Are you trying to launch a data science career? Are you a programmer looking to break out? If you checked yes to both of these questions, you might be considering earning a Python certification. You've probably seen or heard about the Python certification programs that reputable training centers frequently offer.

But have you ever questioned why professionals place such a strong emphasis on obtaining a Python certification? You'll learn about the seven main justifications for getting it in this blog.

1- What is a Python certification?

Python certification is something that one should try to get if he or she wants to improve his/her knowledge of the programming language and demonstrate the proof of his/her expertise. There’re some people who may have knowledge of the fundamentals of the language but don’t know about it in detail. In that scenario, once they get their Python certification, it proves that they’ve a robust understanding of Python.

Today, Python is considered as one of the most in-demand and popular programming languages. Whether you want to be a web developer or a data science professional, it makes sense to obtain a Python certification. Let’s have a look at the factors that have propelled this certification to such an excellent position.

2- Key reasons to have a Python certification

As Python has gained tremendous popularity over the recent years, a large number of organizations, regardless of their volumes, have started accepting it as their primary language when it comes to writing various codes and developing different applications. This has led to a significant number of organizations hiring candidates with Python certification. Here’re seven major reasons to focus on getting this certification.


Python certification is hugely recognized by a lot of organizations that work with data. In fact, it’s the leading language embraced by a majority of data scientists. Though for years, private researchers and academic scholars were using MATLAB language for their work, everything started to change with the emergence of Python numerical engines like “Pandas” and “NumPy”.

Today, there’re some organizations that have made Python certification mandatory when they offer positions related to data science. Keeping in the mind the excellent pay coupled with other benefits offered to data science professionals, it pays to get a Python certification.


This is another key reason why you should try to get a Python certification. In the last few years, we’ve experienced exponential growth in the field of machine learning and today, it’s rapidly changing almost everything around us. From sophisticated algorithms to smart chatbots that can promptly answer queries – machine learning is transforming the way the world does business.

If you’re interested in machine learning, getting a Python certification is probably the best thing you can do to make the journey easier. Though Java also contains machine learning libraries, Python is more content-rich as the developer community prefers it over any other language when it comes to machine learning.


There’re countless web developers who prefer Python over other languages because it comes with a wide range of libraries and frameworks that make the work really easy for them. For example, a task that may take hours in another programming language can be accomplished by the developers within minutes with Python.

Owing to Python’s user-friendliness, it has been used to develop some of the most famous websites like Google, YouTube, Dropbox, Reddit, Instagram, and Spotify, among others. Looking at these websites, it won’t be an overstatement to say that it really pays to have a Python certification. Python offers the ideal way of developing websites and if you’re an aspiring web developer or programmer, you shouldn’t think twice giving yourself the chance to excel in your web development career by having this certification.


Even if you don’t want to enter the data science field, having a Python certification means you’ll be able to earn substantially more money than those who’re not certified. It’s a common fact that usually, earning more money requires more credentials and that’s exactly what a Python certification does to your profile. Getting a Python certification will surely need you to spend some money but once you become certified, you can switch to a high-paying job or ask for a raise at your present company.

In addition, Python certification plays a key role in the hiring process and is often considered as a great tool for screening and selection purposes. It helps to make your resume stand out of the competition, which would greatly increase your chances of getting a high-paying job because professionals with Python certification bring great value to the organization they work for.


If you’re a beginner to the programming world, this is probably the biggest reason why you should focus on getting a Python certification at first. Python is exceptionally easy to learn and you can use it as a stepping stone for learning other languages and frameworks. As a beginner, you definitely want to start with something that’s relatively easy to master upon and Python ticks that box perfectly because it doesn’t come with complicated rules and difficult syntax.


When you’re trying to get a Python certification, it’s obvious that you’ll encounter problems in the learning process. Since Python is an open-source language, it comes with a massive support base. Millions of developer work hard with it on a regular basis.

Whenever you’re learning something, a great community support is most probably the biggest thing you’ll need to excel in the field. Whenever you get stuck with an issue while mastering Python, you’re most likely to find a helping hand, thanks to the vast and active Python community.


One of the biggest advantages about learning Python and trying to get a Python certification is its multipurpose application. Python isn’t just tied to one thing. For example, R is only good at machine learning and data science but it doesn’t come into the picture when you work in the field of web development.

On the other hand, having a Python certification proves your expertise in the language and indicates that you can use it to do different things. From entering the fields of data science or machine learning or web development to automating your day-to-day tasks – a lot can be done using Python.

3- Things to keep in mind when you’re trying to get a Python certification

Your road to get a Python certification won’t be easy. So, we’ve put together our best tips here that would make this journey of yours relatively easy.


Consistency plays a crucial role when you’re learning Python or any other language for that matter. Try to code everyday to help develop your muscle memory. Though it may seem a little bit difficult initially, starting small and increasing it incrementally will gradually make it easier.


Many may consider coding as a solitary activity, but in reality, it works the best when you learn together. So, in your effort to get a Python certification, try to surround yourself with others who’re learning Python. It’ll let you share the knowledge you gain along the way.

If you don’t know anyone, there’re lots of ways to find others who’re passionate about learning Python. For example, you can attend local meetups or events and join learning communities to find Python enthusiasts like you.


When you’re preparing to get a Python certification, small exercises can turn out to be extremely helpful in making you confident with the language. Once you’ve gained a strong understanding of the fundamentals of Python, you should try to develop something. The successful effort of developing something is actually what teaches you the most. You should remember that most of your learning will come from developing something using Python.


Pair programming refers to the technique where two developers work at a single workstation to accomplish a task. It not only gives you a chance to have your code reviewed by someone, but also lets you observe how someone else may be thinking about a problem. This approach makes you exposed to multiple ways and ideas of thinking, which in turn would help you to improve your own problem-solving skills when you get back to solitary coding.

Final takeaway

We hope that by now, you’ve got a clear understanding of why you should get a Python certification. Remember that having a Python certification not only boosts your marketability but also adds great amount of value to the company you work for.

It acts like a recognized benchmark of knowledge and skills that augments the company’s reputation. And that’s probably the main reason why lots of companies not only focus on recruiting candidates with Python certification, but also encourage their existing employees to obtain one so that they can take a measurable advantage. Though there’re several ways to prepare for and get a Python certification, we strongly suggest you to do it from a reputed institute to make the journey relatively easier.


Nov 16, 2022
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