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7 Items to Consider for a Hybrid Event Budget

A hybrid event budget contains many items and typically costs 1.5 times as much as an in-person event. Here's the rundown.

9 Ways to Measure Real Event ROI

We're Breaking Down Nine Methods We Use to Quantitatively and Qualitatively Prove Your Event ROI So Your Next Event is a Success.

A Step Towards a Community Model? Asynchronous Hybrid Events

Asynchronous communication has begun to make waves in the meeting and events industry, specifically as asynchronous hybrid events.

Back to Basics When Planning a Safe Event

Planning a safe event has always been a part of the event industry, and it is now more than ever on the minds of event organizers.

Breakout Sessions at the Conference: Best Practices and Examples

Every conference includes conference breakout sessions. Here's how to plan them so that your guests are truly delighted!

Corporate Event Planning Suggestions for 2022

Corporate event planning has resumed in full force. In 2022, here's how to plan truly memorable corporate events.

Experiential Events: How to Run an Experiential Marketing Campaign

Experiential events provide your attendees with an emotionally powerful and unforgettable experience. Find out more about planning them here!

Guide to Event Gamification: Achieve Your Event Goals

Event gamification is an excellent way to incentivize desired attendee behavior and achieve your event objectives with ease.