"Chinese Language Proficiency Test" is a collection of standardized language examinations created especially for Chinese speakers who are not native speakers. It complies with language guidelines used globally. There are three levels and six levels of language proficiency according to the Common European Language Reference Framework. The scale structure of the Chinese Language Proficiency Test has been expanded to four levels and eight levels, and the "Preparatory Level Chinese Language Proficiency Test" has also been created downward to match to the current circumstances of Chinese language education in foreign countries. The four grades are preparatory level, entrance-level basic level, advanced level, and fluency-proficient level. Based on test results, each level can be further divided into two levels, namely preparatory level one, preparation level two, entry level, and basic level. There are a total of eight levels: proficient, fluent, advanced, advanced, and advanced.

Listening Test, Reading Quiz

The TOCFL Listening Test is an electronic exam. On the computer's screen, test questions and potential solutions are displayed. To select the right response on a test, test-takers should utilize the mouse. The listening section's questions will be played using headphones.

Speaking Test


The Oral Chinese Test is specially designed for Chinese learners and is specially developed by the National Chinese Test Promotion Committee. This test is based on the actual oral language needs of Chinese learners, and is oriented to communication tasks. In terms of propositions, it strives to be close to various communication tasks that need to be achieved in real situations; in terms of assessment, it focuses on whether the test taker can perform in a specific context. Next, through oral expression, effectively convey the message.


The Oral Chinese Test is a foreign language/second language oral proficiency test specially developed for non-native Chinese speakers. It is suitable for a wide range of people, including those who want to know their level of spoken Chinese, or those who want to study or work in Chinese-speaking areas. Candidates can take this test to know their own level of spoken Chinese and use it as a reference for further study.


The Chinese Oral Test adopts an overall score, and the score focuses on content organization, expression ability, and language use. The scoring method adopts the grading system. In terms of evaluation, it focuses on whether the examinee can effectively transmit information and complete communication tasks through oral speech in a specific context. The preparatory grades focus on task completion, vocabulary mastery, and pronunciation accuracy; the entry-level and above grades focus on content organization, expression ability, and language use.

Hierarchical Architecture

The test structure of the Chinese Oral Test divides language ability into four grades and eight grades. The four grades are the preparation level, the basic entry level, the advanced level and the fluency level. Each level can be further subdivided into two levels according to the test scores, respectively, the preparation level I, the preparation level II, the entry level, the basic level, the advanced level, the advanced level, the fluent level, and the proficient level, with a total of eight levels. Candidates can apply for the appropriate level according to their speaking ability.

Test question type

The Preparatory Speaking Test consists of two parts, the first part has 10 questions; the second part has 6 questions. There are three parts in the entry-level basic-level speaking test. The first part is a warm-up question, with a total of 2 questions; the second part is an answer question, with a total of 4 questions, and the third part includes experience description and video description. question. There are two parts in the advanced speaking test. The first part is a warm-up question with a total of 2 questions; the second part includes three types of questions: experience description, picture description and statement of opinion, with a total of 6 questions. The Fluency and Proficiency Level Oral Test consists of three parts, the first part is a statement of opinion questions, a total of 1 question; the second part is a role-playing question, the content includes role-playing and point of view response, a total of 3 questions; the third part is an article abstract There are 3 questions in total, including article abstracts and viewpoints.

Writing Test


The Chinese Writing Test is specially designed for Chinese learners and is specially developed by the National Chinese Test Promotion Committee. This test is guided by communication tasks. In terms of level planning, it is divided according to the complexity of writing communication tasks; in terms of proposition design, it strives to be close to various communication tasks that Chinese learners need to achieve in real situations; in terms of ability assessment, which focuses on examining whether candidates can effectively convey information through written expression in a specific context; in the test method, computer writing is adopted.


The Chinese Writing Test is a foreign/second language writing proficiency test specially developed for non-native Chinese speakers. It is suitable for a wide range of people, including those who want to know their level of Chinese writing, or who want to study or work in Chinese-speaking areas. Since this test adopts computer writing method, candidates must have Chinese input ability (Zhuyin ㄅㄆㄇㄈinput method or Hanyu Pinyin input method).


The scoring system of the Chinese Writing Test is based on a grading system, which examines whether candidates can effectively convey information through written expression in a specific context, word appropriateness and richness.

Hierarchical Architecture

The Chinese Writing Test divides the Chinese writing ability into three grades and six grades. The three grades are the basic entry level, the advanced level, and the fluency level. Each level can be further subdivided into two levels based on the test scores. Level, basic level, advanced level, advanced level, fluent level, proficient level, a total of six levels. Candidates can apply for the appropriate test level according to their own learning background or language ability. The writing test levels correspond to the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) levels in the table below.

The TOCFL Computerized Adaptive Test

The Computerized Chinese aptitude test is based on the item response theory. The computer will instantly estimate the candidate's ability based on the results of the candidate's answer to each item, and select the next test item that is most suitable for the candidate. Since each item is selected based on the test taker's ability, the same level of accuracy can be achieved with fewer items than a general test.

Description of the topic

The Chinese Computerized aptitude test is a non-graded test, so the test covers the current listening test and reading test question types. The listening test includes four types of questions: answering by looking at pictures, question-and-answer comprehension, dialogue and paragraphs; the reading test includes five types of questions: single-sentence comprehension, interpretation by reading pictures, completing paragraphs, filling in the blanks and reading comprehension.

There are about 35 questions for the listening test. After each question is played, there is 10 seconds to answer. After the time is over, the test system will automatically select the next question. The test time is about 50 minutes. The number of questions for the reading test is about 35, the answer time is 60 minutes.

Dec 5, 2022

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