Every new leadership position comes with a learning curve. The majority of experts concur that a new leader's first 100 days on the job are crucial for laying the groundwork for future successes. The time is not right to start over and make drastic changes. When you have worked for 100 days, that moment will come. But whether you can completely benefit from days 101–400 will depend on how well you manage those first 100 days.

For now, here are the six key things you should be planning for and executing during those critical early days:

1. Gather intel: what needs to be addressed? Go on a fact-finding mission. At this point, don’t look to change anything, just ask, listen and observe. As you do this, consider the next five action steps; fold in what you’re learning with changes you plan to make further down the road.

2. Set the tone with your boss. You may think I have this backwards – doesn’t the boss set the tone with me? Well, yes and no. It’s up to you to establish the relationship you want with your manager. Let him or her know your preferences – what type of communication works best for you and so on. If it’s done diplomatically and with the intent to facilitate communication, many bosses will be receptive.

3. Bring your direct reports on board – fast.  Set up one-to-one meetings as soon as possible after you assume your new role. Find out how the previous manager implemented processes and communication strategies – did the systems work, or could they use some tweaking?

4. Lay out your communication strategies. Think of a wheel – there is a center point (the “hub”) and spokes that radiate out from the hub. Now, think of yourself as that communication “hub” – and the spokes as all the people with whom you and your team must communicate. What communication strategies will you put in place to be sure you are communicating properly with each spoke on the wheel?

5. Assess your department’s brand. This is something many new managers overlook. That’s too bad, because the reputation of your department can be a key asset or liability, depending on how others see it. Ask around—what’s the level of credibility your department has? Do colleagues in other departments know what your team does? Can key executives connect what you do to the company’s mission?

6. Grab the low-hanging fruit. Executive coaches George Bradt* and Pam Fox Rollin** advocate for an “invest in early wins” approach for newly hired executives. I think this is true for any leader, regardless of their scope of authority. Whenever you meet with someone, ask, “what’s one simple, inexpensive thing we could do to _____ (improve customer service, make your job easier, improve efficiency)?”

Review these six key actions once a week. Ask yourself, “What specific action have I taken on this item?” If you keep these six actions top-of-mind each week, the first 100 days of your new leadership role will set you up for a successful leadership experience in the months to come.


Oct 11, 2022

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