We are thinking about a specific understanding: a successful HR director has an excellent understanding of how employees behave in a specific business process of his company, what the benefits and drawbacks of the current practice are, and how precisely one or more business problems could be solved at the expense of HR technologies. The capacity to not only think about the organization as a whole and the importance of the human component in it, but also to articulate and defend this viewpoint to other managers, is another important competency for an HR director. The HR director must be able to persuade others that the link between the various departments is made up of the employees and company goals by using credible instances to back up his claims.

Generally speaking, the HR director is not a position where "wordless knowledge" is sufficient; otherwise, the HR service will quickly become a servant department, continually raking up the outcomes of individuals from various departments at all levels' subpar performance. What traits are essential for an HR professional? What facilitates HR's work, what contributes to their success, and why? What connections exist between these traits and formal HR tasks?

8 Qualities and Competencies Required for an HR Director

During an interview with a candidate for one of the positions, an HR professional usually evaluates the candidate and compares his or her attributes and qualities to a list of professional and personal qualities required for the job. A survey of over 2,000 HR-directors was also conducted, which helped to define and rate eight personal qualities and competencies that are simply required of a top-level HR-manager.

Successful HR directors are not limited to the narrow tasks and specific functions of the HR department. Simply put, their priorities are not limited to recruiting, adapting, and securing the legal aspects of hiring. They understand perfectly well the meaning of the various actions taken by a company in its market, are well-versed in business trends, and are able to think about and negotiate its opportunities on an almost equal basis with marketing directors. They understand which processes have an impact on the business.

That is, HR-professionals see all processes in a systemic way, but the main point of reference in their thinking is the role of human resources in all these processes. Understanding the business in general and having a comprehensive and holistic view of it, a good HR-director, however, always looks at all these problems and processes through the prism of human resources, perceiving them as a key capital and the most important value of the company. After all, no matter what problems the company faces, its staff - both managers and ordinary specialists - will be the ones to overcome them.

The strength of this point of view is that this is often the point that escapes the heads of other departments: the finance department, the IT department, the sales department, or the marketing and advertising department. They have a narrower specialization, and as much as possible focused on the tasks of their division. But a good HR director understands perfectly well that it is the "human factor" that will have to overcome any difficulties, any tasks will be solved by the company's staff.  

To be valued and listened to, the HR-director must prove himself by presenting high-quality HR-technology-based solutions to a variety of business problems.

What qualities do HR-directors need in order to solve these very difficult tasks?  

  1. Knowledge and understanding of business, HR processes, and organizational processes;
  1. The ability for strategic thinking/ability for critical and analytical thinking;
  1. The flexibility of thinking, capacity to develop, and willingness to try new things;
  1. Ability to communicate effectively;
  1. Reliability and the ability to inspire trust;
  1. Result orientation and willingness to work hard to achieve the goal;
  1. Strict adherence to ethical standards;
  1. Persuasiveness, the ability to influence other people.

Flexibility and the ability to think globally can also be listed separately. Flexibility is essential for an HR director who has to adapt to ever-changing business needs in a globalized environment. One of the leading qualities for an HR director is ethical behavior. Many people have stated that an HR director must have a high degree of general intelligence and technological literacy and the ability to rapidly learn new technology, such as computer programs and HR technologies.

In addition to the qualities mentioned above, it is also important to be team-oriented. HR managers must have an excellent understanding of group and team dynamics and understand the principles of effective team functioning. They must be able to find ways to bring people together, sometimes opposing each other, and make them work together effectively.

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Jan 2, 2023

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