You've probably read on several places that the SIELE is the world's most convenient, rapid, and agile multilevel exam. That is correct. And we'll give you even more reasons to take the exam in this article. Still not convinced? Take a look at what this computerized Spanish exam has to offer.  

As you may be aware, every good article has at least ten reasons or benefits to persuade you of something. So here they are:

Improve your CV

It’s clear that having an official Spanish certificate gives your CV more visibility, not only because of your effort and dedication, but also because of the good results you’ve achieved. SIELE is the seal of quality you need to show interviewers that you can handle yourself in Spanish without problems. The job is yours!

International recognition

More than 88 universities in 22 countries already endorse the SIELE’s quality and excellence. If you are considering studying abroad (Spanish-speaking) or applying for an Eramus+ scholarship or even working in a foreign company, trust the SIELE to certify your Spanish with all the guarantees.


Whatever your level, you don’t have to worry when you sign up or even during your preparation, as you’re always going to obtain a level. You get this as a score, from 250 to 1,000 points, equivalent to the A1-C1 levels of the CEFR. You have nothing to lose, and lots of points to gain.

By computer

Yes, you read that right. The whole exam is done by computer, including the oral test. All you need to do is go to your testing center and sit in front of the screen to demonstrate everything you know in Spanish. You no longer have to rehearse not looking nervous in front of the examiner or choose the right clothes to make a good impression. You can even show up in a tracksuit.

Continual exam dates

Now it’s not necessary to wait weeks for the exam date. The SIELE has more than 1,200 exam centers around the world, and each center typically has two or three exam sessions per day. This means choosing the day and time will no longer be a problem.

Many exam centers

And you don’t need to be in a Spanish-speaking country to certify your Spanish proficiency. The SIELE has become famous all over the world, in more than 91 countries. It makes no difference if you’re vacationing on the other side of the planet or traveling for work in your own country. Wherever you go there’ll be a center where you can comfortably take the exam.


This is one of the main advantages of the SIELE Exam. The registration process as well as taking the exam and getting the results are done in a short time. Alright…but how long? Registration will take you about 5-10 minutes (with us, only five!), you can take the test in three hours, and the results will arrive in just two weeks. It’s all done in the blink of an eye (or almost).


Selection processes have changed a lot in recent years. There are companies where you’ll only be asked to speak and understand Spanish to assist clients or attend international events. They don’t care how you express yourself in a letter or how many adjectives you know how to put in a description, right? So why take a full exam? The SIELE allows you to take the exam in individual modalities or in full.

Accuracy and precision: your best allies

The SIELE exam is structured so that it certifies your current Spanish, with very specific exercises and activities to correctly measure your exact language proficiency at a precise moment. It is valid for five years, so it faithfully shows you still have the level that appears on your certificate. Who’s going to doubt your Spanish level when it’s so recent?

Spanish in the world

With the SIELE you take a pan-Hispanic Spanish exam, did you know that? It’s great! Now you don’t have to search for Spanish series and comedies or participate only in forums with native Spaniards. Wherever you study, the language is perfectly valid. And you can use the specific vocabulary you’ve learned during your stay in Ecuador, Cuba, Venezuela, or Bolivia, for example.


Dec 4, 2022

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