The N3 Japanese Language Ability Test (JLPT) evaluates reading and listening skills to determine upper-intermediate levels of language proficiency. It is the first of the five JLPTs that offers advantages beyond serving as a metric for measuring progress. Passing the N3, N2, or N1 is particularly valuable as documentation of significant language proficiency that can be included on resumes or applications for employment or academic programs.


The N3 evaluates your understanding of 650 or more kanji in literary terms. The N3 offers fewer furigana than the N4, therefore exam takers should become as familiar with as many kanji's phonetic reading and meaning as they can. Even while there is still a fair bit of furigana on the test, success has never depended less on how much you know.

Because the N3 is an upper-intermediate level exam, it requires a vocabulary of about 3750 words, which is more than double the requirement for the N4. According to the JLPT website, the N3 tests literacy, and comprehension of passages that contain information about everyday topics. The materials will involve specific information written at a slightly difficult level that will require a firm grasp of Japanese to understand. However, the exam provides some simpler wordings along with the complex content for assistance. In addition, the N3 tests the ability to comprehend summary information, such as newspaper headlines or abbreviated titles of works. Understanding differences between similar terms and grammar patterns helpful to very successfully pass the reading section of the N3.


The listening section of the N3 tests one’s ability to comprehend and follow conversations regarding everyday topics and situations. The audio, according to the JLPT website, is delivered at near-natural speed. However, the subject matters are relatively uncomplicated, so understanding the contents and context of the situation at this speed should be comfortable with enough practice. Some useful recommendations to prepare for the listening section are provided below.

Study Methods

Students of upper-intermediate Japanese ability undoubtedly have textbooks or other materials that have taught and prepared them enough to undertake the N3. Going over this preexisting supply is a significant first step to studying for the exam. Using the audio CDs attached to textbooks is highly recommended to prepare for the listening section of the N3. There are also sample audio tests available on Youtube. These are not only valuable study sources – they are useful indicators of what will be on the N3 listening section. Studying the vocabulary and reading materials of upper-intermediate textbooks is recommended to succeed in the reading section. A strong focus should be put on reading comprehension – kanji, vocabulary, and grammar structure and usage.

Since the N3 requires a significantly more in-depth level of understanding of Japanese than the N4 or N5, using books, movies, and a slice of life manga and anime to study can also be helpful for both sections. The JLTP website and an abundance of others provide quizzes and review useful materials that can aid in preparation as well. Many of these tools are highly reliable since they are primarily created by individuals who have taken the N3 or higher.

The N3 is a useful test of Japanese proficiency that can aid in future employment or academic activity. Passing the N3 reflects a respectable knowledge of Japanese and provides individuals with a globally recognized credential. Flexible language ability and understanding is imperative for success, which can be attained through proper preparation.

Dec 6, 2022

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