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Event Management


A Guide to Event Technology

Event technology is a trend driven by the availability of a specific technology as well as the audience's appetite for technology-driven experiences.

A Guide to Event Marketing

This event marketing guide will go over some of the most important aspects of a successful event marketing campaign, including how to raise awareness and sell tickets.

A Guide to Event Strategy

Event strategy is a complicated plan with many moving parts and lofty goals. It is, however, the foundation of event planning.

A Guide to Event Themes

The look, feel, taste, sound, and even smell of an event are all aspects of its theme. Use all of your senses to create an experience that people will never forget!

A Guide to Event Promotion

The goal of event promotion could be ticket sales, attendance, sponsorship, charity donations, or something else, depending on the event. You can read about it here.

Different Types of Events

Learn more about the various types of events you will manage as an event manager. From corporate events to weddings, festivals, and exhibitions.

Event Management: How to Use It Step by Step

Event management. It's a phrase that's thrown around a lot, but what exactly does it mean? And, more importantly, how can it be used in events?

Top 10 Event Types for Your Strategy: Hybrid, Virtual, or In-Person

Oh, webinars and SKOs! Learn about the ten most high-impact types of events, regardless of format, to include in your strategy.