1 - It begins with “I”

The aphorism from the ancient Greek philosopher Aristoteles that "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom" still holds true today. Nowadays, learning begins with the demands of the individual, as opposed to traditional talent development, which mandates specific must-haves, should-haves, and could-haves in your skill set.

Frequently, self-knowledge tests like the MBTI, ManagementDrives, InSights, or Spiral Dynamics are only made available for "higher-level" jobs. Never at any time are discussions regarding one's purpose in life held. However, developing a constant learning workforce begins with understanding oneself, one's strengths, and one's growth goals.

2 - Embed soft-skills of the future

While technical skills such as programming and analyzing are very important, it may be even more important to develop creative and communication skills. It turns out to be the case that sooner or later, technical task such as programming and analyzing, can be done way faster and consistently by the "digital" workers (i.e computers, robots, AI). The only thing digital is lacking - and therefore cannot reinvent itself - is the capability of imagination and creativity.

Also feedback skills, leadership and insights in team development and team dynamics are essential in an agile organization. Even when facilitating development programs for technicians or operational experts, these so called 'soft-skills' are of great value and essential in helping people to stay relevant in the future of work.

Make development of these kind of skills available for everybody within the organizations and actively promote these kinds of skills along technical skills.

3 - Empiricism is key

Continuous learning is a matter of trial and error. Not only to discover on a personal level what suits your needs, the way you learn best, but also to ensure that you actually learning what you - and your environment - want to. Are you measurably successful in developing certain (soft)-skills? Did you manage to produce things, you weren't able before? And - most important - did it give you a higher level of personal satisfaction, does your learning contributes to your reason of being? And if not, what other experiments are there to take?

4 - Focus on Continuous Learning/Learning Agility

The main goal of Agile Talent Management is helping people to gain learning agility; the ability to learn what is needed at any point in time. This goes side by side with continuous learning (a lifelong learning) and developing a growth mindset; the believe that you can be as smart as you want to be. (Everybody can learn!)

By aiming towards learning agility, agile talent management will also benefit the flow through within your organization and helps improving sustainable employability. Either within or outside the organization.

When focusing on this, rather than on skill-level, you promote agility not only within your organization, but at its core; the people.

5 - Rewarding and recognition are different things

A lot of talent programs, or development programs, are bound to a rewarding policy. This rewarding policy is most of the time either system oriented (based on ratings and calibrations) or manager oriented (based on managers discretion). Both policies are perceived highly 'unfair'. Amongst other downsides of both types of policies, such as high pressure and a lot of (extra) work.

Agile Talent Management is about both fair rewarding AND recognition. Recognition can be found in many other things than salary alone. Even stronger; recognition is a personal and interaction based "reward", something salary will never give. To stimulate learning agility, recognition needs much more attention. Rewarding should definitely be fair, but it is recognition what moves us.

Decouple any (financial) rewarding policies from your talent development as soon as possible, to really get the conversation started about talent development rather than fairness and money.

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Jan 15, 2023

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