Financial advisors can obtain the certified financial planner (CFP) and chartered financial consultants (ChFC) qualifications. Neither is easy to qualify for, yet both have a distinction or legitimacy that helps advisors. Of course, the variations between the two designations are significant to the issuing bodies. When it comes to financial advisors, the differences may appear insignificant to clients.

What Exactly is a ChFC?

As an alternative to the CFP certification, the ChFC designation was developed in 1982. The American College of Financial Services in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, bestows it. The ChFC is less well-known than the CFP, yet it is nonetheless a prestigious financial planning qualification. The process of obtaining certified is the most significant distinction between the two.

The education portion for a ChFC is lengthier, comprising nine college-level courses. But at the core, it is a similar education to the CFP education. Courses focus on financial planning, covering topics like investing, insurance planning, and retirement planning. There are also courses that focus on planning with different types of clients, such as divorcees or special needs families.

These courses are self-paced and can be done online. There is no final, comprehensive exam, as there is for the CFP designation. Instead, you take a final exam at the end of each course.

To enroll in the program, you must have at least three years of experience in the finance industry. Having a degree in finance or business will help you in the courses and can count as one of your years of experience. Again, you must subscribe to a professional pledge and a code of ethics.

Like the CFP, you must continue to earn CE credits to maintain your designation. This involves taking courses and participating in programs to keep you current on financial planning practices.

Meeting all of these requirements leads to a ChFC designation. These high standards ensure that a ChFC is prepared as a financial advisor to give knowledgeable and helpful advice that suits clients’ needs. In turn, clients will be assured that an advisor with this designation knows what they’re talking about.

What is a CFP?

The CFP designation remains the most widely known certification for financial planning. It is awarded by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. There are four requirements to receive the designation: education, a comprehensive exam, work experience, and ethics. Here is an explanation of each of the four “E’s”.

  • Education: CFPs receive a rigorous education in financial planning. You must hold at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university to begin the initial coursework in a CFP Board-approved program. Then you must complete approved courses that cover topics including retirement, estate planning, and insurance. The education doesn’t stop once you’re certified. To maintain the certification, you must complete continuing education (CE) programs every two years.
  • Exam: After the education portion, you must take a CFP exam. This exam stretches over a few days and covers financial planning, professional conduct and ethics. Passing this exam shows that you’re qualified to develop financial plans, provide useful recommendations and handle client-advisor relationships.
  • Experience: You must also have three years of experience in the finance industry to be eligible to earn this certification. This level of experience shows that you know the ins and outs of the industry, rather than just the general idea.
  • Ethics: Lastly, the ethics requirement consists of a background check and a standards code. Before granting you the certification, the board reviews any potential violations, like previous misconduct. This is to ensure that you adhere to the standards of the CFP Board. Being able to follow the rules of conduct and exhibit professionalism are keys to being a successful financial advisor.

Once you meet all “four e’s” (education, examination, experience and ethics) you may receive your CFP certification. Holding a CFP certification proves to clients that you are knowledgeable in financial planning and have achieved the high standards enforced by the CFP Board.

What’s the Difference Between a CFP and a ChFC?

In practice, certified financial planners (CFPs) and chartered financial consultants (ChFCs) aren’t all that different. The differences lie more in what’s required to earn each certification. The ChFC designation requires more coursework, but both CFPs and ChFCs study the same basic topics. A CFP is required to take seven courses, while a ChFC must take nine courses, two of which are application-based courses. While a CFP must take a comprehensive board exam after completing all coursework, a ChFC takes a test at the end of each course. However, both must have certain levels of professional experience and uphold the high ethical standards required by each issuing organization.

Financial advisors who work in financial planning may be either CFPs or ChFCs. Some may even be both – the coursework overlaps so much that you can take ChFC courses to prepare for the CFP exam. All can advise clients on how to achieve their financial goals and manage their finances.

ChFC vs. CFP: Which One is Better for Financial Planning?

Naturally, you might wonder which type of certification makes an advisor more qualified in financial planning. From a client standpoint, there is not much of a difference between advisors with these two different certifications. Some financial advisors even have both designations. Both issuing organizations maintain high standards and the CE requirement shows that both advisors adapt to the times. Because the CFP is more common, you are more likely to find someone with a CFP designation than a ChFC designation.

That said, the CFP Board and the American College feel that the differences between their designations are enormous. For example, the CFP Board stresses that their designees are held to a fiduciary standard, while ChFCs are not. It also argues that its comprehensive exam requires CFPs to have a deeper and better command of the subject matter. On the other hand, the American College points out that its coursework is more up-to-date and that it requires two electives that have modern-day applications.

As noted earlier, either designation is positive, clearly showing the expertise of the advisor. If you’re trying to choose between a CFP or ChFC and all other factors are equal, you may want to base your decision on personality. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to? Who do you think listens – and hears you – best?

Bottom Line

From a client standpoint, the differences between a ChFC and CFP are minor. Even with the educational differences, they are fairly similar in practice as financial advisors. Both still require extensive education and experience that prepares advisors to give the best financial advice. So, when it comes to choosing an advisor, it is better to judge an advisor on an individual basis, rather than based on which one of these two designations the advisor holds.


Dec 12, 2022
Accounting & Finance

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