


What Exactly Is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone that the body naturally produces. It is connected to your circadian rhythm and influences your sleep. Discover how melatonin is made.

What Exactly Is NREM Sleep?

The first three stages of sleep are classified as NREM (non-REM). Each stage is distinguished by distinct changes in brain activity and minimal to no eye movement.

What Exactly Is Sleeping Pill Addiction?

Sleeping pills are a common sleep aid. However, in excess or when abused, they can become addictive. Discover the warning signs and treatment options for this type of addiction.

What Is REM Sleep, and How Much Is Required?

REM sleep is the fourth stage of sleep and is characterized by rapid eye movement, dreaming, and rapid brain activity. Discover the symptoms, function, and impact of REM sleep.

Adventure Therapy: Definition, Types, Techniques, and Effectiveness

Adventure therapy entails activities supervised by mental health professionals, such as camping or rock climbing. It may be beneficial for anxiety and depression.

Discernment Counseling: Definition, Techniques, and Efficacy

Discernment Counseling helps "mixed agenda" couples, in which one partner wants to divorce and the other wants to stay married.

Family Constellation Therapy: What Is It?

People in family constellation therapy act out interactions between members of the client's family to help the client identify patterns.

Filial Therapy: Definition, Methods, and Effectiveness

Filial therapy is a family-centered intervention that teaches parents how to use play therapy with their children. Learn more about its application and operation.