud skills gap is costing businesses over $250 million every year. And it’s a gap that’s growing. The results of one survey show 46 percent of firms see the cloud skills gap growing primarily because 96 percent of workers lack advanced skills.  

The jobs are out there. Cloud and distributed computing topped one list of sought-after skills in 2016 and in 2017. Cloud is said to be the second biggest driver of demand for technology skills. Over 11,000 job listings on Dice mention cloud computing on any given day, while has 25,000 job listings related to AWS.  

It’s the employees that are in short supply.

Those employees who are qualified (and hired) make good money. According to one survey, salaries for networking and storage specialists rose faster than for any other IT job—but only for those well versed in the cloud. The average salaries for cloud engineers and architects are well over $100,000 annually, and BusinessInsider lists 12 cloud computing job skills worth over $113,000 per year. Still not convinced? Then read this Forbes article that says cloud computing skills will earn you more money than other IT job.  

Different Types of Jobs in Cloud Computing

The need for qualified candidates is one reason it’s easy to get started in cloud computing, and the variety of roles is another. The most common jobs you’ll see listed include:

  • Cloud administrator
  • Cloud application developer
  • Cloud architect  
  • Cloud engineer
  • Cloud integration specialist
  • Cloud security manager  

In addition to the usual cloud computing jobs, you’ll also find cloud-related jobs posted for unusual ones such as cloud technology broker, jobs around customer service or sales, and jobs involving DevOps. In addition, if you want to work from home or you don’t want to relocate, plenty of cloud computing jobs are posted for companies willing to hire remote workers.  

How to Transition into Cloud Computing

Do you like the sound of that job market and lucrative pay? If you’ve decided a transition into a cloud computing career makes sense for your future, you might be wondering how to make the move. Your first step is deciding what type of job you’d like. Take a look at the kinds of jobs that are posted on and, and the requirements they list. You’ll also have some previous IT experience you’re can build on, because you won’t want to start from scratch, so that experience might determine your cloud path.  

Next, you might want to choose a vendor to focus on, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Azure (keeping in mind the strengths and weaknesses of each), or you might decide that you’d rather be a generalist, given the increasing popularity of multi-cloud solutions.  

After you choose a direction and determine the requirements for getting qualified for that job, get qualified.  

Getting Cloud Certified

Certification is the easiest way to launch your cloud computing career, and you have plenty of certifications to choose from based on your previous knowledge and career aspirations. A certification such as AWS Technical Essentials or the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training can get you started, as you learn the fundamentals of these popular vendors and cloud providers. If you already have a solid foundation in cloud computing, you can move on to more advanced certifications, such as AWS Solution Architect and AWS Developer Associate, Azure Developer. In addition to those types of certifications, you can enhance your skillset with shorter courses such as AWS Lambda knowledge nuggets, or you can learn particular tools like Kubernetes.  

Look for a certification you can earn on your own time, anywhere, anytime learning, and you’ll be able to prepare for your new career while still working in your existing one.  

Jobs in Cloud Computing Will Change

Going back to our earlier point about change is the new constant, also keep in mind that cloud computing jobs will evolve and change as well. For example, newer technologies such as blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and serverless computing are getting more popular, and jobs in those roles will as well. But if you’ve already transitioned into cloud computing, you’ve laid a foundation you can build on as these other technologies come to the fore.  

The key to future-proofing your IT career is a move into cloud computing to start, then staying on top of the inevitable changes by continuing to learn new skills to stay relevant. Remember, it’s learn or churn. Choose to learn.


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Nov 10, 2022
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