What is TestDaF?

The German language test TestDaF (Test Deutsch als Fremde Sprache) is at the advanced level and is particularly student-focused. It covers the Common European Framework of Reference levels B2 through C1. It is recognized all over Germany and passing it facilitates entry to universities. Therefore, TestDaF is the exam to take if you want to study in Germany and get accepted to a university.

There are currently 80 countries and almost 400 test centers worldwide. Visit the testing facility that is closest to you to sign up for the exam. A cost for the exam must be paid. The dates for the exams are set in stone.

Skills which are verified in the exam:

  • Being able to find important information in different types of short texts.
  • Understanding full statements and their details in scientific  and journalistic tests.
  • Being able to obtain specific information in common situations.
  • Being able to follow dialogues or interviews.
  • Understanding presentations of scientific topics.
  • Writing your own, structured and understandable texts with presented arguments.
  • Being able to make descriptions, summaries and comparisons.
  • Being a part of a discussion, adopting a justified position, considering alternatives and making hypotheses.


TestDaF Format

TestDaF has four components – reading comprehension, listening comprehension, written examination and oral expression. Reading and writing take 60 minutes each, there are about 40 minutes for listening and speaking, which is computer-aided takes around 35 minutes. You can get three test results – 3, 4 or 5, which indicate you level of skill for each component of the test. Levels 4 and 5 grant university admission, however admission is also possible with level 3.

Reading comprehension comprises of short texts about common university life and you have to assign them  to appropriate statements and two longer texts with multiple choice questions (3 alternatives).

In listening comprehension  you will here four audio texts – a dialogue, an interview or discussion and a presentation. The dialogue requires making notes and answering questions in written form. For the interview or discussion you will have to answer true or false questions. The presentation requires you to give short written answers.

In writing examination it is expected of you to write a text based on guide points and facts presented on diagrams or in tables and structure the text appropriately. You will be asked to take a stand regarding a certain topic and justify it.

In the oral expression you will be given seven tasks related to university situations and you will have to get information, describe graphics and make a summary of their content, you will need to express your opinion and justify it as well as consider alternatives and make hypotheses.

Dec 7, 2022

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