Even if you have studied for the GMAT in the past and are familiar with its general structure and format, you might still have questions about the questions that will be asked on the Quant section of the test. This blog breaks down the GMAT's quantitative section and goes over the ideas tested there. It also goes over the specific kinds of quantitative questions you can anticipate on the test.

The Quant Section of the GMAT

The Quant section is just one of four sections on the GMAT: Quant, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning (IR), and the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA). However, along with the Verbal section, Quant is recognized as one of the more critical sections of the GMAT. For one, Quant and Verbal are the only contributors to the all-important “0 to 800 score.” For another, many business schools place particular weight on the Quant score because it is a reliable predictor of how well you will perform in your business school classes.


The Quant section of the GMAT is one of the most important sections of the GMAT.

The Quant section consists of 31 questions and has a time limit of 62 minutes. Depending on the section order you select on test day, the Quant section can be the first, second, or third section on your GMAT.

What Quant Topics Does the GMAT Test?

If you’ve ever spoken with anyone about GMAT Quant, you’ve likely heard that the GMAT tests “high school math.” Thus, regardless of what age you are when you begin your GMAT prep, at some point, you should start to lean on at least some of the things you learned in high school math as a foundation for GMAT Quant.


GMAT Quant comprises many math topics you learned in high school.

The 21 major math topics tested on the GMAT are as follows:

  • Basic Arithmetic
  • Linear and Quadratic Equations
  • Number Properties
  • Roots
  • Exponents
  • Inequalities
  • Absolute Values
  • General Word Problems
  • Rates
  • Work Problems
  • Unit Conversions
  • Ratios
  • Percents
  • Statistics
  • Overlapping Sets
  • Combinations and Permutations
  • Probability
  • Geometry
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Sequences
  • Functions


There are 21 major math topics tested on the GMAT.

Each Major Math Topic Has Many Subtopics

You may say, wow, there are only 21 major Quant topics on the GMAT. However, that is not the whole story. Every major math topic has many associated subtopics.

For example, let’s look at the Quant topic of rates. Sure, we need to know that rate x time = distance. However, we also have to be familiar with many subtopics of rates. For example, you need to know topics such as average rates, converging rates, diverging rates, catch-up rates, catch-up and pass rates, round trip, etc. Thus, to truly master GMAT Quant, be ready to deal with the hundreds of subtopics that could show up in the GMAT Quant section.

Also, some bad news. There is no way to predict the exact Quant concepts you will see on your exam. Let’s discuss that now.


Although there are only 21 major Quant topics, there are hundreds of subtopics that you must learn to master GMAT Quant.

Don’t Try to Predict Which GMAT Quant Topics You’ll See

While we can make some broad generalizations about which GMAT topics are most commonly tested, the GMAT is generally quite unpredictable. Test-takers see a random array of questions. Furthermore, this mix of questions differs from test to test. Also, you can’t assume that what you see on any official practice test will mimic what you see on test day.

Let’s use some basic logic. Do you think that the folks at GMAC (the developers of the GMAT) would allow students to study only the six official practice exams to determine what Quant topics will appear on test day? That scenario is quite unlikely, unless the plan is to have all test-takers knock the GMAT out of the park.

The test-makers know that part of the GMAT’s difficulty is that there are so few questions on the test, but those questions can span hundreds of topics. In other words, part of the test’s difficulty rests on the fact that we cannot accurately forecast what we will see from one GMAT to the next.


It’s impossible to predict the exact topics that will be covered on any given GMAT.

So, the conclusion is that all Quant topics are essential. In other words, don’t base what you study on the volume of specific topics in your practice exams or a past GMAT exam you took.

The Best Way to Study GMAT Quant

We’ve established that you must learn a great number of concepts to succeed on GMAT Quant. A great way to learn so many concepts is to take a topical approach to your prep. Topical learning consists of learning just one topic at a time, and then practicing only that topic until you have achieved mastery.

If you use this topic-by-topic, linear approach to GMAT preparation, you’ll be employing the most effective strategy to guarantee that you fully comprehend each GMAT Quant topic. As a result, you won’t waste time attempting to understand complex topics before you fully grasp the fundamentals.

For example, do you think it would be helpful to jump from quadratic questions to ratio questions to geometry questions before fully grasping any of those topics? I think we can all agree that the answer is no.

If you randomly jump from topic to topic and do not give each topic the care and attention it deserves, it will be nearly impossible to develop your GMAT Quant skills. Rather than moving forward through your prep, you’ll just be treading water.


Topical learning allows you to learn each GMAT topic individually before progressing to the next.

To get a better idea of how topical learning works, let’s take a closer look at the TTP study plan.

How Target Test Prep Does Topical Learning

At TTP, the foundation of our study plan is topical learning and practice. We ensure that students focus on just one Quant or Verbal topic at a time. Only once they master a topic do they move on to a new topic.

For example, mission 4 of the TTP study plan contains the Quant chapter on quadratic equations. So, the first task of any student who reaches mission 4 is to learn about linear and quadratic equations. They learn about single variable equations, equations with two or more variables, the substitution method of solving linear equations, factoring quadratic equations, foiling quadratic equations, the zero-product property, quadratic identities, the difference of squares, factoring by grouping, etc.

Each subtopic makes up a lesson, and within each lesson, we present two to four example questions testing that specific concept. So, if you just learned about quadratic identities, for example, you would practice up to four example questions just on quadratic identities.

Also, after a chapter has been completed, several easy, medium, and hard chapter tests are presented. They test the student on the concepts just learned. A detailed summary of strengths and weaknesses is provided after each test.

While the TTP method of topical learning is just one example, it should give you a good picture of how to study GMAT Quant effectively.


A great way to learn GMAT Quant is to take a topical approach to your learning and practice.

The Two Types of GMAT Quant Questions

In the GMAT Quant section you will encounter two types of Quant questions:

  1. Problem Solving
  1. Data Sufficiency

Of the 31 questions in the Quant section, about two-thirds of them (roughly 20) are Problem Solving questions. Data Sufficiency questions account for the remaining 11 questions in the Quant section.


Of the 31 questions in the Quant section, Problem Solving questions represent 2/3 and Data Sufficiency questions make up 1/3.

Let’s discuss Problem Solving questions in a bit more detail.

GMAT Quant Problem Solving Questions

Problem Solving questions are multiple-choice questions. So, a Problem-Solving question has five possible answer choices (A, B, C, D, and E), and only one of those answer choices is correct.

A Problem-Solving question can test you on any of the 21 major Quant topics or the hundreds of subtopics. Let’s look at a few examples to get a feel for GMAT Problem Solving questions.

Problem Solving Question 1

What is the units digit of 3^11?

  1. 1
  1. 3
  1. 6
  1. 7
  1. 9


The “major” topic here is number properties, and the main subtopic is units digit patterns.

To determine the units digit of 3^11, we must use the pattern of units digits when the base of three is raised to an integer exponent. So, let’s determine that pattern now, starting with 3^1. When listing our exponents below, we will show only the units digit of the result of the exponent, so we can easily spot the pattern.

3^1 = 3

3^2 = 9

3^3 = 7

3^4 = 1

3^5 = 3

So, we see that we have a repeating pattern of 4. In other words, the pattern when the base of three is raised to consecutive exponents is 3-9-7-1.

What is important about this pattern is that, since we have a repeating pattern of four, every 4th exponent has the same units digit. Thus, we can conclude that 3^4, 3^8, 3^12, … etc., all have the same units digit of 1.

Thus, the easiest way to determine the units digit of 3^11 is to find the exponent that is a multiple of 4 and also close to 11.

We see that, since 4^12 has a units digit of 1, 4^11 must have a units digit of 7.

Answer: D

Let’s try one more.

Problem Solving Question 2

Harold is 30 years older than Paloma. If in 10 years Harold will be 3 times as old as Paloma, how old will Harold be in 3 years?

  1. 38
  1. 33
  1. 28
  1. 24
  1. 18


The major topic tested here is general word problems, and the subtopic is age problems.

Our first step to solve the problem is to create two variables:

H = Harold’s age today

P = Paloma’s age today

Next, we can create two equations from the information presented in the problem stem.

Since Harold is 30 years older than Paloma, we have:

H = P + 30

Since in 10 years Harold will be 3 times as old as Paloma, we have:

H + 10 = 3(P + 10)

H + 10 = 3P + 30

H = 3P + 20

Next, we can substitute P + 30 for H in the second equation:

P + 30 = 3P + 20

10 = 2P

5 = P

Thus, Harold is currently 5 + 30 = 35 years old, so in 3 years, he will be 38 years old.

Answer: A

GMAT Quant Data Sufficiency Questions

A Data Sufficiency question often starts with a question stem that includes a question and some optional information, followed by two statements (Statement One and Statement Two).

It is then up to you to decide whether you have enough information, from either or both of the statements, to answer the given question. Thus, the essence of a Data Sufficiency question (unlike Problem Solving) is to test your critical thinking and reasoning skills under a math umbrella.

While this type of analytical math may initially be a bit challenging or even intimidating, many students enjoy solving Data Sufficiency questions by the end of their GMAT prep.


Data Sufficiency questions test both your math and analytical reasoning skills.

The Answer Choices in a GMAT Data Sufficiency Question

Like Problem Solving questions, Data Sufficiency questions have five answer choices. However, unlike Problem Solving questions, the Data Sufficiency answer choices are always the same. Thus, I advise that all of my students memorize the answer choices. They are as follows:

Answer A: Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.

Answer B: Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.

Answer C: BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.

Answer D: EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.

Answer E: Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed.


Memorize the Data Sufficiency answer choices.

Value Data Sufficiency Questions

A Value Data Sufficiency question is one in which we need to determine whether we have enough information to come up with a unique numerical answer. Below are some examples:

— What is the value of x?

— How old is Marcus?

— What is the price of the couch at store A?

— Liz’s investment earned how much interest?

— What is the value of xy?

In a Value question, we must obtain a single value as the answer to the question in order to determine sufficiency.


In a Value Data Sufficiency question, a statement is sufficient if we determine a unique value for what is being asked.

For example, let’s say we have a Data Sufficiency question in which we need to determine the value of x, and statement one is x^2 – x – 12 = 0. Well, factoring that quadratic equation, we have:

(x – 4)(x + 3) = 0

x = 4 or x = -3

Since we have determined two values for x, we see that statement one is not sufficient. However, had the statement been x^2 + 6x + 9 = 0, we would have:

(x + 3)(x + 3) = 0

x = -3

In this case, since we have just one value for x, statement one is sufficient.

Let’s practice answering a Value Data Sufficiency question.

Value Data Sufficiency Example

The ratio of the number of stamps owned by Nancy to the number of stamps owned by Diane to the number of stamps owned by Jill is 2 to 5 to 7. How many stamps does Nancy own?

1) The total number of stamps owned by Nancy, Diane, and Jill is 70.

2) Diane owns 10 fewer stamps than Jill.

A: Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.

B: Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.

C: BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.

D: EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.

E: Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed.


The major topic tested here is ratios, and the subtopic is general word translations.

To start, we create a ratio with the information provided in the problem stem.

We know that the ratio of the number of stamps owned by Nancy to the number of stamps owned by Diane to the number of stamps owned by Jill is 2 to 5 to 7. Thus, we can create the following ratio:

N : D : J = 2x : 5x : 7x

Our goal is to determine the number of stamps owned by Nancy.

Let’s now consider the statements:

Statement One Alone:

The total number of stamps owned by Nancy, Diane, and Jill is 70.

We can create the following equation:

2x + 5x + 7x = 70

14x = 70

x = 5

Thus, Nancy owns 2 * 5 = 10 stamps.

Statement one is sufficient to answer the question.

Statement Two Alone:

Diane owns 10 fewer stamps than Jill.

We can create the following equation:

5x = 7x – 10

10 = 2x

x = 5

Once again, we see that Nancy owns 2 * 5 = 10 stamps. Thus, each statement individually is sufficient.

Answer: D

Now, let’s discuss Yes/No Data Sufficiency questions.

Yes/No Data Sufficiency Questions

Unlike the Value question type, in Yes/No Data Sufficiency questions, we do not determine whether we have enough information to get a unique value. Rather, we determine whether we have enough information to get a definitive answer of YES or a definitive answer of NO.


In a Yes/No Data Sufficiency question, a statement is sufficient if we determine a definitive answer of yes or a definitive answer of no.

We must keep in mind that if we get an answer of yes AND an answer of no for any particular statement, then the statement is not sufficient.

For example, let’s say we have a Yes/No Data Sufficiency question in which we need to determine whether x is greater than zero.

If statement one says that x is greater than -2, that statement is insufficient because we could get a yes if x is 10 or a no answer if x is -1.

However, if the statement says that x is greater than 2, it would be sufficient because, regardless of which value we select for x, the value of x will always be greater than zero.

Yes/No Data Sufficiency Question Example

Is x^2 > x?

1) x > 0

2) x > 1

A: Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.

B: Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.

C: BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.

D: EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.

E: Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed.


The major topic tested here is inequalities, and the subtopic is exponents.

Since there is no given information, we can jump right into statement one.

Statement One Alone:

x > 0

We know that x is greater than zero, and since we should recognize that different types of numbers react differently to being raised to integer powers, let’s first test a positive proper fraction for x, and then test a positive integer value.

When x = 1/2, we have:

Is x^2 > x?

Is (1/2)^2 > 1/2?

Is 1/4 > 1/2?

NO, 1/4 is not greater than 1/2.

When x = 2, we have:

Is x^2 > x?

Is 2^2 > 2?

Is 4 > 2?

YES, 4 is greater than 2.

Since we have an answer of no for the first case and an answer of yes for the second case, statement one is not sufficient.

Statement Two Alone:

x > 1

It’s important to see that we do not have to plug in values, as we did for statement one, because x is greater than one, which means it can’t be a proper fraction and can’t be equal to 1. Thus, regardless of which values we use for x, we see that x^2 will always be greater than x. Therefore, we will always have an answer of YES. So, statement two is sufficient to answer the question.

Answer: B

GMAT Quant Section Breakdown Summary

The GMAT Quant section consists of 31 questions, and you have 62 minutes to answer them. There are two question types: traditional Problem-Solving questions, which have 5 answer choices, and Data Sufficiency questions, which are unique to the GMAT. About two-thirds of the Quant questions are of the Problem-Solving type, and the remaining one-third are of the Data Sufficiency type.

Data Sufficiency questions present a stem with basic information, and they pose a question that the student must answer. There are two additional statements presented, called Statement One and Statement Two. The student must evaluate whether each statement leads to a definitive answer to the question posed.


Nov 23, 2022
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