Will you be taking the TOPIK?

If you have any experience studying in Korea or learning the language, you may have heard the term TOPIK mentioned a few times. But what precisely is TOPIK? What does it represent? And should you be concerned about the Korean Test?

What is TOPIK?

TOPIK stands for “Test of Proficiency in Korean.” This Korean language test is offered multiple times a year for non-native speakers of Korean to test their Korean language skills, whatever their level and experience may be.

TOPIK is administered by the National Institute for International Education, or NIIED for short, a branch of the South Korean Ministry of Education.

Korean Proficiency Test

TOPIK is a Korean proficiency test and is especially popular among foreigners wishing to find professional employment in companies in Korea, foreigners who want a residency visa in Korea, bring the family to Korea, and for other equivalent reasons. This Korean Test measures proficiency in the Korean Language, so foreigners or Korean language learners who need to validate their proficiency in the language may want to consider taking this test.

If you’re an international student, you can even use your TOPIK grades to get into a university in South Korea.

TOPIK Levels

The old format of the TOPIK had three different levels of TOPIK scores: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. The Korean test consisted of four sections: grammar and vocabulary, listening, reading, and writing. This was the format of TOPIK until 2014.

A new format has been in effect from the 35th TOPIK test onward, with the exam conducted in July 2014. There are now only two levels (TOPIK I and TOPIK II) and six sublevels (TOPIK Level 1 – 6). The new TOPIK Levels have different coverages. You are evaluated based on the number of points earned. After the test, you will receive a level between 1 and 6 based on your total score on the test.


TOPIK I the test consists of only reading and listening. To reach a higher level in TOPIK I, you are expected to understand simple daily conversations (both formal and informal), formulate simple sentences, and be able to manage some public tasks in your everyday life in Korean.

TOPIK Level 1

TOPIK Level 1 is under TOPIK I. This is the equivalent of “beginner” in the old format.  The pass mark for this level is over 80 points. To pass this level, you should be capable of understanding and writing basic sentences using around 800 words.  

TOPIK Level 2

TOPIK Level 2 is also under TOPIK I.  At this level, you are expected to be able to carry out simple conversations in person or over the phone and be able to ask for directions or instructions. To pass this level, you need around 140 points.


To get the highest score in TOPIK II, you are expected to be at a level where you can function in Korean in professional tasks and research environments, comprehend a wide range of ideas and expressions, and be able to understand complex topics such as economics, politics, or issues related to the professional field.

TOPIK Level 3

TOPIK Level 3 is under TOPIK II. TOPIK level 3 until 6 is the equivalent of “advanced” to “intermediate” in the old format.  The passing mark for this sublevel is 120 points. At this level, you are expected to be able to socialize without difficulty, use public facilities, and use spoken and written language correctly.

TOPIK Level 4

TOPIK Level 4 is under TOPIK II.  To pass this, you should have a score of over 150 points.  At this higher level, you are expected to understand basic news reports and newspapers. You should also be able to use the language to carry out some form of work.

TOPIK Level 5

TOPIK Level 5 is under TOPIK II. Under this level, you should be able to use Korean for various complex scenarios like research and other professional tasks. The passing mark is over 190 points.

TOPIK Level 6

TOPIK Level 6 is under TOPIK II.  The passing mark for this level is over 230 points. Apart from being able to use the language for a variety of complex scenarios like in Level 5, passers should have no difficulty in carrying out their professional and daily tasks or communicating meaning.

How long is the TOPIK exam?

TOPIK I lasts for approximately two hours, while TOPIK II, with the writing portion, takes three hours to complete.

Excluding the writing portion, TOPIK II is fully a multiple-choice test.

What is a good score on the TOPIK?

In TOPIK 1, you’ll need 140 points to receive level two in the exam. For TOPIK 2, you’ll need at least 230 to achieve the highest level. Below, we’ll tell you more about the recommended scores that you must reach to pass the different levels.

TOPIK 1 Score

This is equivalent to the beginner level in the old format. Each segment of the exam is worth 100 points. You need to achieve over 80 points in your test results to pass the exam. You’ll need 140 points in your results to receive level two in the exam.

TOPIK 2 Score

The second level covers intermediate and advanced levels in the old format. You need to achieve at least 120 points in your results to pass TOPIK II. To achieve the highest level in the exam, you should get at least 230 points on your results.

How do you register for TOPIK?

If you are in Korea at the time of registering, you can do so at the official site for the exam, where you will also get to choose the location of the exam based on availability. Make sure you check out the official site links regularly for the announcement official date of registration and the form needed.

The test fee can be paid with your debit or credit card, online bank transfer, or an offline direct bank transfer. You’ll also need to include a photo in your application (bring two passport-sized photos).

If you are in another country overseas, you should visit the local Korean embassies and Korean culture centers to register. Their websites should also show the official announcement on the registration date and the exam.

Whether in Korea or a different country overseas, TOPIK is always conducted in person. It is not possible to take the test online at this time.

TOPIK Results

It would take test takers around a few weeks from taking the exam to receive their grades. Test results announcements are usually through the TOPIK website. Your score for each TOPIK test is valid for two years.

If you plan to take the TOPIK and use the Korean language test for enrollment, it is essential to schedule the exam based on when you need to have its scores in hand!


The price will depend on where you’re going to take the test and at what level. In Korea, TOPIK It can cost around KRW40,000, while TOPIK II can cost you around KRW 55,000. You might want to visit affiliated institutions to get the registration fee for your country.

How to prepare for the TOPIK test?

Typically, the preparation directly for TOPIK is self-study and practice. Of course, attending a Korean language class, in general, will always help improve your skill and proficiency.

Should you take TOPIK?

It is up to you and your goals whether you want to take TOPIK! It is available for any Korean learner, even those living outside of Korea, to take. There are also multiple test dates, so the schedule is not an issue. More importantly, it’s also not that expensive. So what do you have to lose if you take the exam, even if it’s just for once?

Why should you take TOPIK?

There are multiple reasons you should seriously consider taking TOPIK. Firstly, a good TOPIK score may help you gain entry to study in a university in Korea. It may exempt you from taking other language classes before starting your studies. Additionally, once you are in university in South Korea, it is often mandatory to take the TOPIK before graduating.

Additionally, a certificate and a good score from TOPIK will also help you find a job in good Korean companies Korea. As a bonus, getting a good TOPIK score will also give you points when you apply for a residency visa when you want to go and live in Korea!

When should you take TOPIK?

If you want to be serious about taking this proficiency test in Korean, you might want to wait until it is time to take it. The test can be pretty tricky and stressful, especially the listening portion. Perhaps you may not want to study hard for it to test yourself.

Now that you know what kind of a test TOPIK is, do you have a schedule to take it? Have you already tried taking TOPIK before, and were you glad about your score?


Dec 6, 2022

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